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Sleep profit

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Everything posted by Sleep profit

  1. Remington nylon 66 buy far the lightest 22 I know of. shoot’s great to
  2. Washington. win over Texas. 37-31. Michigan and Washington final two.
  3. Michigan big win over BAMA 27-20.in OT. The devil looses in 2024 lol
  4. Big win for the Vols over Iowa 35-0. Nico looked great optimistic for next season. Go Vols.
  5. I was shocked by only two pieces of bacon lol
  6. Georgia - Florida State. today 4:00 pm Georgia is favored by 17.5
  7. My last 3 purchases have been ammo instead of guns buy ammo now
  8. If you had a working crystal ball you and I would be talking a trip to Vegas My friend lol Any snow on the mountain yet
  9. Any predictions in bowl games I am going with the SEC lineup. Tn. Texas. BAMA Georgia. And Texas to win national championship.
  10. Norte Dame wins over Oregon State 40- 8 in Tony the Tiger bowl. Go Irish Clemson wins over Kentucky.
  11. Some Bowl Game schedule December 30 Georgia and Florida State play at 4:00 pm On January 1st Tn and Iowa pay at 1:00pm. Go Vols. At 5:00 pm BAMA and Michigan play. At 8:45 pm. Texas and Washington play. Should be some great football .
  12. Well another Christmas has come and gone. I made it through it I had to pray for patience a lot and most of the Rum has disappeared lol But I was making progress it was nearing the end I had visions of unending College football when my wife said to the entire family we would be happy to host a New Year’s Eve party. I need your prayers lol Hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas.
  13. I’m not buying my wife anything for Christmas this year she didn’t use what I got her last year. What did you buy her. A cemetery plot. Joking. Merry Christmas
  14. Ammo joy has 9 mm 124 grain Blazer for 239:00 and free shipping but you have to pay tax I picked up a case and some Shotgun shells. Investing in lead for the New Year
  15. Welcome and Happy Anniversary from Loudon
  16. I find forensics very interesting I have attended quite a few lectures by Dr Bass at UT I didn’t understand it all but I was sure glad we had people like him on our side
  17. It’s my understanding it was overturned and found unconstitutional they is a thread in 2 a legislative and political in this form titled braces with a lot a good information by members
  18. I have a LG it has been a good TV had it for 3 years no issues
  19. Most of these players are loyal to only money power and prestige and they are going to the school or pro team. who offers them the best shot at it it sad but that’s where we are at as a society except my beloved Vols. Of course. Ha Ha.
  20. I agree with you. when NFL players started kneeling during national anthem. I quit watching. I can’t support that I hope college never starts that if they do I will quit them to


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