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    Parrottsville TN
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    CZ P09

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  1. Now that's funny. A culture of treating everyone fairly is now relegated to the heap of woke entitlement? I don't need you to refund me a few dollars. Go look and see how many abandoned sale threads you have whereas someone months later is still wanting to buy a gun that was offered and the seller is AWOL. No one is policing your classifieds. You can learn from what I pointed out or you can let it fester, it's up to you I already walked out the door before I posted this thread.
  2. I could come here, like everyone else, create 3K BS posts about plastic strikers and Fudds, get me a dozen atta-boy thumbs up on your social credit score card......and you think you'll know me? You spend 5 minutes chatting up some dude in a parking lot and you'll determine if others should do business with him? Then you'll go on to post GLWS posts ad nauseum? Since Sept I've sold/traded over 50 rifles and handguns, I've acquired 40 handguns to my new collection. I've had several transactions from this forum which led to referrals to other people with whom I've sold and traded. That well has be tapped out, I could mention screen names but for what purpose, you don't know these people either. When was the last time you walked into a store and the clerk refused you a sale because -we don't know you here-? Well, how else do you get to know people? My Adam and Eve bit was to prove one point, you dont' know me, you'll never know me, just as you don't 'know' anyone here, it's all a facade. The least you could do is treat everyone fairly, first come, first served. But you won't, you can't, your clique won't allow it, it is the TN way. FWIW, I've come here daily, read some general BS that I might find mildly amusing, and I scour the sale forum at least four times per day, waiting for a local sale of interest. It's a deep sea and there are other fish. GLWS.
  3. I never asked a question. I complained. Reading comprehension.
  4. Grayfox already declared my unimportance. I'm a small town guy. I'm a family man and a small business owner, I just posted my phone number, call me, you'll find me reasonable and pleasant. Surely you know the story of Adam and Eve, the tree of knowledge and the serpent? Was the serpent male or female? No, you can't google the answer, the answer comes straight from the text and it's screaming at you, but you cannot see it. And yes it matters, the process to get to the answer is what changes everything. What's my point? That's what I'm interested in. I'm interested in seeking the answers to questions 99% of the people don't even know to ask. I'm interested in politics, war, sociology, evil, the Text, the Cabal, all the things no one will allow me to discuss here in the Small Town. You don't want to get to know me...just the illusion of it.
  5. Interesting. I have 38K posts at the AKFiles, if you add back in all the deleted threads/posts.....well over 50K. Guess that makes me a Super Citizen Poster over there but not here. Seller sets the conditions for the F2F, I'd meet in the local PD parking lot if necessary. There are plenty of guns to go round and I've bought my share.......ain't begging anyone here for anything. I've also sold my share....traded my share, and I couldn't give a rat's --- who bought it as long as they were legal. You aren't inspiring confidence in your club.....but you're absolutely correct, it's yours.
  6. He would have had his money in two days. Since you are in Nashville, you cannot appreciate that 95% of offerings are in western TN, very little is offered in E TN. And you guys refuse to ship. How about spreading the love a little? Instant gratification is not a positive character attribute.
  7. Here I was not technically ignored however, I was the first contact. Buyer posted -I'll take it- before the seller spoke to me on the phone and I agreed to back away. https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/messenger/142943/
  8. I used the report on today's sale. Here's another-
  9. I'm not demanding change, I'm only asking for some consideration. Other forums, past and present, an -I'll take it- not only puts you to the front of the line but also OBLIGATES the buyer to buy. Today is the third time I've been completely ignored. First -pm- or first -I'll take it- should compel the seller to sell to that would be buyer. Thank you.
  10. Box? Condition?
  11. We cut the cable 12 years ago. If you watch or listen to any MSN you are not only uninformed you are misinformed. and I'm a news junky. Boobtube is not tolerated in my home.
  12. You'll have to trade/buy from individuals now. I've got a couple of Mosin Nagants in excellent condition with a significant amount of ammo that I'd consider trading. Trade will have to be of substance, I'm not giving these away.


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