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Everything posted by fury2neon

  1. Wow, I hate I missed all the "fun."
  2. Are you a democrat? They only let the democrats vote more than once over here...
  3. Because its the solution you argued for.
  4. +1 Mussolini who developed Fascism was socialist writer who could not convince his people to turn to world communism. So he developed National Socialism (Fascism) to move them along toward world communism.
  5. I lost a lot of respect for Powell when he pushed Bush I into stopping the first Gulf War before the job was done.
  6. I wont matter what source material I send you, your mind is made up and my sources wont matter. Check the figures the government releases before you go with a socialized health care advocate, they are a lot closer to reality. There is a 150 years of failed socialist polices to look at and that doesn't matter. The excuse is that socialist just hasn't been tried the "right way" yet. The catch is that it has been tried every way people can think of and it has yet to perform as advertised and its failures have been blamed on capitalism. That is why Jim Quinn came up with the following laws of liberalism Quinn’s Laws of Liberalism- 1. Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent. 2. If you want to know what liberals are up to, pay attention to what they accuse the conservatives of. 3. The amount of wealth in any given area is inversely proportional to the amount of Democrats running it. 4. Liberalism only succeeds when the public is scared into believing that it will not survive without it. 5. When liberalism conflicts with reality, reality must give way. 6. Facts are the enemy of liberalism. 7. Things are different when you are a Democrat [regarding his allegations of the media's ignorance towards Democratic scandals and misconduct]. 8. A Liberal is any person for whom two thousand years of human experience and history means nothing now that they are here. 9. To liberals, intentions are more significant than the outcomes they achieve. 10. Liberals never think what they are doing is wrong, they only think they haven’t done enough of it yet or it is underfunded. 11. Profiling is what groups call bigotry when they have a problem they don’t want to talk about. 12. Democrats and liberals do not engage in debate, they try to silence you. If they engaged in debate, they’d lose. 13. Democrats are political opportunists. 14. Liberalism is based on unproven and/or disproven theory. 15. Every culture is unquestionable except the West’s 16. Liberals view the world the way they think it should be, not the way it is. 17. Being a liberal is the art of standing on ones own head and telling the rest of the world that they are upside down.
  7. Sorry dude, none of my heroes would have accepted any of that 700 Billion. That's your socialist heroes lining their own pockets and claiming it's bail out and socking it to the people who produced that money in the first place. Working people when faced with having to work to pay for everyone else's handouts eventual just stop working so everyone is getting nothing. And that is the socialist goal make everyone poor and miserable equally.
  8. Oh, by the way read Atlas Shrugged. That is what is going to happen if this class warfare socialist crap is not stopped. And then where will all the socialist moochers get their handouts. Robin Hood did not steal from the rich and give to the poor, he stole from the GOVERNMENT (Prince John) and gave to the producers who were kept poor by an oppressive government.
  9. Read the IRS data, throughout peoples lives in the US we move from one class to the next. Younger people make less than older people because experience is worth something. People in the upper classes fall to the bottom, people on the bottom rise to the top. That is the beauty of this country, everyone has a shot at the craps table. Sometimes you roll a seven and sometimes you roll craps but we all get a shot at the table and each day is a new craps game. Unlike Cuba, Russia, even Western Europe where you have to be born into money to be accepted as a higher class. Here you can earn your own money and take care of it or waste it. Its up to you. (Or at least it used to be, you class warfare people hate it when the little guy makes it big blowing your theories.)
  10. Black market prices on weapons will be higher than current retail as there will be no legal retail making the black market sort of a monopoly. Current black market prices are cheaper on some items due the items being stolen and higher on the items that are smuggled in as the smuggling cost have to be covered.
  11. Yes, he is a socialist who has never met a government program he did not like. He knows very little about economics which explains why he has voted with the democrats on economic issues ever since he joined the senate. McCain believes that government is ultimate good as he has never worked anywhere else. As opposed to the founding father who saw government as inherently evil but a necessary one.
  12. Medical Insurance should be abolished as it currently stands. Insurance is for EMERGENCIES, ie auto accidents, home fires, floods, earthquakes, major health issues etc... Currently instead of paying for health care we are paying for hundreds of worthless bureaucrats who decide what health care we can have instead of us paying our doctors directly and getting the care the doctor and patient decide on. Bureaucrats are only there to make the process cost more and that is all insurance truly adds. We have to get back to the society we were where we as individuals took care of ourselves rather than letting a bunch of barely educated bureaucrats make all our decisions for us. Oh and please note most of the people "without Health insurance are young people with no kids who have CHOSEN to not take health insurance.
  13. Socialist Health Care results in no one gets health care but the ruling elite. See Cuba, Canada (oh and all the Canadians in MI getting health care they can't get at home), Germany (where no if you have private insurance they will treat you, if you have the socialist care you ahve to wait a few weeks), etc... Socialist Farming results in Famine see Ethiopia, Russia, Zimbabwe etc... all of these places exported before they turned socialist, the socialist system cause massive famines. Name one capitalist country that has had a famine. Socialist manufacturing results in poor quality, delayed delivery and hording of raw materials. Kind of sounds like the unions in Detroit come to think of it. I can keep going if you need more.
  14. Very short line in Winchester.
  15. 16) Defense - This is my job we are talking about here. 1) War On Terror - You mean war on Islamic Radicals 2) Economy 12) Trade - These go hand in hand, free trade for a free market. 3) Taxes - The Fair Tax Plan, and as Dr Walter Williams says "if 10% is good enough for the Baptist Church then it should be good enough for the Federal Government." 4) Gun Control - Is hitting your target every time 6) Energy - Drill here Drill now, We have over 2 trillion (that's with a T) barrels in Colorado that the Dems have banned us from extracting, whats up with that. 7) Education - Privatization and competition and bust those unions. The BEA has done more to destroy the education system in this country than anything else. 8) Immigration - Open borders but all welfare has to be canceled first 14) Stem Cell - I like the possibility of being able fix damaged organs and extending life with a higher quality of life 10) Health Care - We had better health care before anyone had insurance. I want to be able to go to the doctor and pay with a chicken for an MRI and Pig for surgery. Cut out the bureaucrats and health care is affordable again. It is interesting that Obama's plan to make health care more affordable is to add a lot more cost, now that just does not make since. 15) Death Penalty - Its a good thing and needs to used more often 5) Social Security - Wont be there when I turn 65 9) Environment - I like it but the weather is proving the environment wacko's wrong, see the past 100 years of newspapers (it was cold, it was hot, it was cold, it was hot, it was cold, it was hot, and each time the wacko's panicked.) 11) Abortion - Don't really care what others do, its none of the government business. 13) Gay Marriage - Don't really care so long as they don't make out on park benches or other public places. And that goes for everybody. Get a room, dang it!
  16. +1
  17. A Note from History: No Democrat since JFK has lowered federal income taxes and they have raised taxes on the middle class every time they promised not to.
  18. $2.34 in Winchester
  19. 1 Bob Barr 74% similarity 2 John McCain 60% similarity 3 Barack Obama 37% similarity
  20. I try to avoiding reading it... They can only spell Democrat correctly.
  21. I was trying to make everyone else think you didn't have super powers... SHHHHH
  22. Oak Ridge http://orsa.nxs.net/ Check out the Action Pistol link under Facilities for the 3 Gun Shoots information and directions. Also this weekend on the 18th is the DCM/CMP Service Rifle Clinic starts with an 8:00 AM check in. This is the Civilian Marksmanship Program 200 Yard training class. http://orsahp.com/default.aspx
  23. You obviously have not read the Herald Chronicle published in Winchester. Those guys can't even figure out the spell checker in MS Word or make a complete sentence.


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