New to the forum, but not new to forums. I've never seen this asked, doesn't mean it hasn't been, but I haven't seen it. What are all the handguns that are compatible with Glock magazines? Kind of curious. I have a metric ton of Glock mags, and sometimes Glock is not the cheapest alternative if you want to add something out of curiosity. For example, I added a PSA dagger 9 which takes the Glock 19 etc mags. Love the gun. It's been 100% reliable, and priced quite nicely at $299 for the base. But I'm just kind of curious what handguns accept Glock mags (not including carbines and pistol carbine). There are many guns out there that I would like to have, but I just don't want to have to deal with so dang many different magazines. For example I dabbled in the Taurus G2C. That would even accept sigmags. Anyway.
PSA dagger 9
Mossberg (can't remember the model) that takes g43 mags
Shadow systems (I have a 918/G45 slide and love it!)