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Everything posted by lowbud
It's about time for another Mexican-American war isn't it?
lowbud replied to TGO David's topic in General Chat
legalize the drugs, problem solved. addicts will still be addicts so no change there... just no more profit for these roaches. -
Best way around this is to remote into the home machine and surf from there. You can also setup a proxy at home. So many ways around the likes of websense..
just goes to show you just how screwed up the legal system is. Not only is it wasting our time it's wasting taxpayers time too. the whole system is a flippin joke.
California Governor Signs Marijuana Decriminalization Bill
lowbud replied to Il Duce's topic in General Chat
Amen! -
California Governor Signs Marijuana Decriminalization Bill
lowbud replied to Il Duce's topic in General Chat
90% of the cases in criminal court these days, at least around here are drug related. So i'm all for takeing it easy on the dopeheads. Wanna get high? Go for it.. NOBODY cares! Maybe one day it will all be legal. -
Coming soon, more federal domestic surveillance...
lowbud replied to Raoul's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
You'll be supprised how much of this is already in place. All the big service providers already log everything and it only takes a few hours to get a court order to release those logs. This includes email and IM's from hotmail, yahoo, google, and all the other larger hosting providers out there. Absolutly nothing is private and it's been that way for years. They just want to make it easier to view in real time. -
My son-in-law just left for afghanistan last week. Take care, and stay safe!
How do you talk your daughter into carrying?
lowbud replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
+1 -
I just bought a Jamison Equlizer Latex foam mattress and love it. I'll probably never buy another inner spring mattress again.
When all else fails.. Go into internet options, click on the advanced tab, then click reset to default settings. This will reset IE to it's out od box state and disable all add-ins. Most of the time IE's issue is the add-ins that get installed. ie: search and tool bars. I don't EVER install that crap and I never have an issue using IE.
Are you sure about that? Expunged means just that. a conviction that has been expunged will not show up on a tics bg check for a handgun purchase. There's not a choice in the matter. If his BG is clear, and it should be after the judge signs off on the expungement order they have no means to refuse him as their report should come back clean. expungments are completed at the local and fed level.
It just goes to show you just how much muscle kids have over their parents now days. It really sickens me. It's one thing to want a better life for your kids but within reason.... giving them a better life doesn't mean giving them everything they ask for. I would have counter sued that B for wasting my valuable time.
HAHAH... You must have not watched the credits rolling.... the million is a 40 year annuity. That's BS!
He was at Harrah's Metropolis a few months ago.. lol
Absolutly amazing what one can do to overcome adversity
Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc... Some people just need to find something more productive to do with their time. FB = = fuuukkkine BullSheet
No kidding.. That show tends to piss me off and i threaten to stop watching it. However, since there's isn't much on TV these days I end up watching it anyway. how lame it that.. lol
+1 I've seen his show 2 times already. If you ever get a chance it's well worth it.
The problem with Fighting Gravity is they got predictable and in my opinion quite boring. Poppycock blew his last performance by just singing. I don't care for the music but I did enjoy his way out there antics. I can actually see both with Vegas shows however, they will need to step it up quite a bit to keep the crowds piling in to see them. Michael Grimm is a good singer. Much better then the chicken chaser from last season.. lol
And a split second foot for when the laser alert goes off.. piss on that. I gave up detectors long ago. they all suck! If it's your first ticket go to court and explain the situation to the judge. HE/She will in most cases reduce it. Maybe even to the point of it not going on your record wiich is I believe 5 miles over. If it's your lucky day maybe even get it dismissed.
I am still in disbelief. Let's face it, we all hear little kids sing good. but they still sound like kids. This girl is unbelievable and I don't like that type of music.
How much ammo do you carry for EDC?
lowbud replied to Backon4's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
wow.. -
If encryption is an issue gather all the mac addresses from the puters and hopefully your router has a mac address filter where you can put all the stations you want to access the router. This will stop all freeloaders too. Short of that.. Kill the wireless and go hard wired.
Are you looking at the wireless signal? I would try changing the channel on the wireless and see if that helps. your wireless signal could be getting stepped on by some other device.
I carry the .40 becasue of one simple reason, The abundance of ammo available. During the shortage over the last few years I was always able to pick .40 at my local walmart or gun store. Can't say that about 9mm or 45 or anything else for that matter. The shelves were bare accept .40. This is really the only reason. My gun of choice is the Kahr PM series for carry. The PM40 and PM9 are close to the same size/weight so I really don't have a prefrence on the caliber itself as much as the availability of the ammo. As for one being more accurate then the other, can't prove it by me.. I can hit the same target with every caliber i own.