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Everything posted by bobsguns

  1. Then terminate my membership immediately. Per my request. I refuse to socialize with a bunch of people whom have no sense of humor what so ever. Kick me out as of yesterday.
  2. My hips are fine, thankyouverymuch. Nor are my H&K's, nor are they ever going to be, "mediocre". That criteria is reserved for the Smith autos (except for the Model 41), Rugers of all persuasions, so on & so forth. Seriously, you buy a mid-tier pistol with a so-so rep, which has a thousand or more aftermarket parts made/sold to "improve" it & you're surprised & disappointed when it fails? You should immediately shop for a new Fiat car. You'll love those!
  3. GFY Tactical, go ahead & get your carry permit. That allows you to be covered when carrying in other states as you travel. Personally, *I* am not a fan of open carrying. It invites scrutiny I don't want to have nor seek. My .o2
  4. The 1st Gen Sigma is without a doubt THE biggest stinker S&W has EVER made. It made the Colt Double Eagle or the All-American 2000 look like $10K custom guns, IMO. Which means it's just PERFECT for TGO David!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I'm HIGHLY disappointed TGO David didn't get back a 1st Gen Sigma instead.
  6. Who are you gonna believe? Your years of experience with firearms or a politically aware DA who wants Hollyweird to continue to bring $$$ to cash poor NM????
  7. Ah, ok. Glad you eventually got it resolved in some way. Don'tcha just loooooooooove those bureaucrats????
  8. This jackass is going to get away with it............................. Story
  9. This is what I've read as well. Ethanol is less efficient than pure gas, lower octane, however you want to put it. In short, it sucks. Yet the farmer's lobby keeps pressure on Congress to keep that crap going despite all evidence to the contrary. Al Gore can go eat a bag of dxxks for all I care. I despise that lying, two faced SOB.
  10. If you believe that, then I have a NFL team to sell you. Cheap. Humidity is good for you. Keeps one's skin moist & makes a cold beer taste much, much better.
  11. Ok, is allowing the use of long guns then?
  12. The last several NRA reps we've had would screw up a peanut butter sandwich. No joke.
  13. Which is always means it's a GOOD thing!!!!
  14. bobsguns

    Keltec P-50

    Wow, that has FUN written ALL over that! LOL!!!
  15. Might I ask whom "they" are that are refusing your creds? The TBI? Locals?
  16. bobsguns

    Keltec P-50

    Is there an arm brace made for those?
  17. Can't go shorter than 16" w/o doing a SBR tax stamp. I always thought 18" was mid-length & 16" was Carbine? Every dealer uses their own terminology it seems these days. My .o2
  18. Several states do that but obviously not all of them. I was told TN won't because one can be indicted & before their permit is suspended they can still purchase due to the bureaucratic delay. Anyone whom has been in the TN DMV can attest to that, I'm afraid. TN also doesn't want to lose the $10 TICS fee either. They make a boatload of $$$ off of that fee.
  19. I once had a gun that did that. Too much metal on the inside of the slide stop where the mag hits it, causing it to rise from the bullet casing instead of the mag. Chances are they loaded a single rd, closed the slide & fired it. The slide locked back & they pronounced it within specs. I can understand that if it happened like that. Sometimes the folks answering the phone(s) don't know how to walk someone through the problem where everyone is on the same page. Sadly, I think that happened with you. There's SO much pressure placed on the production people to shove product out the door these days that too many get away when they shouldn't. I've seen Beretta become the worst of this, sadly. Off-center barrels in the slide, all sorts of scuffs & machine tool marks on the barrels, just all sorts of issues. Beretta has denied most of those warranty claims according to their owners, which would infuriate me. Even sadder is almost all of these issues have happened since their move to TN. I've learned to not to give up completely on a brand despite an issue with one gun. Now if a mfgr treated me badly (Galco!) on the fix, then that's a different story. For the record, I've always thought the Shield & M&P series were cheaply made guns. This is another reason I love my H&K's. One gets what one pays for, usually. My .o2
  20. How far down the recoil ladder can you load for? 30-30 level? Less?
  21. No argument there. But the problem as *I* see it is the good ones keep covering for the bad ones time & time again. No one else does that to the extent that I know. Certainly not at any job I've worked at. If someone was drunk on the job, he got mentioned to a supervisor. If someone was a thief or did crappy work, it got mentioned. But cops don't do that. And that needs to change, IMO.
  22. I know ethanol is hell on small engines & doesn't do vehicle engines any good either. I refuse to use it & pay extra for alcohol-free gas. Thanks to the farmer lobby in the mid-west, the ethanol requirement will almost certainly never go away, IMO. The tree huggers pile on that too, so there's extra weight to fight off.
  23. I can hear the screams now were this proposed in the Assembly. I thought one could be a sheriff but had to gain certification within so many days of being elected? Or am I wrong on that? I think it's a good idea for a sheriff to be POST qualified, IMO. I remember when I was little (I'm 63) & hearing older folks talk about rural sheriffs being barely able to sign their name, much less read a warrant. They got elected via political machines & not ability. Thankfully that's changed a great deal in almost everywhere.
  24. As we all are. I have several friends whom are or were cops. I thought the world of Buford Tune of Nashville. But I despise the whole "blue wall of silence" of cops whom cover for those whom they KNOW should not be cops or even security guards for that matter. The whole "no-knock" warrant thing is completely out of control & multiple Metro cops were just up for disciplinary action for one. One or two got fired over it, IIRC? The "asset forfeiture" thing over carrying cash is another perfect example of "theft by badge". Yes, I realize the various legislatures passed the law on that. But cops seizing people's cash & requiring them to spend $$$$ on a lawyer, go to court just to get their OWN $$$ back is horse manure. If cops would police their selves & get rid of the ones they KNOW are bad cops, there may not be all those civilian review boards, IMO. My .o2
  25. I don't necessarily disagree with that, BUT! I think there should be a few exceptions for that requirement, IMO. Someone with mil background, perhaps certain MOS'? Someone whom has had a permit for over 10 years with no FUBARs? Those sorts of things. I don't think extra training should be mandated upon those whom already have their permits & may not want to add the additional areas of carry? As one whom has worked the inspection station at a gun range, NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the general public! Cops aren't generally any better either, IMO. They're not "gun guys". There's multiple cases where a cop drew their weapon, thinking it was a taser (their words, not mine) & fired it. A cop up in MN just was found guilty on that very thing. So training is a good thing, even among experienced shooters. That's why I like shooting matches & watching the "good" shooters, I always learn something at every match. But as we keep writing, it'll never get out of committee, IMO.


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