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Everything posted by JD_Shellnut

  1. Sir, I beg of you to please give this some more thought. Granted, this is a forum of gun owners, for gun owners, by gun owners, but don’t make the mistake of equating the carrying of a firearm with the possessing of the internal fortitude to actually use one to end the life of another human being. It’s very easy for us to sit here, while in relative comfort and safety, and criticize these officers for their actions (or inactions), is it not? This is always a temptation for most of us, but I pose the question “how can we be certain that we’d do any better?” Do you want to know how to tell the difference between a veteran of the military versus a vet that has been in combat? A man who has been in combat will never second guess a man’s actions once the bullets start to snap, not from his armchair, anyhow. I attest to you right now that until one experiences such an encounter, there is absolutely no way to know how one might react! With God as my witness, I will say that a man whom everyone counted on as being a leader became a quivering baby, and some others that I would’ve bet my life would be the first to call for mama while sucking their thumbs actually transitioned into absolute animals! Is this logical? Not at all but on my very life I can attest to the reality of it. Please, sir, know that I respect your opinions whether or not I agree with you or not. I’ll go a step further and encourage you to speak out from your heart no matter what people like me have to say. I see how you get knocked around a bit on here for having a bit of different perspective than the status quo and that’s a very, very good thing in any conversation. I applaud you for it…doesn’t mean I have to agree though, same for you. Fact is, fellers, there is nothing that can be done, ever, to prevent this type of thing when the perpetrator is determined. I know there are some people on here that have worked in jails and prisons…I’m sure they all have stories about the resourcefulness of the determined criminal mind. The sad truth is that these incidents begin in the home….the family, or sadly, the lack thereof. There is an attack on family, morals, community, and God that is being hurled at as all from myriad fronts, but it is the corrupt news media that is the spearhead. Until they are held accountable (you know, the concept that all the rest of us are guided by) for what they are knowingly and maliciously doing to the people of this country, it can only get worse! Propagating lies, fear, anger, and division to the masses, and for what? Ratings? Greed? Entertainment? It is pure, unadulterated EVIL. There is only one WAY to overcome evil.
  2. Now sir, I take issue with this statement! Without input from Reddit I would’ve never completed Red Dead Redemption 2!!! PS joke
  3. Young fella, you have every right to hold this opinion, or any other one for that matter, but, if you want to have people respect your ideas, what you should strive for is to qualify your statements with the factual evidence that you used to reach your opinion. Many people in this age have strong opinions to share, but very seldom do you hear how they got there. This statement that you made earlier would be a very irresponsible thing to put into circulation if you cannot back it up with factual evidence. I think you will find that you are in the company of some extremely well informed and intelligent Tennesseans (myself excluded, obviously) who know a thing or two about our government, and may not appreciate here-say…which is basically a statement that makes an assertion yet lacks the evidence to confirm whether or not it’s the truth. Look, please don’t think that I’m picking on you here, because I am not. Rather, I’m trying to give you some helpful advice. Making a claim like the one that you made is akin to what is being fed to the misinformed every waking hour from the corrupt news media in this country. Thanks to social media, non-events are flamed into conflagrations in no time flat because we are living in a time where people simply react in a knee jerk fashion rather than take the time to find out whether something is true or not. Sometimes, God forbid, innocent people get hurt. This is tragic. What if some day in the future you work for an employer who bids on, say, a government contract? Perhaps this contract requires you to obtain a clearance to work on a sensitive piece of equipment. When those fact finders dig into your life (and they most certainly will), a statement where you publicly go on record and blame the government for a heinous act such as the one perpetrated by that disturbed young man will not be to your advantage. When we hit ‘send’, our words go out into cyberspace and you can’t simply reel it back in. Do I agree with that? No, no I do not. Everyone has said things, thought things, even done things that they regret as soon as it happens (myself very much included!). People change, opinions change, people grow, mature, become wiser, smarter and to judge someone’s lifelong merits based on a tweet or text is the definition of insanity…but these are the times we are living in, unfortunately. These terrible events are not going to go away. They are here to stay and they’ll keep getting worse because the die has been cast and there’s no turning back. We as a nation have collectively turned our back on the only One who could possibly right this sinking ship. Professing to be wise, we’ve become as fools. It is far too late to save this country but, thankfully, people can still be SAVED. Brothers, if you want to understand why these things are happening, just search the Scriptures. Solomon (who has the distinction of being the wisest mortal to have ever lived) wrote “there is nothing new under the sun”. Think about that for a minute….all the ‘advances’ our society has made…the technology, even! It’s nothing new, only packaged differently is all. It was Paul the Apostle who reminded/warned us in Ephesians Chap 6 and verse 12 that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. Just in case anyone isn’t familiar with “principalities, powers, and rulers”, those are different ranks, or classes of wicked supernatural entities that serve the (little g) god of this world, also known as “the Prince of the Power of the Air” - our Adversary, Satan and this is all his doing. This domain is his until Christ returns to take it from him. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
  4. Seems like I heard a while back that they were expecting to be in production early to mid 2023, but I’m not certain if that particular firearm will be among the first produced…heck I don’t even know what all the plant will produce at all, now that I open my big flapper! Is it like automotive where they have several factories that each one produces a few products or how it works. I, too, would like to know that.
  5. I love me some 10mm, but gotta agree with this. I was a bit puzzled as to why they would go that route in the first place, speaking of the comparison to .41mag in the advert above. Sure, if you take a scalding hot 10mm load, say for instance something offered by DoubleTap, Underwood, or Buffalo Bore and then compare it to a .41mag standard load, then sure it’s comparable but you don’t even have to understand the first thing about firearms to see the obvious fallacy! Now that you mention it, krunchnik, it seems like I came across this same comparison somewhere else recently…I mean, what happened to .357mag? That’s a much more realistic comparison all around and what’s not to respect about that man stopper? Can I get an amen? You’re practically always going to come out ahead, stat-wise, with a revolver when compared to an auto-loader, platform vs platform….BUT (and there’s always a ‘but’) I cannot argue that I prefer my chances with the 10mm when it comes time to reload, am I right? Take, for example, this elegant lady that SA has just offered to us above…just for fun let’s say we have a charging rhinoceros ( thank you spellcheck) bearing down on us. You would have to reload your revolver twice and have one single shot left (before having to reload a third time) by the time you took your 17th shot - with our SA you get 17 rounds down range before the first reload! A flic of the wrist and you have 17 more shots. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I can reload my semi-automatics WAY, WAY faster than I can any of my wheel guns, speedloader or not! When you think of the devastation you can unleash with 17 rounds of 10mm versus 6 rounds of .41mag, well, then they may have a point, but that opens up a literal ‘Pandora’s Box’ of other arguments in itself. All that to say, yep, head to head, round vs round, it’s disingenuous to say 10mm Auto has equal power (or comparable to, really) with .41 Mag. If you REALLY want to widen the gap, lol, compare the two with custom loaded rounds max vs max! You’ll see the .41Mag is a wicked, wicked beast! Aaah…still gotta love the TEN MIKE MIKE. It’s truly my favorite platform.
  6. GI got this email earlier. It’s very nice but I’m not for sure why it has been given the “new” label? Anyone know what the ‘Elite’ aspect carries with it? I’m honestly curious to know. ThanksMor ris ( Sent from ProtonMail for
  7. What an uncanny resemblance his visage has to Richard Ramirez, the night stalker. My prayers go out to the families. How extraordinarily devastating
  8. Ugh! If I could….just….see…..the other half…..of that….rifle….case! Scroll mouse, scroll! Show me the delightful mystery toys that are resting on the unseen remainder of the egg crate foam!!!
  9. Ok, sir, no problem at all, just wanted to help you out in case you weren’t able to find one. I wish you only the best!
  10. Ah, to heck with it! I’ll just bite the bullet and install these bastards myself. Thanks to all who took the time to peruse the listing, regardless of result I certainly appreciate it, as well as the opportunity to be part of this great community. God Bless Tennessee, “The Greenest State in the Land of the Free”….well, it’s still GREEN anyways.
  11. Thanks for saying so, my friend. Those very few lines of text that you shared with us were extremely powerful and moving. I would very much like to hear ‘the rest of the story’, if you’re willing to share it. It is stories such as yours that move me the most as I have always been amazed and impressed to hear about how others have found a way to overcome such adversity and continue to simply press on! So many people have found a way, and that should be an encouragement to us all! Please, my friend, if you’re up to sharing your story, please do….as little or as much as you’d like. I would especially like to hear more about your Step Father because it sounds like he really stepped it up for you. After my Dad passed, my Mom remarried about a year later. At first I must admit that I was not very happy about this…I suppose I wanted my Mom to mourn his passing for the rest of her life and simply be miserable! Thankfully, and very much like your own situation, the Lord saw fit to place a wonderful man into our lives and today I love him every bit as much as I love my own Dad….truth is I’ve now had my StepDad longer than I had my biological father! You really just never know how things are going to shake out, do ya?
  12. You can proceed however you wish with this wonderful acquisition, but if it were me, I’d be very tempted to borrow an old redbone hound dog, go out somewhere on your property and cut loose with both barrels…making certain that the projectiles hit the ground. You might just strike a bubblin’ crude! PS Oil, that is. PSS Texas Tea.
  13. Hey there my friend. That’s tough news brother, tough news. I’m going to add your sweet mother, and you also, to my prayers each morning and night. I’m going to pray for her comfort, for her peace, and also for her caretakers. For you, Moped, I’m going to ask the Lord to comfort you, to strengthen you, to give you assurance, and also that He might Bless you during this very difficult time. I know exactly just how difficult of a situation that you’re facing, and I just want to encourage you and, perhaps, inform you as well. My information is just this: you have a friend who’ll listen if you ever want or need to talk about it….any of it. On a supernatural level, you have God….and on a much, much lower plane of existence, there’s me!. I’m no social worker and have no special skills, but I’m willing to lend an ear if you should ever need one. I love to talk guns and that’s what brought me here, but I’ll talk about the difficult things as well…with anyone, actually. In the meantime, though, I’ll be praying. I keep an old notebook beside me because otherwise I’m afraid I’ll forget, but when I tell someone I’m gonna pray, I make sure that I do…it’s one thing I try to get right. Thanks for sharing with me.
  14. My friend, this is something else that you and I share in common. Dad chose to be buried in his work uniform! I guess it was something he and Mom had discussed, and I remember being caught off guard by it when I first saw him there, but then it was like “of course he wanted to be buried in his work clothes!” Haha….it was all any of us ever saw him wear anyways, except on Sundays. What a comfort it must be, knowing that your sweet Mother has such good neighbors, that they check in on her every day! It put a real smile on my face, friend, just knowing that you have this peace of mind. I appreciate you sharing your memories of this great man with us all here! I sure wish I could’ve known him while he was here with us for a while. I’ll certainly look him up on the flipside! You remain in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. No such thing. Even my childhood Red Ryder (what I refer to as “faux lever”) with a barrel bent 30 degrees was beautiful. Anyone heard any news regarding Smith Wesson getting into the Lever Gun market? Seems like it was about a month or maybe two back, but I participated in a very detailed questionnaire/feedback survey regarding this topic at their behest and I’m betting I wasn’t the only one here who did. Took about an hour, but then again that might’ve been more me than them! PS I lied about the whole “faux lever” deal. Sorry, just really wanted to mention that old BB gun, so I made it up on the fly.
  16. Ugh. Fiscal responsibility, foresight, and a gloriously fantastic beard…DANG YOU MR FUJI
  17. What a great question. I, too, am interested to learn how these look. I must admit that just the idea of Ruger and Marlin together makes me a bit giddy! Part of me thinks, “Oooh perhaps I should try and get one of these ‘1st Generation’ Marlins built by Ruger!”, but then the other part of me says, “Holy Hand Grenades! 1500 bucks! Aaaarrrggghhh!!!” Speaking of Levers, wonder when their prices will return to what they were pre-Rona? I’d really like that to happen. I love to hear from someone that has insight as to why they jumped like they did…I’m truly curious, as I’m totally in the dark. Kudos to you, Gunmagnet! What a great topic!
  18. Man, I thank you for sharing this. He lives on through our memories! Sounds like one helluva character - someone who knew how to have a little fun even! Priceless. Sounds like Mom has lived a full and interesting life as well! I pray that her longevity has been passed to you, my friend. Again, I thank you!
  19. I have a feeling it’s got ZERO to do with disputing the price, and more about phishing for payment details, etc. Here’s a snap of what you see when you manually enter the site address into your browser, minus what’s between the slashes. There’s even a name there. A closer look at the code indicates it was scabbed from a legit site, then prices edited to look more enticing. I hope that’s a BAN that I smell a’cooking
  20. Partner, thank you for sharing that. So powerful and so moving. Just..amazing. Thank you! I’ll be saying prayers for you, every day. God knows your name, and now I know a little of your story.
  21. August 3, 1950 - May 10, 1999. Terry Wayne Morris My Dad passed away on this date, my goodness, 23 years ago. He was only 48 years old. It was in my two arms that he left behind his broken body, and was immediately in the Presence of God. This is my belief. My eyes were full of tears, my heart was full of sorrow, but in my soul…rejoicing! Despite the fact that he was truly my first loved one to go, the significance of the moment was not lost on me. I bent down and whispered into his now deaf ear, “You lucky dawg, you!” You see, I had just watched my Dad suffer terribly over the last three months; he had Pancreatic cancer. It was a terrible ordeal for him, and Dad was never one for suffering, haha. He loathed pain, in any form! He wouldn’t go to the dentist for fear of needles. Same with doctors. I always gave him a ribbing over it, having had so many broken bones as well as multiple surgeries before the age of 20, I was quite well versed with pain, doctors, and needles. I say all this to make a point about my Daddy: he suffered terribly from this dreaded disease! Literally vomiting up his internals, several times per hour…many times so dang weak that all he could do was squeeze my hand, which immediately told me that I needed to pull him up (he was far too weak to do this on his own), and bring the bucket up to his face, holding him by the back of his head so he could vomit again. The man who had always represented strength and life to me was losing his battle. His eyes told me he was tired, so tired of this suffering, but he never complained; not even once! Y’all can’t know what, coming from him, this meant to me! Y’all, forgive me for being so graphic with the description. I promise, though, I didn’t even touch on the worst parts of it. To anyone who may have the same malady today, I want to say that there’s been an exponential improvement in the way this is treated now; never lose hope! I mentioned before that Dad never went to the doctor, and this didn’t help his case at all so far as “catching it early” goes. He knew something was the matter, but chose not to look into the issue until the morning he woke up, went to the bathroom, and noticed that his pasty white complexion was now the color of a glass of Mellow Yellow! Yep, that got him concerned…that got us all concerned! I was sitting in the room with him when his doctor came in there and delivered the terrible news; it’s terminal. Talk about getting kicked in the gut…and that’s just how I felt! I wasn’t close to my dad; never was. I was more of a “Momma’s Boy” (not a fun thing to tell the rest of Tennessee!) growing up, and had a very special affinity for my Grandfather. My Dad used to get so angry with me, saying, “you dig a ditch for your grandfather but won’t even plant a flower for your own father!”, what can I say? He had me pegged. I’m sure he’s had many a laugh from Heaven at my expense; my son is the exact same way with me. I’m saying this for the benefit of anyone reading this that might think it’s too late for them to have a relationship with their loved one….listen to me if this is you - it is never too late to begin! When I came home from taking my dad to the doctor and receiving that terrible news, I had a decision to make. I could choose to continue my life as it was, or I could face the situation and become a man. That fateful day was the day that I became a man. I went to my dad and I asked his forgiveness for the many terrible things I had put him through. I thanked him for his good example that he gave me and for always working hard to provide for his family. Then I asked if he would let me take care of him….if he would let me at least try to be there for him as he was for me. He told me that it need’nt work that way…that it wasn’t my responsibility to care for him the way he cared for me - that as his child I was his responsibility. I saw his point and appreciated what he was saying, but I wanted to be there for him to make up for the absolute lack of appreciation I showed to him in the past. It was three months from the day of that doctor visit until he passed away in his own home, in my own arms. I would not trade anything for that time I had with my Dad, although there are parts of it that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, either! Phew! Thank you, my fellow Tennesseans, for allowing me to unload some of that, and for listening. I still miss my Dad, but the pain is long in the past. I know I’ll see him again in Heaven. I’ve lost many, many loved ones since losing Dad, but no experience in my life, to this point, has even come close to the richness of that which I experienced in those 3 months with my Dad. It’s because of him that, to this very day, I have chosen to NEVER let the sun set on a grudge, to never go to bed angry, and to always, no matter what my pride tells me to do to the opposite, to always forgive when I am wronged, whether it’s asked of me or not. ‘Today, my fellow Tennesseans, I am remembering my Dad, Terry Wayne Morris, may you Rest In Peace, and I’ll see you soon. thanks y’all
  22. Today is the anniversary of the day when I lost my Dad. It’s a significant day to me, for obvious reasons, and some not so obvious. So the thought dawned on me to come here, amongst my fellow Tennesseans, whom I consider family - and that’s whether you’re black, red, yellow, white, young, old, man, woman, child, born here, born elsewhere, democrat, republican, liberal, conservative, atheist, Christian (yes, I always give God at least the respect of capitalization), or somewhere in between….the fact is this is a site for residents of our beloved State of Tennessee to gather. You truly are my brethren (and sis..tren?); my FAMILY. So, perhaps something else that we share in common, bittersweet as it may be, is the fact that we all have lost someone that we love. In the extremely rare case that you’re still young enough not to have, well, just keep on living for a while, and, unfortunately, so will you. I came here, to TGO today, for the express purpose of starting this topic, and I hope that it remains as long as we all do. I want this to be a place for us to come on significant dates in our lives, and remember those precious souls that, in the timeline of world history, yes, is only a vapor, however in our timeline, the impact left on our own person is everything. My fellow Tennesseans, will you honor me with your contributions as the years go by? Will you come to this particular place in the ethereal realm of cyberspace, and let us share in your memories? Will you allow me to grieve with you, laugh with you, share with you? To those who are uncomfortable with this, I say “God Bless You”; not everyone feels the same need to share as others may. There’s absolutely nada, zero, naught, zed, nothing at all wrong with that. No sir. To those of you who are okay with it, just know that (so long as I’m not breaking any type of rules and this thread is allowed to go forward) their memory will live on and on - so long as this record, among others, is here for us to remember them by. I was thinking that I would post something on the anniversary date of my loved one’s passing…such as today, for me. While this is the approach that I choose to take, by no means should this be the only way to proceed, in fact, I’d like to make it clear that there are no rules when it comes to how one chooses to remember their loved ones…..ok? To the Moderators: forgive me if this is already established here elsewhere, and if so, please delete what I’ve tried to do here, and please just PM me with the instructions as to where I should go. I assure you I meant no malice with this posting, but rather, the opposite.
  23. And lead. Lots and lots of lead! And brass, too…and copper. Metal! Metal is our friend. PS I’m sorry. I need sleep. PSS I love 10mm.


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