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Dropkick Murphy

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Everything posted by Dropkick Murphy

  1. Wow! That looks brand new.
  2. So far in 2009 I've seen it mentioned 5 or 6 times. I wouldn't worry about too much. It would be political suicide as we saw when it was passed during the Clinton era.
  3. I don't see anything.
  4. I'm sure this won't make you feel better, and I'm sorry, but I ALWAYS see buttholes parking in the disabled parking spaces who not only run out of the car like a triathlon, but they don't have a placard. What a bunch of bull crap. I'm almost positive you were the only one that was supposed to be there, and you were the only one that got cited. Part of the problem in Tennessee is that the fine for parking in a disabled stall is a joke. $50 bucks? It's almost worth it to some people. In California, I used to make these peoples lives miserable. Fines were $800 to $1000 AND your car got towed. Even better was when somebody would use their dead grandmas placard. Oh my goodness, that always made me happy. All kinds of trouble for doing that. I always wondered why the state or cities don't increase the penalties for this. At least in my area it's an obvious problem.
  5. Dude! You look a little different since I last saw you. I hope you get better soon man. Wii sports is in the mail.
  6. Detention and arrest are two different things. Detention is when you are NOT under arrest, but made to stay put while an investigation takes place. The only people that can detain you (This might be different in Tennessee, I only know California law) are law enforcement and merchants. A civilian can not legally detain somebody to conduct an investigation. As far as powers of arrest, everybody has those. As a citizen you have to do a few things. Let the criminal know who you are, what your intentions are, and why they are being arrested. Keep in mind though, a police officer can make an arrest and find out he made a mistake and cut the person loose with no repercussions. A civillian on the other hand has to be 110% sure the person they arrested has in fact committed the crime, otherwise they are going to get the pants sued off of them. One more thing to keep in mind. If a crime is a misdemeanor you have to actually SEE the person commit the crime in order to arrest them. If the crime is a felony then you do NOT have to see the crime committed.
  7. I started having trouble breathing just looking at that thing. Holy hell.
  8. My best man in my wedding blew the %$#@ out of his hand and neck because of headspacing (Left handed using a right handed rifle). He thought he could "eye ball it". Scared the hell out of me. Be careful man.
  9. I had a bet going with Punisher. I said he would pull out the race card by page 4. I lose. =(
  10. I got a trade thread going in the barter section.
  11. I was born and raised in Paramount California. The effing hood. I had 4 or 5 white kids in my High School. You know, the kind of place liberals promise free this or free that to get votes? Yeah you get the picture. I will gladly tell you that that is not the case. Which should be made apparent to you by some of the bills that have passed in California within the last 10 years. And as far as people leaving the Republican party, it's not because people are waking up and deciding to become liberal or democrats, it's because those conservatives (like myself) realized that the Republican party is no longer conservative. In other words, those leaving are too conservative to be republican. I can't decide if you really believe what you're saying or if you're trying to spin it to recruit people. Either way you aren't impressing anybody.
  12. Do they give out Nobel prizes for irony? They should.
  13. Thanks for the help guys. I decided to trade the sling adapter and get a YHM adapter that I'm actually able to use with my multi tool. Kelemvor, you have a good point. I'll just keep the multi tool in my range bag and tighten it when it needs it.
  14. Border line traitor? In the not too distant future I think we will all have a chance to see who truly is a traitor to the country, constitution, and their own morals. I think you're going to be surprised with what you find. You can already see it happening when people call you a racist or traitor if you don't agree with, and or go along with everything being preached by the President. You know, kind of like what you're doing now.
  15. Yikes. Are they really that bad? I've never been to an RK show before and I'm looking for something very specific. Wonder if I should give it a shot. Put not intended.
  16. The Nobel Peace Prize nomination deadline was January 31, 2009. Based on that fact, Obama had only been in office for 11 days. I'm sure that his accomplishments in these 11 days were so overwhelming that he was the clear winner.
  17. I'm not familiar with loctite. If I want to remove the nut on the buffer tube is it easy to remove the loctite?
  18. Yeah - I'll take a picture. Give me a few.
  19. Has anybody installed a Magpul ASAP sling adapter? I just purchased a nearly $40 dollar DPMS multi tool to tighten the nut back onto the buffer extension, but the design of the Magpul ASAP or the design of the DPMS multi tool is not allowing me to properly seat the wrench. Thus I'm not able to tighten the nut. I'm sure I could wrap some duct tape over the nut and use a pipe wrench but it's frustrating to spend $40 bucks on a tool you probably won't use again. BAH! I'm hoping maybe I'm just dense and I'm missing something, or somebody has a tip or trick to make it work. Thanks a lot!
  20. I'm interested.
  21. I've been to your shop a few times. My only complaint is that you guys are super busy and it's hard to get help at times. But that's now your fault, that's just life. In fact, every time I've been there all of the younger guys go out of their way to help me out and answer some questions. I think some people are just really hard to please.
  22. I thought the comment was aimed at Hero Gear too. And I don't drink coffee!
  23. Judging by the way they treat the retailers who sell their product, I would stay clear the hell away from Spikes Tactical.
  24. My kids are 2 and 3 and a half so this might or might not work for you, but thought I would throw it out there. During the day all the guns go in the safe, and the safe is locked so the kids don't get into it. However, I let them know that if they ever want to look or hold the guns all they have to do is ask me, and they do. Removing the curiosity is the absolute best thing you can do. When the kids go to bed, and we are turning in, I open the gun safe. My go to gun is at the highest place in the safe, with rounds in the magazine, but none in the pipe just in case the kids wake up in the middle of the night and I'm not aware. I'm sure there will be some who think it's folly to not have one in the pipe while it's sitting out, but if not having time to put one in the chamber is a factor you're as good as dead anyway. This is also what works best for me and my family. Your mileage my vary. It's hard figuring out what works best for your family, but after some though you will get the right combination of risk vs reward vs security.


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