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Everything posted by lowbud
I'm pretty unimpressed by anything. nothing new. same old crap.
I dunno.. I don't always carry. I always have one in the car but not always on me personally. I would say it's about 50/50 chance I may be packin. I don't feel obligated to carry becasue of anything. I carry when I see fit.
not much good if ya aren't able to carry anything IWB. Us gifted guys that have to cinch the belt tight are SOL.. LOL!!!
ugh.. don't do that. load the mag, rack the slide, then remove the mag and replace the round.
one of these will arrive mid week along with a few other goodies I ordered . Initial reports are mixed. I'll post my findings a few days after it gets here.
yes, i do it all the time.
mouse gun in the pocket or normal carry weapon OWB. shirttail out flappin in the wind.. sidearm shows, who really cares. If I travel to a non carry state I disarm and put the gun in a case in one saddle bag and clip in seperate saddle bags.
I would think the recoil would be less on the slim becasue it weighs quite a bit more than the PF9. Size wise their close to the same but the slim is 5oz heavier.
I'm thinking the pf9 is the lightest 9mm out there right now. I had one.. worked great. I just didn't like it. Is it me or does anyone else think the reciever is ugly as hell. It didn't even feel good in the hand to me.
Anyone seen any .380 ammo FMJ and JHP at reasonable prices? $19 + shipping isn't resonable to me for 50 target rounds. Also looking for 9mm FMJ & JHP.. reasonable would be under $13/50 for target.
.380 is becoming more plentyful all the time. It's not back to $13 a box yet but I have found it well under $20.
from what you describe a Hi-Point c9 should do the trick and probably under $150 out the door. 9mm ammo is pretty accessable just about anywhere and still cheaper then most other calibers. I have had 5 different models of these and each one ran reliable. I still keep a c9 in the tackle box. The only ammo I have seen be unreliable in hipoints has been winchester white box. for whatever reason they just wouldn't run in any of the ones I had. however, having said that. I shot 1000's of rounds of jhp's and fmj's that were other then WWB ammo and ran at 100% Now, would I use it as a carry gun? chuckle., I don't think so. their big, ugly, and just too darn heavy for me to carry. Would I trust my life to it? Sure, why not.. after flawless operation of several hundred rounds. (just as I would any weapon) I have and do trust my life with it as a utility weapon, truck gun, tackle box gun, etc... heck the one in the tackle box gets fired about twice a year, never cleaned, it's got rust on it, dirt on it, probably even fish scales.. lol yet every time I test fire it.. it goes bang every time. Do I have better guns, sure.. are they more reliable... trick question.. how can you answer that when everything has fired 100% each to their own tho....
From what my agent told me the only items that required different coverage was firearms over a specific amount. Ammo and accessories would be covered under contents and since I have replacement cost on my policy .... No worries for me. Just have to keep good records. I have records, photo's, and software to keep up with my inventory.
Welcome to TGO. We need more people in this area!!
keep in mind that dell, ibm, hp, in most cases use the same damn parts to build said computers. The same holds true in the server market. I used to build my own pc's from the ground up but have since started using refurb computers from Tiger and building them up from that. Right now I have a gateway branded core 2 quad running 8gb ram on two 1TB raid 0 disks under Vista64, which runs two vmware virtual machines (1 windows XP and 1 Redhat Linux) and have never had an issue. The box is two years old and at the tme, I couldn't build one from the ground up as this one stands today for the price. So you get what you pay for doesn't always hold true. Get what you can, as cheap as you can cause before you know it.. it's obsolete anyway.
good to hear things are looking up. I may just have to try one yet. keep the details flowing on these babys...
to me... the PM40 is the best feeling, shooting, most comfortable concealed carry gun I have had to date. It's the only one I have not sold nor even thought of trading. I bought it.. kept it.. and carry it every single day. Mine is a recent production serial JA3xxx. The first mag I ran through it had one FTF. After that it's had ~500 flawless rounds down the pipe. Half of those being speer gold dot and hornady critical defense JHP. It's run everything I put in it perfectly.
I really have to get one of these again. I had one and let her go in a trade as with so many others and damnit.. I miss it... Great shooters at a great price!
^^^^^ what he said... get them local.. that crappy hasmat fee sucks!!! you'll pay a little more but definetly less than the $25 fee to ship.
We can't.. into the shreader it goes...
10 years old. Savage Model 24 series P 20ga / 22LR over and under. Still have it too..
good grief yet another .380 to hunt ammo for.
I ran 1000's of rounds of both green dot and red dot.. for one reason it was all I could get my hands on at the time. Try a couple different loads and run with it.. I ran 200gr SWC and 230gr LRN with it and never had any issues. Don't remember the actual load but if my memory is correct it was either in the allient specs or reloaders reference.
right.. buds has some for $480 delivered new. I had to reread the OP becasue I was thinking he had a used one for sale which would be at the $400 range. I would never give that much for a taurus .38 revolver regardless of the meterial it was made from. Way too many other - better options out there for $500.
I've used it before. downlaod the reloaders reference at sourceforge or go to alliant's web site to get the formula's. btw, didn't you get that from me?