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Everything posted by fury2neon

  1. In full disclosure, I grew up in Chattanooga. Strickj, my aunt collects your property taxes, she has for forty years. I graduated from high school there and remember when Hamilton Place was a swamp. (I miss that swamp...) I used to think small town life was not for me. Then I moved to Farmington, MI. The mall was three miles away and it took 30 minutes to get there. Work was 20 miles away and it took 1 hour and half to get there. Now I live in Cowan over an Italian restaurant. Barney Fife stops in to get free pizza. I live 20 miles from my office and it take 30 minutes to get there. I don't know how far the closest mall is. It is much more peaceful over here in the middle of nowhere. Oh and Hero Gear is just down the road. I know it sounds like paradise but then I am married so I have to take the good with the bad.
  2. I agree there has to be some government. I just don't think that government is the solution to all our problems. GWB, McCain, Obama, Biden, Gore, Kerry, etc... all seem to think some HS dropout bureaucrat in Washington knows how to run my life better than I do. I just disagree them.
  3. I used to have not trouble posting pics. Now for some reason all I can get posted is a thumbnail. I think I saw where this was explained but I got busy doing actual work and lost the thread. Thanks in advance
  4. Its on CBS? I thought fights had to be on pay-per-view, HBO or Showtime. I miss the Wide World of Sports on ABC they used to always have at least one good fight on per week.
  5. Strickj, I am not saying thing were perfect before government started seizing control, but at least you knew where you stood. Now, thanks to massive regulations you can't take a leak in the woods without violating Federal Law. Oh, just so you EPA watchdogs know... I have never ever taken a leak in the woods. Honest?!?!?!
  6. We the residents of Cowan TN built our own school. The County took it over and ran it into the ground. It is just now starting to recover. The well water on my in-laws place is much cleaner than any city water for at least 100 miles. Roads used to be privately owned and were kept up better but the government said we can do it better and cheaper. And now it cost more and tears up faster. Most of the First Responders I know are volunteers who paid out of their own pocket for their training, and they do a great job.
  7. Cheney was not the first. Jefferson PO'ed Adams by pushing the authority of the VP office and that's why we have the amendment stating that the VP will be of the same party as the President rather than the guy that came in second in the presidential election as the Constitution originally stated.
  8. And these agencies have made stuff so much better. The EPA banned DDT even though there was no scientific reason to just a book of fiction written by a hippy. Since the Department of Education was created our education system has been spiraling into the crappier. Before the D of E kids learned about history, math, English; now they learn that Jane Doe has two mommies and big government is good because you can't just take care of yourself and how to get on welfare the easiest way. Schools used to be run by locals for the community now there is so much Federal regs and grants with strings attached the locals have not real control. Public parks were created through the theft of privately held lands in several cases. In most cases the land was purchased but the owner was not given a choice as to whether to sell or not. Before the "Defense Department" we had a War Department. It is interesting that the War department was involved in fewer conflicts in 150 years than the Defense department in 70. Most of the good hospitals are privately owner. If you want substandard care go to a public one, see the VA hospitals level of "care." Name one thing that government does better than private people or industry besides War.
  9. Blue Ribbon Pizza Thin Crust, Spiced Olive Oil sauce, Spinach, Blue Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese, Bacon Baked in a fire brick oven Its hard to lose weight when you live over an Italian restaurant.
  10. I wore the pistol I bought at Eastside to Hero Gear this afternoon. I always like to makes sure Joe knows I have that one with me. Come to think of it, Joe made more off selling me the holster than Bill did on the pistol...
  11. That's interest the best programmers I have ever met have HS diplomas and worst have Masters Degrees. The HS guys do not know they can't program anything they want so they usually can. The guys with Masters Degrees "know" it not possible and rarely produce anything but more meetings.
  12. My point being that individual rights and limited government was considered the moderate position for at least the first 150 years of this country. In the past 70 years the "center" has moved so far to the left that socialist GOP'ers are considered right wing. Which in the scheme of things makes it hard for people to truly understand what individual rights and very limited government really mean. Just image, no IRS, EPA, no Department of Education, etc... We are a socialist nation we have not had a truly capitalist system since the early 1800's. It was in the 1820's when the first communist community was established in New Harmony Ohio with the backing of many of the politicians in Washington. We have been on the "Road to Serfdom" every since.
  13. Sorry, misinterpreted your smiley.
  14. The difference being that the GOP tries to run the unethical ones out of the party when things like this come to light. The democrats celebrate that they have been able to rub the people face in it.
  15. Hey, why can't we get Jim DeMint to run for President. He sounds like he really gets it. And that is so rare in a politician.
  16. Sorry but McCain has never passed on a chance to vote for socialist legislation. If he is not a socialist then nobody is. Yes, Obama is left of MCain. OK, OK, Obama is left of Stalin, Marx and Moa. It's a shame that the moderates that founded this country are now considered right wing extremist.
  17. She is to much of a lady to use that sort of language.
  18. The more she talks the more I like her. The more Biden talks the more I hear class warfare and socialism.
  19. I think she is doing quite well. She has made some great points and Biden has contradicted his platforms I mean lied about his platform over and over again. I like the point from Palin about "getting our own resources is not raping the land." Wow, can Biden really say all this stuff with a straight face. I can't believe they keep pushing that he and Obama wont raise taxes on the middle class but if history is proof every democrat has promised to cut taxes on the middle class and then when in office raised taxes ONLY on the middle class. Since the democrats politicians are rich they don't raise taxes on themselves, who are the main ones hiding money over seas (see Kennedy Trust Fund in Fiji) or their Hollywood allies. Oh, and shes hot!
  20. You make some very good points there.
  21. Amen Brother Preach On!!!
  22. Is Obama a real Dem? He is against almost everything my democrat friends believe in (religion, gun rights, etc...) but they are voting for him anyway. In the words of one of them; "he may be a crook but he is our crook." I just don't understand voting for someone who is campaigning on the premise of taking away your rights. Not just gun rights but speech and press rights with the Fairness Doctrine. BTW I don't support the RINO, but I do like Palin and she may be the president in two to four years due to McCains health. I was voting for Bob Barr tuill Palin came along.
  23. I think they, the liberal media, were pushing Kerry and Gore as inevitable too, if I remember right.
  24. When the Clinton Administration threatened banks with prosecution if they did not make the initial risky loans, it became the governments fault. Businesses that want to stay in business would not have made those type loans without the threat of government force.
  25. Was I not in the other thread too!?!?! I must have missed it...


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