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Tom B

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About Tom B

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  • Location
    Telford, between JC and Greeneville
  • Gender
  • Interests
    guns, motorcycles,snowboarding, mtn biking
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  1. Selling my 2 Dan Wesson Pointman pistols A PM9-9mm, and a PM45. The only DW models with adjustable target sights. Both have fiber optic green front sights. Both are unfired, in the box. Bought new by me. $1600 each, or $3000 together Located in Telford, TN in the Tri Cities area
  2. I was excited at first to see a gun for sale not far from me-lol.
  3. So I actually had a similar thing happen to me a few years back at a concert. Had no idea there would be a metal detector when walking into an outdoor show. I had my little NAA mini revolver on a belt buckle, and it set the alarm off. When the security guard walked over, I said my badge in my wallet must have set it off (I was a firefighter). I was in shorts, T-shirt and sandals, so maybe they figured they would have seen a gun if I had one. Anyway, I guess my word was good enough for them to let me in-lol.
  4. I usually hide my flask in my pocket
  5. Damn, wish I was closer.
  6. Maybe not here, but in CA, NY, MA, CT I bet that would happen-lol. Actually a buddy used to open carry in CT, more than once when he was in a grocery store someone would call the PD.
  7. Tom B

    Lasers on EDC

    Well, I carry smaller guns IWB, and wear them as low as I can so the butt barely is above my belt. I've had the optic catch on my belt. Something I'd rather not deal with. I'm also of the camp that 99% of encounters happen fast without thinking. Probably no time to even aim, let alone look thru an optic. I'm sure a lot of training will help, but Im just not an optic guy for my carry guns. I have several on some target pistols though, and love them. lasers too.
  8. Tom B

    Lasers on EDC

    Except that they make some some guns a lot harder to conceal. I know some folks dont care about that, but I have a thing about printing.
  9. This is exacly what I did to my long guns before selling them, see my post above.
  10. I had an FN FNX 45 for a spell, not the tactical though. It was a HUGE gun-lol. I never bonded with it. Too big to carry and for target shooting I'd rather shoot a 1911. Also, I'd take my CZ97 over the FN any day.
  11. Back about 6 yrs ago I had several blued guns that were just starting to pit and rust. (My own fault due to not so perfect storage). In my experience once they start, theres not much you can do about it (as far as keeping their value). I ended up selling them, figuring I'll get 90-95% of their value now, as opposed to waiting til they got worse. And yes, part of me wishes I still had them-lol. But I feel I made the right choice. None of them were family heirlooms or anything. All I had bought new in the 70's and '80. Got my use out of them. A Winchester 101, Winchester 9422, and a Browning A-bolt .22.
  12. Tom B

    Lasers on EDC

    To me, lasers are in the same group as compensators and red dot optic sights, they are not needed on an EDC gun. IMO, 99% of situations are going to be close up, and probably going to happen fast, as in no time to think about anything. And this is why I dont carry anything big, with lots of rounds. A single stack 380 or 9mm is what I carry all the time. I dont see needing more than 7 rounds. Just my humble opinion of course.
  13. That was you that hit my boat and sank it? I hear this a lot, somewhere there is a lake with a lot of guns at the bottom-lol.
  14. I'll add to that though. I'm not into rifles. I have an AR, couple 22 target rifles, and a couple O/U and S/S shotguns. Mostly into handguns. Can put more in the safe that way-lol.
  15. I dont mind driving either. But the distance I drive is dependent on the price, and what I'm buying. I drove to KY a few years ago to buy a gun that I couldnt find anywhere else, about 3.5 hrs each way. And the price was right. It just seems like 3-4 years ago prices were lower, and I'd buy something for the hell of it cuz it was cheap-lol. Though most of those those buys are long gone, traded away. Hate to say it, but I have MOST of the guns I want-lol.


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