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Everything posted by lowbud

  1. I have had both of these numerious times. I really couldn't tell much difference. The LCP is a little more expensive but looks/feels better in the hand. Performance and/or recoil were about the same to me. I still have a p3at but don't carry it anymore since I got the Kahr P380. I never leave home without a Kahr..
  2. The one is Paris, TN. Hasn't been posted until recently. I noticed it the last time I was there.. about 3 weeks ago. Murray, KY. has always been posted.
  3. credit cards are the DEVIL
  4. lowbud

    Health care?????

    +1 nothing else.. not even Toyota.
  5. The only crime is not knowing your own stinking policy. Next time send the rifle/shotgun via UPSP. They know their policy a little better. As for UPS. USE their online billing label it as a gun and drop it at the depot on the counter without saying a word. I have absolutly no issues shipping firearms using UPS or USPS abiding by their policy or not. It's all in how you handle the situation.
  6. Damn that's sweet. I'll get the typical socks and undies.. lol
  7. It's a wonder we got to see the whole video. Most of these incidents are only broadcasted as the punch was thrown showing the officers abusing their authority. I firmly believe if you act like a rabbit dog, you should be treated as one. Some people have no respect for law enforcement. In my mind if you have no respect for the police you have no respect for anything. I fully support whatever means necessary to stop such behavior. These two woman are no different to me then an out of control mob running a muck in the streets breaking windows, burning cars, luding stores, throwing stones, bottles, and whetever else they can get their hands on. They are wild rabbit animals and should be shot dead. I sure as hell wouldn't be using bean bags, tear gas, and other less than lethal weapons against this lack of human decency. Mow their asses down. PERIOD! The world would be a whole lot better off without them.
  8. ^^^ LOL
  9. Personally.. If my wife carried. (and she doesn't) the only gun I would buy her would be a snubby .38 +P. Just like with the car, twist the key and go.. anything else their callin fer us. Giving them anything other then a turnkey (pull triger) simple solution is bad idea. Point and pull trigger, if it doesn't go bang.. pull it again. No tap, rack, blah anything. just pull the damn triger. Ruger, Smith, Charter, Taurus, whatever.. they all go bang when the triger is pulled. Set a price point and go with it. Do what ya like tho.. I'm just sayin if I would buy one.. now if the wife wants to decide on her own.. it's her baby.
  10. Being a new item.. I wouldn't go with the XDM 45. But that's just me.
  11. This is what I would buy IF I was in the market for a full size reliable pistol. it has everything you ask for.. Including easy take down and aftermarket parts..
  12. Yeah... The PM45 is not full size. Not even close.. Besides.. It's gone! I would go with an XD. I had one of those too.. One heck of a shooter.
  13. KY and IN are TN permit freindly..
  14. lowbud

    9mm revolver

    Just goes to show ya there's no REAL market for these.
  15. this ability to opt out is really starting to piss me off. I like the idea of opting out of taxes. Total BS!
  16. lowbud

    9mm revolver

    cheaper to shoot maybe the only reason. I wouldn't want to carry one tho.. reloading could be a nightmare and a matter of life and death. I had a 905 and sold it after about 200 rounds. case extraction is a pain... I don't think rimless revolvers will ever catch on..
  17. holy crap guys.... Years ago I told my daughter.. The front door get's bolted by 2am. If your not home by then, find somewhere else to sleep. Don't like that, move out! It's simple.. follow the rules (like em or not) or go somewhere else.
  18. How can you be charged on a gun that was not purchased. No moneys should exchange hands until they have TICS approval. You mean to say they rang up the gun, you paid them, then they did the bg check? The bg check should come before any money is exchanged. Any dealer that wants my money before approval will not get it.. PERIOD! It's then up to the dealer weather or not to wait for the results of the appeal or sell the gun to someone else.. It's not a law they have to hold it.. some do.. some dont.. Either way.. F their restocking fee. The gun never left the store.. I would take their asses to court over it.. Regardless of any BS you owe only $10 IMHO. You have to pay that even if you are denied... NEVER, NEVER, and I repeat.. NEVER! pay for anything you can't walk away with UNLESS it's via credit card so you can dispute the charge if there's any issues.. And if there is a written policy stating a restocking fee if denied.... get the hell out of there... go somewhere else..
  19. I think that would be an understatement....
  20. Thanks...
  21. 1: Kahr PM40 2: 1973 Ruger Speed Six .357 mag. (it was my dads) Everything else can and will be on the chopping block at some point.
  22. an update on the Kahr p380. 70 rounds FMJ flawless.. Shoots and handles much better then the DB380 or any other 380 I have shot. We have a winner!
  23. an update on the Kahr p380. 70 rounds FMJ flawless.. Shoots and handles much better then the DB380 or any other 380 I have shot.
  24. Well.. I have shot them all accept the SIG and Kahr. No other pistol to date gave me as much problems as the DB380. Way too many broken parts on multiple guns.. actually a different failure every time. No way I would trust one. I have had zero issues with every other mouse gun on the market today. I've had most of them.. I replaced the DB380 with the Kahr p380 and haven't had the chance to fire it yet. Probably will in the next day or so.
  25. UPS solves that problem. My new Kahr P380 came in yesterday.. hopefully i'll get a chance to pop off a few rounds today.


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