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Everything posted by lowbud

  1. lowbud

    I need to buy a gun

    Ummm I think hi-point's are out of his price range. why even mention it. If the guy was asking about a $200 gun then we can start the hi-point war again. However, I'll put the hi-point in my tackle box up against anything else out there. It's got about 1000 rounds through, never cleaned, and goes bang every time. Right on! and If I run out of ammo I can tie a rope to it and start swinging!
  2. I have had good luck too. I deserve a ticket almost every time I get behind the wheel. I get maybe 1 per year... I try to keep my speed under 10mph over the posted limit but sometimes I'm not paying attention. oh well. I just can't drive that slow on some roads.. 45mph on a rural 5 lane highway just doesn't make sense.
  3. oh damn. RUN! before she changes her mind.
  4. I didn't mind the stinch until a bottle leaked in my office closet. Now I can't stand it. I smellled that crap for weeks.
  5. Vary Nice!
  6. lowbud

    I need to buy a gun

    S&W, SA, Glock, Ruger, all good choices. at 500 you have a good selection of weapons to choose from new and used. Like others suggested, hit a range rental and see what you like. If your still undecided post again with your initial thoughts and/or likings..
  7. if you look at the all the laws, local laws trump state & federal. So I wouldn't want to be caught in chicago with any guns. period. loaded, unloaded, broke down or otherwise.
  8. I use speer gold dot, federal hydra-shok, and magtech guardian gold for JHP defense rounds. but in most cases ya get whaever you can find. Anything else for target. With a small gun just about any ammo will do to get use to the recoil and how it shoots.. I'm not sure anyone thinks about groupings when talking about these things. They are designed for up close and personal. that's it. I keep all of my defense guns loaded jhp, fmj, jhp, fmj and so on. Why? heck I don't know.. I figure if the hollow point doesn't stop em, the fmj will.. if their still commin at ya.. start running.
  9. It's all yours. pm me the address
  10. prices are not horrible.. not good, but not totally out of wack for today. speer gold dot http://www.midwayusa.com/viewProduct/?productnumber=638305 magtech http://sgcusa.com/Ammunition-Handgun/c3_27/p539/Magtech-380-Auto-Box-(380A)/product_info.html Enjoy. I already got mine!
  11. Best thing to do is lock the sucker in a case unloaded and in the trunk. If you don't have a trunk put it where it's not accessable. Basiclly in IL you are SOL as far as carry is concerend. Each county municipality is different too. some allow you to posess them while others don't. If you are going to be in cook county and/or the city of chicago. I would leave your gun at home. Firearm Owner's Frequently Asked Questions and http://www.isp.state.il.us/docs/1-154.pdf and all the finer details http://www.isp.state.il.us/foid/ordinances.cfm
  12. I have a GE 5.8 digital phone to give away before I take a hammer to it. It works great but if you sit on conference calls all day like I do then it's not for you. It will last about 45min on the speaker phone before it dies. First i'll take it.. gets the SOB! it's gone dead on me for the last time!!! it looks like this:
  13. I have 53 peices of .223 brass if anyone wants them. otherwise their going into the trash.
  14. My wife rolls her eyes every time I get the cleaning stuff out. i can't imagine what would happen if I spilled that stuff on the floor.
  15. I agree. everyone is doing 380 and we can't get ammo for it on any regular basis.
  16. lowbud


    yeah.. the tech on the phone was like I don't think it's the gun. I replied with well, maybe not. but I shoot the same ammo and use the same hands/wrists in/on the P3AT and Ruger LCP and never NEVER had this issue with either, and I have had several... He then replied with well if you want to send er in we'll have a look at it. So we'll see how it goes. I'm really not frustrated. I sorta expect these things out of a new company and new firearm. They may have gone to market just a little too quick. However the reviews are mixed.. some good, some bad. I wish I had other ammo to try before sending it off. oh well...
  17. The verdict is in. We have a winner. 200 rounds and absolutly perfect. seems to shoot a little to the lower left but it may be me too. I'm just shooting the steel targets in the back yard. As I expected the recoil is much easier on you vs the keltec P11 or PF9. I could actually see myself using this at the range. Anyway results are as expected, just as the larger mil-pro and 24/7 models. The PT709 is a keeper in my book. porn on the way,, dirty too.. not going to clean it...
  18. lowbud


    Well.. This is an official first believe it or not. I have a 100% bonified jam-o-matic here. I really like the way this thing feels and shoots. the recoil is much easier on ya then a P3AT or LCP but.... I've tried one hand, two hands, WWB and magtech guardian gold +p JHP (that's all I have at the moment) and the sucker will barely get through a mag without a FTF/FTE official jam-o-matic boys and girls....... just got off the phone with diamondback and she's going back for repair. Hopefully they'll work out all the bugs becasue it's a really nice pocket gun. Anyway.. I'll keep ya posted.
  19. I can't speak for the Kahr .380 but I have a PM40 which has been 100% reliable. I have also had the LCP and P3AT with the same results. I didn't buy the kahr by brand i bought it for it's size and caliber. Smallest .40 out there. or was at the time.. maybe still is. In a 380 there are so many choices I couldn't imagine ever paying $600+ for a 380. Buy hey.. that's just me.
  20. lowbud


    Na, those are plain 'ole idiots.
  21. lowbud


    just don't carry so many ya have to use one hand to hold the trousers up.
  22. lowbud


    Ruger LCP KelTec P3AT S&W 642/442 I don't carry a BUG. I have a hard enough time hiding my primary carry a Kahr PM40. I also have one in the truck. So to me, If I can't do the job with my primary, I don't need to be carrying anything.
  23. As in everything.. we all must put up with screwballs every once in a while. There really is a great bunch of people here and only a select few knuckleheads. Welcome to the forum. Enjoy your stay with us.
  24. Best advise.. don't get in a hurry. know pretty well what things are selling for so when the deal comes up.. whatever it is.. you'll feel good about it. Good Luck!


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