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About Rasputin

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    Nashville, TN
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  1. Hey, everything I know came from the video I posted above. In case you can’t see it, search youtube for “Caliber Conversion Beretta 92/M9 and 96” by a user called JaredAF. To summarize his presentation, it will work “90%” by swapping a 92/9mm barrel and magazine. The extractors are different, and so to be “100%” reliable, you should also swap in a 92 slide with the 9mm extractor. At that point, you can also swap in 9x21 or .30 Luger barrels and run those calibers with no modifications. To be clear, though I own many Berettas, I do not own the 92 or the 96! I just watched the video
  2. Mine came in last week. Trigger job is phenomenal on these. Waiting on a suppressor for that threaded barrel. Whoever gets this is gonna have fun.
  3. Zoomed in on and frame, it is 22LR. Nice gun, I have the Tomcat (32). GLWS.
  4. Found one
  5. I’ll take it if it’s available, and I’m in 37211. PMing you
  6. Great caliber for this size gun. Find yourself a little closer to Nashville and I will be happy to take it off your hands. GLWS.
  7. I really like the Samurai Edge look too. Well done. I was curious about the 96/92 conversion. Apparently yes, it’s super easy to go from a 96 to a 92 and Beretta even sold a 96 kit that included all the conversion parts. Just a barrel swap and 9mm mag gets you 90% there.
  8. Bump. I’ll add a few more: Walther PPK/S 22 (or even some of the pre-ban Walther 22s) S&W 351PD 22 Magnum Taurus 942 22LR Keltec P32 Any small 22 Mag revolver
  9. Looking for a pocket-sized 22LR I can train and teach with. Not really sure what I want, so I’m looking to try out a few things. Send me pics of whatever you’ve got sitting at the back of the safe. Meet in Nashville area. LCR 22 S&W 43c LCP2 (Lite) Bersa Thunder Beretta Bobcat 21A/X Taurus PT22 or Tuc22 Anything else pocket-sized in 22LR that’s at least reliable. Thanks.
  10. Sold, thanks all.
  11. Thanks smg01, because if I bring home another revolver I think my wife will kill me. I spent the whole night resisting the temptation to send OP a message! Such a cool little gun.
  12. What a beautiful firearm. This was possibly carried in the Boer War or any of the other seething conflicts of the British Empire of the time. If anyone else is interested, this page has some historical details: https://lsbauctions.com/4181/rare-webley-scott-w-g-model-of-1889-blue-6-double-action-revolver-mfd-1890-1891-antique/ Apologies for being off topic and GLWS
  13. Very interested, PM sent, thanks
  14. Very cool rifle. I love the idea of donating proceeds from a Russian weapon to Ukraine. GLWS


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