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Everything posted by Dropkick Murphy
I guess it's cause I moved from California to Tennessee, but saying Tennessee is not gun friendly is crazy talk to this here yankee.
If you can elaborate a little more, maybe tell us the story behind your question, I'm sure we could help you out with your question. But what from I gather from your question, no, a policeman can not take your weapon away for an extended period of time (if that's what you mean by seize) over a broken tail light or a traffic citation. However, during the traffic stop, if he felt that you were not in a condition to be carrying a weapon, as in, you're nucking futs, and foaming at the mouth etc, then yes he can seize the weapon. Again, we can not fully answer your question, and I hope I'm not jumping to conclusions, but I feel you're leaving out a big part of your story on purpose. I hope we can help you more with your question after you elaborate.
I just joined the group. I'll add the TGO tag if that's what you guys are doing.
Magic, you can change your name through the Steam Client. Look under settings, friends, and the first box you can change your name.
I sent my HD TV back to Olevia for a warranty repair. Next thing I knew they closed their doors and took my TV with it. I got assed out of $500 bucks. So freaking pissed.
I have never hated somebody so much that I've never met. I try not to covet other peoples treasure, but MAN I am so jealous of you. That gun is beautiful.
I'm also at home all the time and have the DPMS multi tool. I don't have a vice though. I live in Hermitage, if you want to use it just come on over.
I served a 2 year mission in Peru when I was 19. Your pictures bring back some great, and some not so great memories. Visiting some of those third world countries in South America will change your life. Your pictures bring back all kinds of feelings. Especially how everything is so simple and slowed way down. I always enjoyed the adventure of trying to take a bus somewhere. They never completely stopped for you to get on. Did they have those tiny little taxis called "ticos", or the "mototaxi" which was essentially a motorcycle with two seats in the back for passengers? Damn things were a death trap. The most important thing your pictures reminded me of was the youth. I never saw kids throwing a tantrum because Mom wouldn't buy them a toy. For the most part kids behaved because Mom would whoop their ass in public. And especially how it reminds me of when I was a kid growing up. Climbing trees, taking long bike rides alone, exploring. Todays kids are totally missing out. Great pictures man. It put a huge smile on my face.
Like some of the others have mentioned. My 3 year old Son can move the slide back and forth if I hold the grip safety. If I do not hold the grip safety he can not. I rather like the grip safety. We take all the precautions necessary to keep our weapons out of the kids hands, one more thing can't hurt. Especially if I can't even feel it when I shoot. Your buddy can get a Glock, but the same thing would have happened. Also, I'm not trying to make you or your buddy feel bad, but don't justify what happened by calling it an Accidental Discharge. He should take responsibility and start calling it what it really is, a negligent discharge. Again, I'm not trying to get your buddy down, but I think it will help him stay safer in the future once he understands that a gun will not go boom on it's own.
Amen. About 2 weeks ago I had to call C.S. and I got a less than satisfactory response. The guy was nice, and did his best, but I think his knowledge was a little lacking, not a big deal really. However I sent in an email about it (it was a nice email explaining my problem and my first attempt to contact CS) and within 40 minutes I had a V.P. call me up and apologize. He sent me a brand new gun part which ended up not even being broken, but he wanted to be sure he didn't make a mistake, he sent me 4 free magazines, 2 hats, stickers, and other stuff for the kids. I was blown away with the sincerity of this mans desire to help me. Hands down best customer service experience I've had.
Damn dude. I bet the chicks dig the wound though.
What do you want to kill snakes for?
Is Famous Dave's Posted?
Dropkick Murphy replied to gnmwilliams's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
The one is Hermitage isn't posted, but I don't OC so I can't really say if they would have a problem with it. -
I'm way stressed out, and NEED to shoot. I'm probably going to be there.
5.11 Tactical makes some awesome Nylon belts. I use the Operator belt and it is hands down the best belt I have ever used. It's not leather of course, but I love that I don't have to worry about the sizing holes in a leather belt, I can fit this one perfectly. It also doesn't stretch out like the cheap leather belts I've worn in the past.
I know where you are coming from. Every time I get a new handgun I get a little antsy about having an ND while drawing. What I do, and what I suggest you give a try, is before you leave your house, practice holstering and drawing with none in the chamber until you feel comfortable. I always do this with a new handgun. If you need to leave the house and you still aren't comfortable with one in the chamber, then use your revolver that you are comfortable with until you feel comfortable with the semi auto handgun. Once you are comfortable with your new handgun, then carry it loaded. It takes too long to chamber a round when seconds count.
I don't know if it's just me, but my only complaint is that the SR556 felt a lot heavier than my AR-15. It's not the gun itself, it's the rails.
NM: Judge tell police to leave OCers alone
Dropkick Murphy replied to Glock30Owner's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Dave, I know that the bigger departments have checks in place to prevent bad arrests, as well as a manner in which officer are taught what they did not learn in the academy. I'm guessing a lot of the problems come from the smaller departments that don't have these checks in place. I know I came from a very small department and we lacked those sort of checks. -
NM: Judge tell police to leave OCers alone
Dropkick Murphy replied to Glock30Owner's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I agree with TMMT. I myself have been guilty of enforcing laws I knew little about, and in the end, turned out I was wrong, and I felt like an idiot. However, I busted my ass improving my knowledge, any chance I got I studied. I was not made to study, I was not required to study, I just realized how important my job was. Within my first year working, I had guys that had been working law enforcement for 30 years asking me advice on certain laws. I'm not bragging, I'm just illustrating that it is up to the individual officer to obtain knowledge of the law. And if that officer is complacent with his knowledge, you're going to have issues arising like the ones brought up in this thread. I say this to echo what TMMT stated, too many stupid laws written by politicians trying to please the sheep. I dare say it's impossible to know all of your states penal codes. -
Wow. That dude is hardcore.
NM: Judge tell police to leave OCers alone
Dropkick Murphy replied to Glock30Owner's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I'm former LEO from California, but not currently. You are obligated to stop and speak to the police officer while he conducts an investigation. However, your detention must be brief as you are not under arrest. If the detention takes longer than a responsible amount of time the police officer must let you go. If you refuse to stop you are impeding him from advancing or completing his investigation. He is then authorized to make you stop by reasonable means. If everything checks out, and no crime has been committed from the original probable cause, he might cite you for obstruction. I don't know the penal codes in Tennessee, but if you want to read more about it google "PC 148 California". Most penal codes are the same from state to state. Hope that answers your question. -
Is this dude for real, or is it a spoof?
Powder Horn & Shooting Bag
Dropkick Murphy replied to Dropkick Murphy's topic in Curio, Relics and Black Powder
Excellent! Thanks Leroy! -
My Father in law inherited his families civil war era rifle. He's visiting Tennessee for a few weeks and is shopping for a antique looking Powder Horn and a Leather Shooting Bag. Does anybody know where I can find these items in middle Tennessee?