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Everything posted by LEANDER

  1. Bump
  2. Yeah by all means. Just text me if you want and keep me informed or message me through here. If you want additional pics, I can send those as well (as other members can attest to).
  3. Thanks, Mills. If you're interested in them, I'm sure we can negotiate for one or both. Message me or text me at 615-300-3074.
  4. Also, for anyone who is interested, the prices have some negotiation room. I've priced them competitively with the market research that I've done (Armslist and GunBroker as well as some Googling and my own experience), however, I gave myself a bit of wiggle room with most of these to accommodate negotiation. If I'm way off the mark on something, don't be afraid to message me directly. If you can prove that it can be acquired for significantly less elsewhere (after S/H, tax and FFL fees) and it's worth it to you to do a 4473 (which, given this current administration, I believe it is not)--and assuming you can pass a background check--then I'm willing to work with you. I've had some mongrel experiences on here but for the most part the TGO community has been great and I'd like to continue to honor that. Best Regards, J
  5. M1A SOCOM package still available: $2700. Imbel Gear Logo StG-58 FAL package with Trijicon Accupower still available: $3200. Olympic Arms OA-93s still available: $3000 for one and $3500 for the one with the Trijicon MRO. Remington 870 Police Magnum still available: $400. Remington Wingmaster still available: $400. LNIB Colt M4 SOCOM with Trijicon ACOG still available: $3200. Message or comment through here for info or text 615-300-3074 for pics and faster communication.
  6. Yeah I don't know, possibly. But I've found a decent amount of replacement parts, if need be. I never needed them, though. I have only had them for 3-4 years and taken them to the range twice. They were great. The lower is a standard AR lower and I think Kel-Tec and now FN have copied the OA upper platform. As far as I know, aftermarket support shouldn't be a problem. Super cool you got to tour the facility! Olympic Arms was ahead of the curve with the OA-93s! A great piece of history that was killed in the womb by the Clinton administration (no surprise there).
  7. No, I still have it.
  8. Sure, just text me 615-300-3074
  9. Staccato C price drop to $2500.
  10. Also, I've tried to (as always) price things fairly based off of my research but I did give myself some wiggle room on most things and I'm more willing to work with fellow TGO members than the riff-raff of outsiders; I trust you guys more.
  11. Thanks, Turbo! It was great meeting with you last night, despite the angel-sobbing levels of rain bucketing down.
  12. Staccato P sold. Price lowered on Staccato C to $2800 (listed on Armslist for $3K because those people are savages). Found a second magazine for the Sig 239.
  13. Yeah, no problem! It's in 45 ACP.
  14. I likely have a buyer for that one.
  15. Dude my bad. Haha that's a Staccato C.
  16. Bump
  17. No longer available.
  18. bump
  19. bump


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