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Everything posted by lowbud

  1. lowbud

    Crazy people

    Just like going to the casino and not filling the tank before you get there.There is no fix for stupid. stupid people can walk home and use their guns for boat anchors. I don't loan money at the Casino and I sure as hell don't give out or loan ammo during hard times just so someone can blow it up.
  2. $19 shipping.. what a hose job... oh well.. if your in need.. your in need.. lol
  3. I always hand the officer my license and HCP. If they ask why I gave them my HCP, I sort of chuckle and say if see you see mine and get spooked, I sure don't want to be looking down the barrell of yours. It uasally gets a chuckle from them too.. I have also had them ask where it was and didn't ask any further questions. One time in memphis the officer asked for it and placed it on the roof of my car while he was talking to me and took it back to his car while he was running my record. He gave it back when he returned to my car with a warning. YMMV!
  4. The system has been screwed for well... ever since I can rememeber. So why is everyone so supprised.
  5. I can't ever see buying one myself. .22 plinkers are a dime a dozen and the LCR product line is for CCW. Can't see anyone wanting a .22 for CCW.
  6. I'm so sick of passing the left lane slow pokes only to see them yapping on the phone as i'm passing. Why the left lane???? What the hell is wrong with people?
  7. If cheap is what you want.. get the HP. silly looking thing is a tack driver and eats just about anything (even the cheapest steel cased ammo) you can get your hands on. Hands down the best value anywhere.
  8. I don't understand how requireing a valid state photo ID is a hardship. You shouldn't be able to collect, cash, register, apply, for anything without one, PERIOD!. It's just more smoke and mirror bull**** and yet another reason why this country is falling apart and going broke.
  9. I heard that on the news last night. I can't believe anyone would actually do this. then again... it amazes me what people will do
  10. Kinda what I was thinking..
  11. Dirty mind thought this was something else. Sorry. Carry on..
  12. lowbud


    I started stuffing my own several years ago. I too thought I would smoke less. Na... just cheaper. These days.. allot cheaper. Not that it matters, I have noticed I cough allot less smoking home made smokes vs any of the ready made brands I have smoked over the years. Someday i'll quit. until then, I'll continue to stuff my own.
  13. lowbud

    Kahr .380 owners?

    I've had all the small, light 380's on the planet. The Kahr is top of the line in this arena. It just feels better in the hand than just about anything else it's size. The only pistol of it's kind that even came close to Kahr was the DiamondBack DB380. We all know or should know how that turned out. Altho I have heard they finally worked out the kinks. Pro's.. Shoot one and see... Cons.. Expensive (for a plastic 380)
  14. lowbud

    Fake Rolex

    Ok.. monitor almost got splatted with coke on that one... lol
  15. I took my test with a Bersa Model 85.... Tell them to pound sand and go elsewhere.
  16. I think we can afford to loose some of these valuable youths you speak of. It's impossible to baby/idiot proof the entire world. their trying tho.. more idiots. lol.. the world needs more idiots. NOT!
  17. I call this population control or Normal Churn. Let the stupid people snort, smoke, shoot, pop, and drink anything they want and make it cheap ta boot.
  18. Vacation.. is a wonderful thing.. Saved me the trouble of responding to your drivel..
  19. IP is the protocol they use to communicate. If the computers don't have access to the internet just static the IP's and don't even use the router. You only need a router for access off-site.
  20. Buffallo aren't the fastest things out there but they are reliable. Mine is 5 years old and counting... never a problem, not even with the fan. Best bang on the cheap is a netgear gig switch, put all the puters and the Buffallo on it and don't connect anything to the router. Most of these cheap router/gateways can't handle more than 100mb anyway even tho their gig. Ip's doesn't matter.. whatever floats ur boat. I always use something in the 10. or 172.16. becasue everything defaults to 192.168. and I can't even begin to count the number of times some idiot installed something and took the network down becasue of ip conflicts.
  21. The worst show I have ever seen has been The Outdoorsman with Buck McNeely I mean how cheesy and crappy can one show be... lol
  22. lowbud


    Mine went back 4 times and replaced once.. They ended up refunding my money. Stay away from this one.. more like run away. lol
  23. lowbud


    You're not alone.... If money is not an issue get the Kahr. otherwise the P3AT or LCP are the best bang for the buck. Solid platform and reliable. If you see a DB380.. Run like hell.
  24. Lowbud took a much needed vacation.... To me.. The all the keltec's feel like a POS in my hands. The LCP has a smoother surface and fewer rough plastic edges. Still feels like a POS. I have the all black P380. The only issue I had with it was firing reloads from the range. It's been 100% reliable on every factory load I fed it. As for comparing it to the others... Well.. You can't. The only way to describe it is it's a joy to shoot (for a pocket pistol) All the others hurt my hand. The only other ..380 I liked in this size was the DiamondBack DB380 and that gun had serious issues. Pro's: Looks, Feel, Size, Weight, Reliable, Accurate. Cons: Price If price isn't an issue, get the Kahr. otherwise get the LCP. Also to those knocking the 380.. When you want small and light.. the PM9 or PM40 just isn't light or small enough. The PM40 is my primary carry but there are times when it's just not small enough. So when this happens I reach for the P380. it's so small and light.. I forget I'm carrying it..


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