The trail cam picture posted above from Catoosa is the same one I saw, except the picture I saw was a different shot and it wasn't dragging a deer. I saw the picture from a co-worker's cell phone who claimed she was related to the owner of the trail cam. I do know the people involved live near Frozen Head and the Ozone area, and spend a lot of time in Catoosa. She told me they hear the "screams" from a lion quite often and it's pretty common knowledge around those parts that cats are in the area. I certainly can't confirm any of this, just what I have been told by whom I consider a trusty co-worker.
Sounds like a fishy deal if others are seeing similar pictures all of a sudden thoug.
On the other hand, another very trustable co-worker, whom I would never in my lifetime accuse of fabricating the truth swears they saw a black panther a few years ago on the back of their property. They live on the outskirts of Oliver Springs.