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Everything posted by LEANDER

  1. Bump to outfit your local citizen watch crew or for those bounty hunters headed to MS.
  2. Celebrate the new day in America. Bump slump
  3. Bumpity humpity who loves my Trumpity
  4. Bump hump for DEI early retirements.
  5. Right arm of the Free World? Pff, try red right hand of the Lord!
  6. They say if Buliwyf ran a chest rig, he'd rock HSG. Just sayin'.
  7. Monday could be hell on earth. Are you prepared to protect your family?
  8. We all want to be John Clark from Clear and Present Danger. Don't miss your opportunity!
  9. A great trunk monkey if you find yourself surrounded by the zombie hordes.
  10. They say dress for the job you want!
  11. This is probably honestly worth it for the bluetooth alone. Helmets are not cheap and these are hard to find. I was going to repaint this for airsoft or use it for paintball/gun training classes but life is taking a different direction.
  12. I always liked these because they kind of reminded me of General Krang's boots from Star Trek VI, but I couldn't find the raptor talons to glue on them so here we are. My loss is your gain.
  13. This also comes with a really heavy duty deployment backpack not shown but it's what I store all the gear in. That alone is probably worth $200.
  14. 40K Space Marines have their Bolters, for sure (the Fostech Origin 12 SBV), but for true waagh, you want a proper Ork dakka. Nothing says "war boy" like a green AK pistol...if you're a sentient fungus who lives for combat, of course.
  15. In the wasteland, rumor has it that Mad Max's cooler, more based God-fearing younger brother, Chad Max, strapped two of these to the forks of his Harley Road King. Are you Chad Max? Or are you Mad Lax, their tranny "sister" (as played by "Elliot" Paige in the upcoming future documentary of the dystopian fallout of 2025)?
  16. What else are you going to use to punch through the throng of zombie CHUDs groaning for your brains in 2025, a Ruger 10/22? Please.
  17. NYE bump get this for yourself before 2025 kicks into gear.
  18. Also, pics aren't working.


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