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Everything posted by byrnemm

  1. Just what the world needs; another HK marketing ploy to increase prices even further. What's that saying? "HK. Because you suck. And we hate you."
  2. my not-so-cost-effective aftermarketed mkIII. Still gets a few "wow!"s though. One of these days I'll get around to adding one of these and making it my space gun : That'll be real cost effective As you can see I added the Pac-Lite 4.5" threaded upper with rail and their compensator. The annoying mag-disconnect is gone. I've also installed a Wolff Reduced Power Trigger Spring, Wolff Firing Pin String, VQ Target Sear and the Clark MKII Hammer Bushing. A few things I have but havent installed: Wolff Extra Power Recoil Spring, Wolff Reduced Power Hammer Spring, VQ Exact Edge Extractor, and a Clark Match Steel Trigger (matte black). It's just about the most fun you're allowed to have at the range. I wish I had a small kitchen scale to weigh it. It's insanely light but with the compensator on you hardly notice any muzzle rise. I have no way to measure the trigger pull either but it is probably around 2lbs. The reduced power trigger return spring does give a slightly mushy feel to the pull, but all MkIII's have mushy triggers in my experience. Maybe it could be eliminated with a thorough clean, polish and the Clark Match trigger installed (which would also take care of the pre travel). These 22/45s are great and fun to work on, even though I occasionally find myself scratching my head when I'm putting it all back together. Graycait, if you weren't an hour and a half away I'd love to compare.
  3. Hi, m6cjk. Those two are very similar. I'm not going to look up each dimension, but I believe the Glock 19 has a shorter grip and a slimmer slide, making it slightly more concealable. The XDm also weighs a bit more. But carrying is not a numbers game. Bigger and heavier doesn't always mean its worse for you or for me. There are really two important factors here: Which do you shoot better? Which one would you rather look at every day? If you can shoot both, definitely choose that way. The good news is there is no "wrong" choice, as long as you are comfortable with either.
  4. from my understanding, QE2 is of two purposes. 1) to extend the recovery from the recession by encouraging lending, raise securities prices, and increase employment. 2) put America on the offense in a global currency war. As to purpose one... yes, it will probably do these things by bringing in a rush of liquidity. However, it will probably see marginal benefits that most people think aren't worth the risk. The situation is thus: the recovery is cooling off and QE2 might stem further losses and even prevent a double dip. But purpose 2 I find much more interesting. Right now all emerging markets want to depreciate their currency, and with the USD being the global reserve currency, we're basically getting the shaft from everyone, especially China. QE2's rush of liquidity will inevitably flow into those emerging markets. Emerging markets are in deadly danger of huge inflation and massive asset bubbles and the that capital will could them to appreciate their currencies or suffer the consequences. China is in a better position than other emerging markets to ward off the liquidity inflow, but the message is clear. Here's a good article from Reuters: China: QE2 exposes global monetary flaws | Reuters from the article:
  5. Lethality of the 22LR- Results! - Sniper's Hide Forums here's the article. They shot turkeys from really, really far away (for a .22lr!)
  6. My PM9 has been reliable. Make sure to polish the feedramp and keep it clean. The PM9 wasn't intended to take all kinds of abuse so don't put it through it. I keep it clean. Out of curiosity I stopped cleaning and shot about ~450 rounds of dirty WWB before I started seeing side effects. At that point one of my mags wouldn't lock the slide back on the last round, so even then not a critical malfunction. I very much enjoy shooting mine and am comfortable having to depend on it in a critical situation.
  7. byrnemm

    Mp 9MM FS vs G19..

  8. about the only news I put a little faith in comes from NPR. Sad times!
  9. agreed, and the point of yellow journalism is to increase ratings
  10. SUNTZU- pics definitely gave me a good laugh. But seriously, if you've been in a customer service position in any industry than I'm sure you know how cranky old people can get
  11. Can't stand her. She is an entertainer, not a reporter. Her audience is an angry mob that would be absolutely intollerant of any liberal president, even a moderate one. "We Report, You Decide?" There hasn't been a bigger sham in yellow journalism since Pulitzer versus Hearst. "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." "If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed." - Mark Twain
  12. I'd take the Marlin any day. Magazine fed .22s are definitely not my thing. Instead of spending money on mags I bought a nice pair of aperture sights and it makes a world of difference from stock. Tech-SIGHTS Precision Shooting Accessories
  13. $25+10 is common around Nashville and I wouldn't go to a place that charges more... like some in Franklin that charge $50 or $75-$100 for a new firearm. The cheapest transfer is Phil at Bellshire Guns.
  14. I think that's why the bobbing is highlighted as a maneuver.. because it is difficult. These things have so much power in such a light body, I'm sure the vid is legit.. there's hundreds more doing the same things. I'd love to get into RC helicopters some time but, dang... life is short on hours and dollars. I'll cross my fingers for this on my next birthday: Honeybee V2
  15. In my (admittedly limited) experience, selling "packages" = less $ than parting out. It's hard to think of upgrades so rare or unpopular that no one is going to want to buy them separately. Especially on the big forums or the manufacturer forums.
  16. Double Action is a skill that takes practice to develop. The trigger on the PM9 is a heck of a lot better than a snubby.
  17. byrnemm

    Short List

    -Marlin 336 30-30 -Docter Red Dot or Burris Fastfire II for my Ruger MkIII w/ Tac-Sol upper -Glock 19 -one of those cheap S&W MP15s from CDNN
  18. I never met my grandfather, but from what I heard about him, this movie is pretty much a memoir:
  19. Good stuff. Always feels good to get back on the wagon. I'm a big believer in walking. Walking does wonders. Especially if you wear a pack. P90x is a serious time commitment, so I understand how extra work can make it hard to get around to... If you get busy again and dont have the hour required you could try implementing a crossfit-like workout using body weight only. Here are some real simple ones. -10 push-ups, 10 air squats - 10 minutes as many rounds as possible. (AMRAP) You could also add 10 sit ups, too. -21-15-9 of air squats and push ups for time. -100 air squats. For time. If you run: Run 1/2 mile 50 air squats - 3 rounds. AND if you have a pull up bar you can do my favorite crossfit workout: Cindy 15 air squats 10 push ups 5 pull ups As many rounds as possible for 20 minutes. usually by round 3 im doing the pullups 1-2 at a time. It sucks but you will get your workout.
  20. I think you should go all the way and get the entire slide snakeskin camo'd.
  21. have a can to go with it?
  22. +1 for a great thread. I hope to add a few Marlins.. maybe a 39a and a 336 to my collection in the coming years.
  23. hey thanks for the range report. I'd love to see some more pictures of that Sig
  24. Thank you everyone who replied. I think I'm going to take a bunch of suggestions and combine them into something like this: Portable B&D Workmate Reloading Bench « AccurateShooter.com Bulletin Then I can mount the Lee anniversary kit and I'll have a small, portable reloading bench.


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