Maybe this has been addressed, maybe this isn't allowed. I'm unsure, don't lynch me.
The shooters nation podcast. I avidly listened to Shooters Nation as i traveled across the country for work. I will admit, I didn't start listening until somewhere around early 2019. So, I was a little behind. Anyway, after the last episode ("0071 COVID-19 Isn't the Apocalypse that we planned for") I waited a few weeks thinking COVID had slowed things down. Now, almost two years later with no new episode. Which really sucks, because I have since tried atleast a dozen other podcast, none of them shine a light to SHooters Nation. I have yet to even make it through a full episode of a single one. Unless I missed something somewhere, there was no mention of canceling. Is it gone forever? (The only acceptable answer here is no) Is it on a new platform? Was it a victim of "cancel culture"? Does anyone have any of these answers, or do I just look like the grown version of a one hit wonder, pop band fan boy?
One positive effect is that I found this TGO site while searching for our pair of 2A talk show hosts. TGO Seems like a winner in a sea full of has beens and lost causes. Very well laid out, maintained, and none of the irrelevant digging to find content related to anything firearm.
Stay classy,
C. Hansen