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  1. Making your own fingerprint cards for a Form 1 is a pain in the rear. If you want to efile and submit a .etf fingerprint file with your Form 1, it's pretty easy now to get your own file. You can go to a place that offers a kiosk and it will scan your prints and they will send you a .etf file that you can use. But, since I had the old school fingerprint cards and an ink pad, I used the ink and made a card like normal then I used my all in one printer to scan the card at 600dpi. Then you purchase the conversion from the ETF Creator website, upload your scan and they send you the .etf file you can use in perpetuity for your e-form submissions instead of having to postal mail them a print card for each Form 1. Took them less than 20 minutes to reply with the option to download my .etf file. No connection to the company, I was just impressed with how fast and easy it was. I just submitted my 1st form 1 with it and I gotta say that not having to make a fingerprint card and deal with the ink and then buy postage and mail the card to the ATF makes the process so much easier. If you don't have the fingerprint cards already you might be better off using a kiosk service, but whatever you do, make sure they actually send you your .etf file so you can file on your own without them. Now I wait for the form 1 approval.
  2. Have an unopened extra of this. I'm in the Chattanooga area. KONUS 8x 42mm Military Binoculars 8x42 Wide Angel Central Focus FOV 1000m/1000yds: 140m/459ft Exit Pupil: 4.5mm Weight gr/oz: 845gr/29.8oz Tripod Adaptable: Yes It's unused and new in box. $50 for local sale
  3. https://newschannel9.com/news/local/bus-tour-makes-stop-in-chattanooga-wednesday-ahead-of-tennessees-special-session# Doesn't seem like it's "off the table".
  4. Good news. FPC is good people. Go get their life membership, they earned it. https://www.firearmspolicy.org/fpc-statement-regarding-membership short recap: LAS VEGAS, NV (May 30, 2023) — Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) issued a statement regarding membership: On Sunday, May 28, 2023, the Board of Directors of Firearms Policy Coalition made a number of formal changes to the membership structure of the organization. First, the Board granted an Individual Membership to all individual monetary donors of FPC who have supported FPC’s activities through financial contribution(s) of twenty U.S. Dollars ($20) or more from June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023, inclusive. Those memberships will have an effective date of June 1, 2022, and an expiration date of December 31, 2023, unless the Individual Member renews the granted membership on or before the end of 2023. This granted membership will ensure that all individuals who supported the work of the organization in the period with a financial contribution of $20 or more are officially recognized by FPC as an Individual Member. FPC will update its membership records accordingly on or about June 1, 2023, and then send a message confirming the granted membership status to all such individuals by email as soon as possible. This one-time donor membership program will not affect the membership term of current FPC members.
  5. I have heard various thoughts on the subject and the latest opinion from FPC appears to be any FPC member is covered, even if you join just now.
  6. In case it wasn't easy to spot, this is the link to leave a comment: https://stateoftennessee.formstack.com/forms/specialsession_public_safety --------- Full release: https://www.tn.gov/governor/news/2023/5/8/gov--lee-announces-special-session-on-public-safety-to-begin-august-21.html Monday, May 08, 2023 | 02:43pm NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Today, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced that he will call for the Tennessee General Assembly to convene a special legislative session on August 21, 2023, to strengthen public safety and preserve constitutional rights. “After speaking with members of the General Assembly, I am calling for a special session on August 21 to continue our important discussion about solutions to keep Tennessee communities safe and preserve the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens,” said Gov. Lee. “There is broad agreement that action is needed, and in the weeks ahead, we’ll continue to listen to Tennesseans and pursue thoughtful, practical measures that strengthen the safety of Tennesseans, preserve Second Amendment rights, prioritize due process protections, support law enforcement and address mental health.” Starting today, Tennesseans are invited to engage in the conversation by sharing feedback here. Gov. Lee will meet with legislators, stakeholders and Tennesseans throughout the summer to discuss practical solutions ahead of the special session. The Governor’s office will issue a formal call ahead of the special session. ----------
  7. Not mine, but thought it was a good post. Scene fades in at gun store.... Woman: I never thought I’d need to buy a gun, but after my ex started threatening me and the kids…I’ve got to be able to protect us. Clerk: I understand, just fill out this form and I’ll run your background check and get you signed up for our training class. Woman: Thank you, here you go. Clerk: Ma’am, did you mean to check yes next to this medication? Woman: Yeah, its just to help with anxiety after these threats started. Clerk: I’m sorry, but under the new Red Flag Law you can’t buy a gun if you take these medications. Woman:(Panicking) But he said he is going to kill us…what do I do? Clerk: I’m sorry, I wish I could help… Narrator: Red Flag laws have serious consequences, call your legislators today and tell them not to take our Rights…
  8. I've already written them directly, but if anyone hasn't had time and would like a quick option, you can use this form: https://www.gunowners.org/tn05012023/
  9. https://www.opn.ca6.uscourts.gov/opinions.pdf/23a0086p-06.pdf Hardin v. ATF (6th Circuit): Sixth Circuit rules against federal bump stock ban, saying that "the rule of lenity that is applicable to criminal offenses requires us to rule in favor of Hardin."
  10. Whoops sorry about that, just got back home. $65 per box.
  11. Federal HST 9mm 124gr, note, these are NOT the 20 round boxes they sell now, these are the "old school" 50 round boxes. I have a couple of these I am not going to use. Would prefer in person sale around Chatt/Hixson area. Bullet cross section photo is from the Federal site, the photo of the boxes is mine.
  12. I carry hard copies. Not sure I would hand my unlocked phone over to any law enforcement agency that wanted to check my form 1 paperwork but that's just me.


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