Hey all, figured an introduction couldn’t hurt. Been in TN for 20+ years, first in Wilson County and now living in Nashville. Picked up my first firearm in high school when my girlfriend’s dad shoved a makarov into my hands and said “think you can hit that beer can?”… which I did. My dad got a couple firearms back when we had 10 acres and plenty of crabapples to shoot at. Since then I spent some time overseas and dad sold the land and most of the guns, and so I went a good decade without shooting anything at all. All I had left was a 22 plinker and an 1891 argentine mauser sitting in my office when the pandemic hit. Picked up an LCP II as a “#### hits the fan” gun but had never even fired it when we almost got broken into in broad daylight last October. Nobody was hurt and little was taken, but it made me think hard about being prepared for a self-defense situation. Since then I’ve been to a couple of training classes, shot at the range a few times, and picked up a Beretta PX4 to train with. Honestly I had forgotten how much I love to shoot, and I’ve learned a LOT more about myself and my capabilities since investing the time and money in preparation over the last few months.
As far as firearms go I’m looking at picking up a few more handguns, starting with a revolver. Not much need for long guns in the city, although I would love to get into skeet shooting. I’m interested in competitive shooting but I reckon I’m a long way from being good enough to compete!
Anyway thanks for having me here. I’ve learned a lot from this forum so hope to stay a while, make some friends, and contribute as much as I can!