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Sleep profit

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Everything posted by Sleep profit

  1. Sleep profit


    Same here. Then a nap
  2. Those things will blow your lungs out lol.
  3. Welcome don’t know if you’re a bluegrass music fan but if you are here’s a song you should check out Dailey and Vincent back to Hancock county I’m sure you can find on UTube good song
  4. God bless America God bless the heroes that keep us safe
  5. Sleep profit


    Making chili today with some jalapeños I like it hot on cold days But I am over winter already dreaming of Key West and Margaritaville
  6. Sleep profit


    Good fort.that would have been great when I was younger
  7. Sleep profit


    In beautiful scenic Loudon County 27 degrees 6 inches of snow and still falling. May not leave house till spring lol wish I had put a couple bags of grass seed down before snow
  8. Sleep profit


    I bet you’re dogs are enjoying a good romp through the snow
  9. Sleep profit


    Several years ago I came upon a wreck that had just happened on the interstate I informed dispatch of wreck and start EMS and tow truck a brand new passenger van had went down a embankment and flipped over after making sure occupants were ok We asked how it happened he spoke broken English and said salesman lied over and over. Found out he bought new van the salesman told him about cruise control. Salesman said just turn it on and van drives itself so he swiveled around in his captain chair talking with family and here we are. Stay safe lol
  10. Sleep profit


    Camping out by the fireplace today with a book sure glad I got firewood when it was warm We got about 2 inches here still snowing in Loudon stay safe out there
  11. Sleep profit


    It’s supposed to drop to single digits here by Wednesday I am looking forward to spring I hate the cold I have some books I haven’t got around to or turn on a utube of Key West lol
  12. I like Creed Fisher a lot I don’t think he’s mainstream either
  13. CZ shadow 2. In orange. Any 3-5 thousand dollar 1911 will be awesome can’t really make a wrong decision
  14. Very nice and I bet it is a kick to shoot.
  15. When I was working as a LEO. We used a variety of ammunition Winchester Ranger. Hornaday. Speer the department would change ammo out completely within a two year period. Whatever company that gave the best price and pitch I have always been a fan of Cor-Bon and Hornaday
  16. I’m surprised by this I would think our military should have the best most effective ammunition to defend the country what is DRT What calibers do they consider military grade. Thanks for information interesting article
  17. Great news for the. Vol nation . Bye Go Vols
  18. I saw on TV Oscar Mayer is hiring for someone to drive. the winner mobile paying 35 k a year plus benefits i am keeping this in mind for my backup plan lol. Does sound fun A chick magnet for sure lol. Or another idea as I go older and more incompetent maybe a run for House or Senate.
  19. National Champs. Michigan Wolverines 34-13. Now onto next season. Go Vols
  20. To whom ever bought this gun if you don’t enjoy it as much as you thought please contact me I am sorry I missed it
  21. This could cause heartaches. And relocation to Mexico


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