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Everything posted by fury2neon

  1. Yeah, wasn't that in 1864...
  2. Oops Duplicate post
  3. The GOP will have a field day will all of Biden's racist quotes.
  4. fury2neon


    It depends on where you live. The theaters around Tullahoma are not posted. And the drive thru in Estill Springs has the best food anyway...
  5. fury2neon

    THE Question

    1 Connery 2 Brosnan 3 Moore The special effects in the new movie are better but Craig is just not Bond.
  6. I probably won't be purchasing much of anything as I will need to save, since he has promised to drastically reduce the work done by the company I work for. He keeps promising to cut defense and NASA budgets in speech after speech to pay for all his give aways, entitlements, welfare, etc... If anyone that works for a defense contractor votes for B.O. they are voting to end their jobs.
  7. fury2neon

    any H&k guys?

    Yep, I carry my P7 on a regular basis.
  8. I just want to know one thing... Which one's pickup truck fell through the ice? While living in Detroit for three years I remember every winter hearing about one pickup a week falling through the ice. Guys would drive out and expect the the truck to be there when they finished fishing. But it never failed that the hot engine melted the ice over the course of several hours and the truck would fall through. Good times, good times...
  9. I hope you enjoy that rifle as much as I enjoy mine. The 556 is a great little shooter.
  10. That about sums it up!
  11. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/seton-motley/2008/08/04/first-person-compare-sen-obama-paris-hilton-was-not-sen-mccain "Andy Warhol said we all get our 15 minutes of fame," says Barack Obama. "I've already had an hour and a half. I mean, I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse."
  12. The Oak Ridge Sportsman's Association has a CMP clinic coming up on the 20th of September. If you have never been to one its worth going. I went to three of them last year but have missed all of them this year. They also have matches on the Sundays following the clinics if you want to compete. http://orsahp.com/2008matchschedule.aspx
  13. Yep, you gotta be careful or the fashion police are going to get you!
  14. She not fat, she's big boned...
  15. I have had DirecTV and my parents have Dish. My equipment is 10 years old and theirs is about 2 years old. Our picture and sound quality are about the same. I installed my DirecTV but now they wont let you do the installation. The installers in my area will only get the signal strength to between 80 and 90 percent. I have mine at 98 on most of the satellites and that makes a big difference. The one thing Dish has over DirecTV is the deals on getting service. Last I looked Dish gave you the equipment and set it up for you for free with a 2 year agreement. DirecTV Sells the equipment for about $99.00 and with free installation.
  16. Those are great! Badgers... We don't need no stinking Badgers!
  17. Or you could choose the M1A1/M14... Ok its not inexpensive but it does not jam as much and the 308 has a bigger punch and its accurate to much farther ranges than the AR.
  18. fury2neon

    4th of July

  19. Bump! Tower has this Smiley with crossbones thingy now... Don't know if its gun related but its one of those evil grins like he up to no good... Maybe next he can go with a smilely with crossed AR's...
  20. fury2neon

    ON THE 4th


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