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Everything posted by fury2neon

  1. Arafat won the peace prize by saying he wouldn't kill any more Jews that week... The Nobel Peace Prize means NOTHING and hasn't for a long, long time.
  2. I am not real sure Al had that many brains... He seemed smarter before daddy Gore died. His daddy made sure he didn't vocalized stupid stuff. Once daddy died, all the dumb stuff started flowing like the Ganges in typhon season.
  3. Getting the majority vote in Minnesota is not a great endorsement. I mean, they elected Jesse The Body Ventura and Al Franken. Yes, Jesse is nearly a Libertarian but he is a 9/11 truther. And Franken is just nuts pure and simple.
  4. Dr Thomas Sowell (the smartest man in America) wrote a book called Back Rednecks and White Liberals. He ties the problems of the black communities to the bad social policies pushed on them by white liberals. He shows example of example of how white liberals have destroyed the black community and how in the liberal's mind they did it for the black communities own good. How come everytime liberals do something that hurts us as nation its always for our own good?
  5. I heard on the radio this morning that the Southern Poverty Law Center has listed the New Black Panthers as a Right Wing Terrorist Organization. This seem sort of odd considering how the NBP keep pushing left wing socilaist candidates.
  6. I agree completely with the Demolishman reference. Each new surveillance tool against supposed free people is one step closer to Orwell's 1984. We already have "new speak" where the meaning of terms are changed to hide the agendas of the various political parties and change how we think about news stories. Everything that strips liberty from us is always for the children or the elderly or our own good. We need a lot less government and lot more personal responsibility. People who are not responsible for themselves are owned by those who are responsible for them. Our nation has moved from freedom to dependence (slavery). I fear for my kids and what kind of chance they will have just to live their own lives without government interference. I know this post is just about traffic cameras but every inch we move toward totalitarianism is the wrong direction.
  7. What about that there meteor that is supposed to hit on December 21, 2012... :rofl:
  8. Sheldon uses a PC by the way.
  9. I hope so. The northeastern progressives have been running the GOP way too long. We need more Reagan's and fewer Eisenhower's and Hoover's.
  10. You are so right. With drones in the sky, camera's on the street, and administrations changing the historical entries of former administrations we are on our way to fulfilling Orwell's 1984 prophecy and with the economy in the dumper Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged prophecy.
  11. Most Costner movies are pretty good. He did have that one that was just awful, WATERWORLD. I lost a lot of respect for his choices in scripts after that.
  12. http://news.cnet.com...le-street-view/ I think this is hilarious. The marketing guys at Fiat probably just started a prank war but it is funny.
  13. Ain't that the truth.
  14. OK, the State of Tennessee impressed me with their processing of my handgun carry renewal. 3 weeks from filling out the paper work and getting the picture taken until it arrived in my mail box. I figured 2 months easy.
  15. The British were trying to outlaw knives a couple of years back due to the increase in knife violence. I did not get anywhere because it also made cooking knives illegal... There is no rational thought to the anti gun/ anti self-defense laws just that they make the politicians feel good... They of course will not give up their armed guards.
  16. I learned one thing while living in Michigan (other than socialism is a complete failure) and that is you should never drive through Ohio with Michigan tags. You will get a ticket for being a suspected Michigander in Ohio. You can get out of getting the ticket by having a license from another state though... hehehe
  17. That's hilarious... shame about the car... but still very funny.
  18. Gun victims 'targeted and random' BBC News - Cumbria gun victims were 'targeted and random' The Cumbria gunman Derrick Bird deliberately targeted some of his victims and indiscriminately shot at others, police believe. Detectives said his motivations appeared to be a mixture of "grudge and random". At least three of his victims - his brother, his solicitor and a fellow taxi driver - were known to him, but others were apparently strangers. The 52-year-old killed 12 people across the west of the county on Wednesday.
  19. It does sound like mail fraud and the Postal Service has it own court system and investigators.
  20. Condi does want to be president... of the NFL. I think she would make a great president but I agree that she is too smart to want the job.
  21. Name: Sernicola's Address: 106 Tennessee Ave S City: Cowan, TN Contact details: 931-962-3380 Details of posting: Not Posted! We have our guns so the law abiding customers should be able to have theirs to.
  22. I keep hearing people say that Obama is like Robin Hood because Robin hood robbed form the rich and gave to the poor. That just does not sit well with me. Robin hood robbed from Prince John, the Sheriff of Nottingham and Tax collectors. All those guys were the government at the time. They took from the working people by force and claimed to be "maintaining" the kingdom. The people Robin Hood supposedly gave the money to were the farmers, bakers, blacksmiths, etc... These are the producers, the business owners. So for Obama to be like Robin Hood he would have to return money to the people who earned it. That would mean taking money from entitlement programs and giving it to working people or at least stop taking it from the working people and ending entitlement programs. And we know that will never happen. So therefore Obama is nothing like Robin Hood but he would make a fine Prince John.
  23. We think so to. We hope they publish us as not friendly to their point of view. It should increase our business with decent people.
  24. My Wife and Sister-in-law, Mary, have a restaurant, Sernicola's in Cowan TN. This week my Sister-in-law answered the phone the following conversation happened: Mary: Hello Sernicola's Caller: If I have a carry permit can I carry a gun into your restaurant? Mary: I am not sure of the currrent law let me ask the cop in our dinning room. Caller: No, no, the current law says its your choice if you let someone carry into your restaurant. Mary: Well, in that case yes, we would allow people with permits to carry in our restaurant. Caller: I think you are a making a big mistake! You will be losing my business! Mary: We appreciate losing your business, thank you. (CLICK) I was very proud of her for her final comment and hanging up on the moron. And I have started open carrying in our restaurant so our customer will know we respect their gun rights.


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