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Everything posted by lowbud

  1. It's not always the people. It's the industry. Altho I have run into many pond scum before. I feel that when debt is written off by the creditor it should be over and done with. It shouldn't be sold for pennies to bottom feeders. Fear and embarrassment are in the jdb's favor. If everyone knew the laws, and the processes, most of these scum would simply go away. Knowledge is key when dealing with debt collectors. Arm yourself with the right information and all your troubles go away.
  2. Debt collection statute of limitations listed by state If the debt is prior to her discharge I would send them a copy of her discharge. If it's after, it needs to be over 6 years old since last activity on the account. These bottom feeders will tell you anything to scare ya into paying. Don't buy into it. If the debt is old, even close to the statue of limitations, the JDB will never be able to prove the debt in court. Simply show up (if it ever goes there) and ask the judge for Debt Validation. Most of the time they will non-suit the case right away. Feel free to PM me if you have q's.
  3. Na probably too greedy. On Depo.. lol
  4. Oh SNAP! ****'s gonna hit the fan.
  5. +1 Either carry or don't. If you commit to carry then you should never leave home without your gun. And to top that off.. You should have re-armed yourself immediately after leaving the prohibited establishment. You can't fault her for being a woman..
  6. Is dry firing kinda like shooting blanks? I'm confused.. lol
  7. +1 I figured that out too when I inherited my granpa's collection. I have some 1800's too that aren't worth squat. oh well.
  8. Taking the ride over this type of **** is what got my ass arrested back in the 80's. But.. my wife's SOB ex was never seen in in the area again. Was it worth it? Absoutly not. I was never charged for anything but the damn arrest somehow stayed on my record and gave me alot of grief until I finally had it expunged. Stay calm Jamie and PM me if you want more facebook reporters.
  9. No issues with my Kahr's at all. PM9, PM40, P380, CW45. The CW45 would sometimes drop the mag on recoil but a new mag catch fixes that. I haven't heard any bad things about models being produced in the past year or two.
  10. Kid Rock. All Summer Long is the default. then scrwey others for messages and such. mostly midi
  11. holy crap.. 27 pages. Ya'll are crazy!
  12. FWIW I have owned several Kahr's. never an issue with any of them accept the CW45 which would sometimes drop the magazine when fired. I called Kahr and they sent me a new mag catch. solved the problem. As for the breakin.. I never had one.. each gun fired perfect from round 1. My PM40 has over 1000 rounds down the tube without a single failure. best thing to do is handle and fire as many guns as you can. buy the one that best suits your needs and budget. opinions sometimes aren't the best way to decide on a weapon. only you will know what works best for you.
  13. out of state transactions, a gift is a transaction, must be done through a dealer. I'm not sure the state matters. it's federal law.
  14. Near the pepsi
  15. Maybe, maybe not.. tax bill should tell..
  16. I have a wonder boner almost every morning. I wake up wondering WTF was I dreaming about.. lol
  17. ok, i really gotta get my mind out of the gutter.. move along. nothing to see here.. lol
  18. While it is pretty sad, they were not contracted to fight that fire. Simple as that.. Sorry..
  19. I was expecting something else.. lol
  20. Original...
  21. If we saw how most precessed food was processed we would all never eat out again. We would all hunt, fish, trap, whatever and never buy anything at the grocery again. It's a wonder were not all growing extra limbs and ****...
  22. Find another place to hunt. Something in that area is spooking them off. They are everywhere around here.. and I mean EVERYWHERE!!
  23. lowbud

    Websense is Evil

    I hear ya.. Actually I can't believe some employers haven't pulled internet all together. It's the most counter productive thing ever invented for the workplace. What always amazed me is walking down the isle of a cube farm and taking note of who's actually working. bet ya can count the working workers on one hand. But hey.. job security, right?


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