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Everything posted by lowbud

  1. Wait for all the numbers showing rear end collisions from idiots slamming on the brakes to avoid those called life saving camera's.. It's greed! PERIOD! Budget shortfalls are everywhere and it's just another way to fleece american's out of their hard earned money. The next BIG thing is radar & camera's on the interstate catching speeders. it's comming to a interstate near you soon! You can rest assured it's all about saving lives. Total Bull****!
  2. You ain't kiddin there.. blowouts are in the near future... Everyone is busting at the seams right now. It's only a matter of time before they burst.
  3. I would have simply said No need to leave it in the car. I'll not be returning. Thank You!
  4. lol.. I've had a few over the years..
  5. yeah typical run of the mill AK's have been sub 400 for several months now. Ar's are already sub 650. It wasn't long ago a crappy ar was 1000.00
  6. They are nice little guns for the money but are hit or miss as to what they will fire reliablly. I have the exact same kit minus the short barrel and that gun fires flawless with everything. Earlier this year I had the standard pistol that didn't like anything but cci stinger ammo. FTF and FTE on almost everything else. So if anyone is interested I have the flawless range kit I would be willing to sell for $180. Comes with everything the deluxe kit has minus the short barrell. The nickel model. I'm going to list it in the trading post in a day or so when I feel like opening the safe and digging it out. Why am I selling? B'cause I don't shoot it. ran about 20 mags through it the first day, cleaned it, and haven't touched it since. Since my Dad passed in May (my shooting partner) I just don't feel like shooting much these days. Anyway.. Sorry to hijack your thread Marshall. It's a great plinker. Enjoy it!
  7. lowbud

    Windows 7

    Let's just say everything SUCKS!
  8. I have not dealt with them but they are probably like Empire. Never take their first offer. They always tend to start out high. Work the numbers your way and give them the option to take it or leave it.
  9. what a thread
  10. f the kids, i had my food stamps in-nair, LOL something definetly not right wit dat.
  11. lowbud


    I use Permerthrin. Ticks don't bother me as bad as chiggers. for some reason those bastards are horrible around my place. Before I started using Permerthrin I would get a few bits almost every time I went out. Suckers itch you to death too. KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I wish people wouldn't send this crap out. idiots.
  13. Mom, David's lookin at me...... Are we all like 9 or what? Sheesh. Why feed into an idiot. ignore it. We all know the truth.
  14. next time you or anyone else can't connect do a traceroute to the site, save the results and post when you can.. this will show who's dropping the ball. It's either a dns or routing issue as there are no providers blocking such sites. in windows it's: open dos box and type tracert tngunowners.com
  15. one thing I have noticed is tons of dns cache corruption. clear your dns cache locally and maybe even try using a different dns server. open a dos box and type (in vista open it as admin) ipconfig /flushdns this will clear your local cache. you can also try using another dns server like which is a public level3 server. just a few things to try...
  16. obviously the first review is from someone who got booted. tuff . he/she can cry me a river and go elsewhere..
  17. just a young punk ass ranger on a power trip. He'll grow up one day. Maybe
  18. I use to never run any virus software until about 12 years ago. Now I wouldn't be without it. Scan your computer.. use all available online tools too... one will catch what others wont. trend micro housecall bitdefender Ad-aware spybot many others.. hell use them all.. Also NEVER have a public IP on your puter.. get behind a gateway or firewall or something. Good luck!
  19. don't get me started on meter maids, rent-a-cops and the like. I had a run in with a park ranger over the summer and I almost dropped my bike and started pounding the ****er. I just don't understand why these idiots get on such a power trip.
  20. haha that's one hell of a smoke ring there strickj. bet the 'ole sphincter lost it's pucker on that one....
  21. 99.999% of all emails like this are total BS. I never waste my time reading such crap let alone forwarding it to anyone.
  22. lowbud

    Windows 7

    Vista x64 SP2 on a 8gb core2 quad machine. Rock solid for me running vmware workstation 6 and 4 vm's. I wont be messing with windows 7 until at least SP2 on my production workstation. I don't have the time to waste on bugs, drivers, or whatever the heck they didn't find during the testing.
  23. I was at an auction last weekend and tried to buy one for $575. Some nut got it for i think 675. I definetly wouldn't give over $600 for one.
  24. I bought one back again.. why on earth did I ever sell it in the first place?
  25. should be there ya go....


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