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Dropkick Murphy

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Everything posted by Dropkick Murphy

  1. LMAO! The absolute worst is when you sit down and the toilet is warm. UGH! I can't even make myself take a dump on a warm toilet seat in my own house. I'll get up with pants around my ankles and run to our second restroom. But in a public restroom, that's just pure evil.
  2. HAHA! I said "Thank you for your service and welcome to Tennessee!"
  3. Gracias por tu servicio, y bienvenidos a Tennessee!
  4. Since there is an uber long wait for the Del-Ton kits I want to make sure I make the right decisions so I don't get booted to the back of the line if I change my mind down the road. My knowledge of the AR-15 is novice at best, so I hope to be able to put some of your knowledgeable people to work. And yes, I am aware that they don't come with a lower stripped receiver. Picked one up at Hero Gear last weekend. Thanks again Joe! Questions #1 Is there any cons to a light weight Del Ton kit? Are some metal parts replaced with plastic parts etc? #2 I'm a little confused regarding the mid length rifle kit, and rifle kit. Both have 16 inch barrels. What am I missing? #3 What is the advantage of a 2 piece handguard over a 1 piece handguard? #4 Is it worth springing the extra cash for chrome parts? #5 What kind of equipment goes on the gas block rails? I'm trying to decide if I want it or not. #6 What kind of tools will I need to throw the del ton kit together? Thanks for taking the time to help me out. It's much appreciated.
  5. Holy crap. That made my anus pucker.
  6. I guess I should have elaborated more on that - yes the department got sued, as well as his supervisors. When I say sued I don't mean he was made to pay damages, I mean he had to go to court to defend himself, and the legal fees is what caused his bankruptcy.
  7. Do you guys remember that big shot out in California where the two gun men had AKs and vests? I know that sounds like a typical day in so cal but there was a particular one where the cops couldn't take them down and they went to a gun shop and borrowed some AR-15s to finally take them out. Anyway, the last bad guy got shot in the legs and he was just laying there. The officer didn't really try to stop the bleeding or anything, he was just kind of waiting for the ambulance to show up. The officer called for an ambulance for the gunmen twice, but since there were so many other police officers shot the ambulance didn't get there in time and the gunmen died. That officer got sued by the family of the gunmen because he didn't render aid, and was in and out of court. He was in debt up to his eyeballs with lawyer fees, last I heard from one of my instructors he ended up filing for bankruptcy. After hearing that story I made up my mind that I would do the best that I could to help, not because I have compassion or feel my conscience would suffer, but because it looks good to a jury, and I don't have money for a lawyer, well not a good one anyway. Then again, I'm sure I would get sued for using the bad guys favorite t-shirt to stop the bleeding. Meh. EDIT: I guess I should have elaborated more on that - yes the department got sued, as well as his supervisors. When I say sued I don't mean he was made to pay damages, I mean he had to go to court to defend himself, and the legal fees is what caused his bankruptcy.
  8. I like how this was so important to all of us that you decided to put it in the National Politics and Legislation forum. I will definitely be contacting my senator and express my feelings on this issue. Thank you for taking the time to inform us all.
  9. Dropkick Murphy


    Good for you TripleDigit, you are truly encouraging me to get off my butt and start pulling my kids on the wagon a few times around the block.
  10. I've had the same Sypderco knife for years and years, so I haven't really ventured out into other brands. A question regarding the SOGs, the blades that are painted black, does that chip or fade easily?
  11. Holy hell dude. I don't think I've ever seen a collection that big.
  12. +1 That's a universal truth.
  13. Felony hit and run? Ha what a turd. It's only a felony if you physically harm somebody in the hit in run. If it's only property damage it's a misdemeanor. I can see why he no longer is a police officer. Boy was confuzzled from all the deep fried circle pastries he consumed earlier that day.
  14. The guy with the baseball bat escaped the mental hospital.
  15. You know those people that have never had their ass kicked and are absolutely oblivious to what somebody can do to them if they step on the wrong toes? This kid was one of them. He was mouthing off and goofing around to people that walked by and he just got loud with the wrong guy. We ended up taking the guy to a mental evaluation hospitals, and two days later we got a call that he escaped and was running around the home depot parking lot but naked, only wearing shoes. Needless to say we drove REAL slow to that call.
  16. That is seriously the funniest thing I have seen in a while. Best part is I sent the link to my wife and I heard her laughing uncontrollably. She walks out with the shirt, she said she's had it since high school.
  17. I'll tell you all a story. For the span of a few months there was this young adult male who would ALWAYS make pig noises when me and my partner drove by. He was always yelling crap out like "F the PO-lice", "Effing Pigs", "Abuse your power!" blah blah blah. Unfortunately there is no law against stupidity, so I couldn't go over and hook him up or even really get in his face. One beautiful day, I happened to see the same guy running for his effing life, right behind him a angry man with a baseball bat. Dude runs straight at me, literally hides behind me, and I think he even pressed his face against my back in fear for his life. Fortunately nobody was hurt, and everything was resolved. I will never forget how thankful that kid was afterward. From then on, every time he would see me he would wave and we would talk for a bit. He was a nice kid, he just had 1 bad run in with a douch bag cop and all of a sudden every single cop is bad. Same goes for these "sea of evil police officers" people posting. I truly hope you never end up eating crow because you are in fear for your life.
  18. From my experience in law enforcement there are three types of police officers. 1. The good guys. The people that love the job, love making a difference, and love catching the bad guy. 2. The guys that are there because it's a job, and it's better than construction. They just do their job and go home. They don't care either way. 3. Then there is the type of officer like this douche bag. Do as I say not as I do. I am the law, I don't have to follow the law. They are tough guys when they are picking on crack heads, prostitutes, or civilians but as soon as the bullets start flying they are no where to be seen. Luckily the DBs are few and far between.
  19. HAHAHA! That's pretty funny right there. I don't care who you are.
  20. Well, just cause an officer isn't rolling code 3 doesn't mean he isn't going to a priority call. I also think it was pretty stupid to corner the deputy and chase him around like that. That could have ended poorly for everybody. With that said, that kids got balls made of steel. I give him props for calling the deputy out for speeding for no reason.
  21. Dude, my heart sunk for a second there. Bastage.


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