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Everything posted by JayC

  1. Yes, because that has been the outcome at all the other places people have open carried at for meetings right? I don't want to start the OC/CC debate again... but there just isn't a lot of facts to support this argument... People have gun club meets in restaurants today, many times people at those meetings are open carrying, yet not only does Shoney's (insert other names here) not post, they invite the group back month after month. I've chosen to open carry into restaurants on a fairly regular basis (my business attire I wear day to day doesn't allow me to conceal carry) rather than go unarmed, never had a problem with a business owner/manager asking me to leave. You're right if a bunch of people come into a restaurant and act like complete retards and are bad customers then sure that business may very well post, and while we do have some people like that who have HCP's in TN the vast vast majority are responsible citizens who won't cause a business to post. Just for the record and in hopes of not starting the OC/CC debate... I think CC is always the best choice when you can, but OC is better than not carrying at all. Most important of all it's a personal choice that should be left up to each person as what works best for them.
  2. Wow, they're not even arguing about it... That's a good thing
  3. While we and the media refer to it as HB0962 keep in mind the exact same bill is also tracked as SB1127... Again I'm not positive of the process inside the House/Senate only that the TN Constitution allows either the House or Senate to take it up first then pass the results to the Senate. Since it does appear to have to start in one or the other, then move to the other they may have chosen to start in the House.
  4. I thought the House adapted the Senate version of the bill? Because the House version had both the 11pm curfew as well as age-restriction... where as the Senate version did not? Maybe a conference report is handled differently. I do know the TN Constitution allows either 'House' of the Legislature to take up a veto override... Now there maybe some legislature rules that dictate something else. Or the conference report may play some role in this again since conference reports are largely a legislature rule, and I haven't read all of those rules
  5. Popular newscaster here in Nashville, been around here for years.
  6. I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure they both have to sign it again... And back before it went to the Governor, the bill sat on the Speaker of the House desk for a day or two waiting on his signature. If I get a few minutes today I'll do the research on TN veto overrides, but I'm pretty sure they must sign some official paper work before this bill becomes law. Also, keep in mind that while this was passed first in the House it didn't need to, it could in theory have been brought up in the Senate first.... So the Senate taking this up today is not technically because they were waiting on the House.
  7. The Governor is out of the loop if this bill is approved by the Senate, but we do have to wait until both Speakers of the House and Senate have signed the bill to become law. It may take a couple of days.
  8. The entire reason to have business insurance is to defend your business from different types of civil lawsuits. Anything from slip and falls, to wrongful death. And you're correct your rates do go up for a short period of time whenever you have a claim on your policy (my experience 3-4 years)... But largely you have no control over who files a lawsuit against you... Trust me if you run a business that is open to the public (like say a restaurant) then you're going to have a claim on your insurance before too long. People will file suit over the dumbest things (for example being so drunk they slip out of a chair and hit the ground, even though you refused them service - not a single drink - because they were too drunk - yes that happened and the insurance company paid out on it). From my experience customers largely don't notice gun issues, they don't pick a place to eat based off of whether they allow HCP or not, they're just oblivious to it (much like how they don't notice you carrying a gun 95% of the time)... I'm not going to end up on a list for not posting, my business name isn't going to be in the paper, nor posted all over internet sites for allowing people to carry. A few very liberal people might notice, and might even say something... but I'm not going to loose much business over not posting. On the other hand, if I post, I'm going to have a TFA/TGO forum post listing my business and asking people not to do business with me... I might get in a list from the NRA/GOA/etc emailed out to all their members asking them to not come to my restaurant... And some % of HCP holders are going to skip my restaurant because the one down the street allows carry and I don't. (Trust me, we've seen this from smoking...) I for sure can't afford a 1%-4% drop in sales in this economy.... Or worse pass up an increase of 1%-4% in sales from HCP holders who will now consider my restaurant... I know from experience that insurance rates aren't significantly different between states which allow carry in restaurants vs states like TN (currently) which do not. If there was a real cost increase to the insurance company they would pass it along... We may see a rash of incidents, and insurance rates may go up, but I seriously doubt it... Here is the general rule of thumb... If it reduced costs more than the negative issues with allowing it, do you think McD's, Burger King, Shoney's, Sears, Walmart and other such business would be posted? While you have a point, a HCP shoots somebody in your business somebody is going to file a lawsuit... but if you post, and a HCP who would otherwise have been able to carry gets hurt/killed, which lawsuit do you think is going to hurt more? The lawsuit arguement can cut both ways... Posting seems to carry a lot of negatives, and very few positives... Now, for the record, both my family, and my wife's family are involved in the restaurant business in Middle TN for many decades each. I'm technically a manager grade employee in one of the businesses (which has given me the added bonus of being able to legally carry in those restaurants)... Because the news media and bloggers check these forums on a regular basis I'm not disclosing which restaurants just because I don't want my comments showing up in the paper, and also for the record, these comments are my personal feelings on the subject not official policy of either business. On another note, I can tell you that for years I've just not eaten in other restaurants because I wasn't able to legally carry... I'd drive out of my way or select restaurants for business meetings based on whether I could carry or not... I'm looking forward to going out to a non-family owned place this weekend and getting a meal (more importantly my wife is really looking forward to it). While I maybe the exception to the rule here, my guess is I'm not alone. I also honestly think most restaurants will not post, because there is very little or no upside to posting. <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
  9. Restaurants which are "age restricted" are not smoke free in TN. But, that part of the bill was removed from the passed bill (soon to be law).
  10. I second that.... wow, talk about silly stuff... I now understand why we have such screwed up firearms laws here in TN, those guys have to pass 20 bills a day to make themselves look busy... And the vast majority don't bother doing even the most basic research. IMHO
  11. Looks like sometime between 10am and 1pm tomorrow... According to Senator Jackson.
  12. Jackson is speaking about hb0962 on the floor of the Senate right now...
  13. Technically we have to wait until the Speakers of both the Senate and House have to sign it. It could be the 5th (or maybe later) before to becomes law officially.
  14. In theory if the Senate suspended the rules, they could take it up today. Normally they must wait 24 hours before they can bring it to the floor of the Senate. But yes, if they wanted I believe they could bring it to the floor today. But probably won't.
  15. Override of the veto passes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One step closer... now to the Senate tomorrow....
  16. Just how many police officers been shot by HCP holders in the state of TN? I'm not aware of any...
  17. What on earth does this have to do with legal carrying of handguns? He's complaining that criminals violate the law... well duhh they're criminals.. These aren't HCP holders...
  18. In theory yes he can... but I doubt he'd do it...
  19. Surprise surprise Naifeh doesn't want the veto over-ridden.
  20. I think we're about to see movement... finally.
  21. Now watch it's still going to be another 4 hours before they get to hb0962
  22. It appears you have to receive some type of compensation under TN law to have to registered as a lobbyist... And must receive "reimbursement" to have to register as a "Volunteer Lobbyist"... According to John, he does not receive any form of compensation or reimbursement from the TFA for the work he does with the legislature. Unless that is untrue it doesn't appear he must register as a lobbyist under TN state law, and why waste the money if you don't have to?
  23. There are no bars as defined under TN state law, all businesses issued a restaurant liquor license must primarily be established to serve food. Including these so called "bars". The problem here is not that we'd be allowed to carry in bars, it's that the state ABC does not enforce the law and revoke the liquor license of "bars" since they are operating illegally under state law. If they're not operating illegally then their not bars. <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">


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