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Everything posted by lowbud
This is as good as it gets right now for plinking ammo. Stock up! ammotogo had some speer gold dot on sale a few weeks ago at a reasonable price. couple boxes of those and you'll be all set.
got the gun in the mail today. the repair logs say they replaced the: seer, sear springs, trigger springs, and trigger bar. they even included an extra mag this time... sweet! Test rounds: 48 So far I can't complain about the service. Top notch! at least time in / time out. I just hope they got things right this time.... my plan is to shoot 3 mags of each brand of ammo I have. That will be 72 rounds for today. I'll post the results. If tests are good I will clean the gun and repeat the test in a few days.
lol.. yeah.. it's just like the folks having the moving sale and selling everything including the kitchen sink. I saw several on the news last year where the people sold everything right down to the sheetrock. They left the homes a total wreck.
you're right. I just haven't realized it yet. I carry local when I think about it and always carry if traveling out of my local environment. I suppose I would feel differently if I lived in or near a bigger city but around here I can't think of a time when I didn't feel safe. I'm trying to force myself to carry more often which is why (and don't go there) I pack a small 380. it's the most comfortable lightest gun I can carry and not know it's there. I absolutly love my Kahr PM40 and carry it any time I OWB (IWB is not an option for me) but in cases where I can't cover OWB the 380 slips into the pocket without even knowing it's there..
I am not that committed to every day carry. besides the fact i could never pull it off. I could get away with the 442 and a couple of reloads but not both wearing a mear t-shirt and shorts. don't think I would want to either. but that's just me.. if you can get away with it and feel comfortable.. go for it. back to the OP. I wouldn't trade. you'll probably be sorry later. happens to me all the time.
+1 would be interesting to know what all took place prior to the dozer.. lol
I'll take my chances without.. unless the shooting is questionable. I wouldn't have a problem telling exactly what took place unless the event could have been avoided. if it could have been avoided you've got other problems on your hands.
everything affects us, even section 8. the only point i was trying to make is that ownership isn't as attractive as it once was. heck the odds of a person living in one place long enough anymore is against ya. people move around too much these days.
Not a jerk at all.. You are a Realtor.
All I'm saying is that in today's world.. the odds of ever owning said home are against you. The ones that have, buy, the ones that don't rent. The problem is where the banks are lending to those that don't have and shouldn't. circle of life..
at least your never upside-down. your doing it anyway with interest, taxes, and insurance. think about it.
We would be better off to use cash for everything. The banking system's life goal is to keep us in debt. it's really sad that probably 1/2 of the home owners who have a mortgage owe more than their home is worth today. The whole dream of owning your own home is for the investment when in fact most people will never see it. They are merely pissing their money away on interest, PMI, insurance, maintenance, and taxes to the point where there is no investment anymore. renting is looking better and better all the time.....
That's why you simply say you were in fear for your life and acted in self defense. No need to say anything more unless you are charged. I could care less what the lawyers think or anyone else for that matter. I don't have a attorney on retainer and I don't ever plan on it. I hate the legal system and don't care to feed into it nor it's community.
who cares. banks are nothing more then legel crooks which are backed by our great crooked government. The entire banking/lending system is a joke.
Why on earth would you need to call an attorney right away. if it's clear cut self defense in the eyes of the law then the only reason to involve a lawyer is if you are charged with something or served with a civil wrongful death suit. I personally won't be spending a single dime in attorney's fee's unless it's absolutely necessary. If it's not clear cut self defense, that's another story. call your lawyer. If I shot someone I would get myself to a safe place if I didn't feel safe at the scene and call the police.
privacy? We have no privacy anymore. everything about us is accessable somewhere over the internet. either free and public or cost you about $20
flate rate usps for brass and lead is the only way to travel.
I can't believe the prices I saw at the show today. a buddy of mine picked up a Kahr PM40 or should I say stole the damn thing. However most everything was way overpriced. I mean WAY over priced. One guy was selling a Kahr CW45 at $600... are you kidding me? Don't even get me started on the ammo prices. All in all a good day but holy crap those guys think they have gold in there... missed one good deal that pissed me off.. I tried to buy a gun outside.. while in line and i got spanked by one of the officials. I didn't know it was against the rules to trade outside.. hell I done it many times... so I told the owner to meet me inside the door and I guess he couldn't find my BIG ASS???? Yeah right.. if ya can't see my big fat ugly ass in a croud you are one blind mother'Fer.. Needless to say he sold it to someone else... got the awww man I couldn't find you crap when I finally caught up with him.... whatever.. it'll come back to haunt him one day.. what comes around goes around.. BTW Magic.. picked up two CW45 mags for $45, Yes for both! Cheers!
time to go to wally world
got it today. Thanks!
Mine was being shipped out today. I should have it early next week. Hope it's right this time. According to the gal I spoke with today they replaced several parts and fired 48 rounds through it. I'll post the results of my testing along with the repair order info when I get it back.
question: what is MRS?
I'm not good at rating accept for LNIB lol... I may have to dig the SLR out tomorrow and snap some pics.