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Everything posted by fury2neon

  1. Tonight is a good night for Dewar's White Label and an A Fuente Gran Reserve Cigar.
  2. Hey, where can I get that chainsaw option... That would come in real handy when the zombies attack.
  3. Yep we are about to get cars that can't survive an impact with styrofoam and government health care with bureaucrats deciding if you are worth treating or not.
  4. Dr. Williams is one of the best economist in the nation! He was one of the major supporters of the free state project.
  5. Help out the Chattanooga area on this poll guys. This is for the poll on 5-14-2009 on whether Bredesen should sign the carry in restaurants bill. Chattanooga News and Bull by Nooga.com
  6. Since the tenth amendment. 7 of the nine justices want to reverse the 1941 that reduced states rights to its present point. In that case a farmer was not allowed to grow wheat for his own consumption without federal intervention. It is bad case law. This is a great idea! I hope it does what it is intended to do!
  7. I am not shy about being a Libertarian. And I have yet to find anyone who thought I wanted more gun laws.
  8. And to make matter worse it will tax everyone's bonuses. So if you get a "bonus" this year it will be taxed at 90%. They are just taking this money from you to help those who are not as fortunate as you... yeah right.
  9. The Atlas Shrugged would be against any mandatory government service as they would see it as slavery. In a free society you can not have "mandatory" government service.
  10. If all they are doing is closing down their department so that it wont exist anymore it makes more since. You can't hire someone to end their own job. These knew they would be out of work and stayed only for the bonuses otherwise those closing departments could have cause a lot more damage. It does sort of take the fun out of discussing it though...
  11. And the news stations are so honest... Quinn & Rose in the morning, Glenn Beck and Hannity have all reported them as retention bonuses. So far the right wing radio guys been proven more accurate than the news stations and news papers on most issues.
  12. The AIG bonus were not performance bonuses but retention bonuses. They agreed to continue working for AIG as they closed out their departments and would wait till they had closed out their departments (ending their jobs) to begin looking for a new job. Without the retention bonuses they would have just left and the mess would have been a total collapse. It's not perfect but its better than what happens when the bureaucracy runs things.
  13. :rofl:
  14. What do you expect from the party and the President that gets mad when we fight terrorism?
  15. fury2neon


    ORSA in Oak Ridge has a great CMP program. the next shoots are as follows: 3/21 9am CMP JC Garand with Springfield match in afternoon 3/22 noon CMP Carbine match 4/18 9am CMP New Shooter Clinic The new shooters clinics are a lot of fun. http://orsahp.com/default.aspx
  16. Every year dozens of vehicles fall through the ice while their owners ice fish in a towable shack a few feet away. I don't remember any ice shelf break offs while I was in Michigan. Ice fishing is very popular.
  17. Nice Revolver!
  18. Summer time carry made me remember that Jaclyn Smith on Charlie's Angles said she could conceal a snub nosed 38 in a bikini... I have always wondered how she would do that...
  19. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  20. This is Barak's Certificate of Live Birth and the second page is missing. The second pages tells where he was born. Up until the late '60's Hawaii allowed people from other countries to get a Certificate of Live Birth even if they were born in another country if one of their parents was a Hawaiian resident. I think there was also a time limit on how many weeks since birth. So where is the second page? The other question is how did he get an Indonesian passport if he was not an Indonesian citizen. Or in other words in the '80's how did he enter Pakistan during the time when US citizens were being denied access? These are questions that Barak could have answered easily if he had nothing to hide.
  21. And it's really hard to silence a chainsaw...
  22. http://americancivicliteracy.org/resources/quiz.aspx I got a 96. How well will you do? In spring 2008, a random sample of Americans took a straightforward test designed to assess each respondent’s “knowledge of America’s founding principles and texts, core history, and enduring institutionsâ€â€”ISI’s definition of civic literacy. As detailed below, over 70% of Americans failed this basic test of the kind of knowledge required for informed and responsible citizenship. Grade Number Surveyed Percent Surveyed (90 to 100%) 21 0.8% (80 to 89.9%) 66 2.6 (70 to 79.9%) 185 7.4 (60 to 69.9%) 445 17.8 (59.9% and below) 1,791 71.4 Total 2,508 100.0
  23. +1
  24. Winston Churchill said that with capitalism all people have the chance to become wealthy (And that has been proven through history see England before 1910, USA till 1914, India since 1990, Japan since 1946, South Korea since 1952, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc...) and under socialism they are poor and miserable equally. (And that has been proven through history see Russia, Cuba, Zimbabwe, China, North Korea etc...)


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