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Everything posted by lowbud
SOB! that's a fine looking rifle.... damnit jhat your killin me..
Can we get a new rule for the trading post?
lowbud replied to TNRobocop's topic in Feedback and Support
There ya have it.. conversation over! -
Can we get a new rule for the trading post?
lowbud replied to TNRobocop's topic in Feedback and Support
I don't think we have a serious issue today but if you want to lock it down I suggest you don't allow any thread bumping at all. Make it where replies to the thread are just added and the thread stays in line with the date of it's creation. Allow a item to be relisted after one week or something to that affect. -
It doesn't really matter.. The people afraid of guns out number the thugs. That said, if they allowed park/school carry the anti firearm idiots would be out numbered. They can't be havin that now can they..
I've had em all. great value, great arms. period!
major purchases are taxed if delivered to TN. For example. I live on the KY border. If I go there to buy furnature or appliances or anything that needs to be delivered to TN, they'll charge you TN tax. If you pick the items up yourself... You pay KY tax. One of these days.. I'm quite sure it'll be soon given the shape of every city, state, locality... you will pay tax on every purchase. As soon as they figure out a fair or accurate way for everyone to handle it.. it'll be.. you can bet the farm on that one...
I wouldn't carry while in Illinois. If your made.. You will be arrested. God forbid you have to use it.. you still go to jail. Granted it's better then being dead.. but Illinois will burry you in legal crap and you'll most likely be convicted of a felony and loose all carry privilages in the future for any state..
Illinois sucks but it is allowable to travel with a gun. Firearm Owner's Frequently Asked Questions If a non-resident is coming to Illinois to hunt and would like to bring their firearm, how do they legally transport it?Non- residents must be legally eligible to possess or acquire firearms and ammunition in their state of residence. It is recommended that, in order to be in compliance with all statutes, non-residents transport all firearms: Unloaded, and Enclosed in a case, and Not immediately accessible or broken down in a nonfunctioning state. Is it legal to have ammunition in the case with the firearm?Yes, so long as the firearm is unloaded and properly enclosed in a case.I have a friend/relative who has a "conceal and carry" permit issued in the state in which they reside. Is the permit recognized in Illinois?No. Non-residents are subject to Illinois law, restrictions, and penalties, and should be familiar with them if the non-resident plans to bring a firearm into the state of Illinois. Nice PDF of a QA from the Illinois state police. http://www.isp.state.il.us/docs/1-154.pdf In a nutshell.. Unloaded, enclosed in a case and not immediately accessible.
I've been at the hermitage location several times. It's not posted but I don't OC. It's always covered by a shirt tail.
and i'm sure that we are or soon will be the minority in this country.
ya know after reading all this crap a question comes to mind. If you are so hung up on all the laws and "THE MAN" putting the kabosh on your constitutional rights, why then hell did you even get a carry permit? Isn't that in itself against the constitution? You should be F'n livid! Now go stick it to the MAN!
I've been stopped so many times I can't count them and I always inform the officer I am legally armed. I have been disarmed about half the time. It really depends on the cop. Some don't care, others will take it every time. Do I care if they lay it on the car, no, take it with em, na... as long as I get it back.. who really cares. it's within their descretion to disarm you or not. I dunno what I would do if I was a cop. People are crazy.. even those legally carrying guns. Hech for all I know the bastard will go postal when I come back with a ticket in my hand. anyway.. if it bothers ya.. don't carry a gun.
started getting new messages this evening about 5pm. Nothing from yesterday or earlier today.... oh well..
My last email from TGO was on the 25th.
5,000 received applications in one day for 1,200 jobs...
lowbud replied to TMMT's topic in General Chat
David those hacks have always been there. I've had to clean up after way too many over the years thinking how the hell can these people command such a rate. It was quite stunning to see these people collecting 100-200/hr for making a mess of things. I use to think the grass was greener on the other side.. now i'm not so sure. way too many so called consultants out there these AND everyone's a computer expert now days which adds to the pile of idiots competing for work. One thing for sure tho.. if your good, likeable, and reliable, the gig's will come.. and once you get them.. you'll have em for a while. It just may take a little bit for clients to weed thru the bafoons! -
Still no emails from TGO.
still not getting them. weird.. the test messages was to see if it was a godaddy queue issue not tgo.. I have mail this morning so somehow it's TGO. I'll try removing that setting in the CP and then enable it again.. i dunno.
I host my own email at godaddy. it could be them I suppose. Altho other things are going thru. Ya'll send me some test emails.. browlett@stinger.org
Anyone having issues with getting emails. I haven't gotten an email about thread subscriptions or PM's in a few days even tho I should be. David, is the mailq backed up?
I also had a 929 I recently parted with to another member here. H&R's are excelent revolvers. I just don't shoot like I use to.
I have a nice little phoenix I can have dropped to your door next day if you use paypal. I'll cover the paypal fee's and part of the shipping. $190 delivered next business day. It's listed in the trading post section. mousegunner did a fine review on these a couple of weeks ago.
Each form is good for 4 or 6 I can't remember. I have filled out enough to know but dont. Anytime I have a gun shipped I try to buy multiples to save on the transfer and TICS fee's. My ffl charges me the same $35 for one or more on the same form.
Nope.. You pay for every form you fill out. $10 every time.
They are also caused by people distracted and not paying attention. I don't run red lights. My problem is ENOUGH with the damn camera's already. Only place you can pick your nose or your ass anywhere without being seen is at home! lol
EAA whitness pistols are great. No worries.. Buy it!