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Sleep profit

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Everything posted by Sleep profit

  1. I thought we got the wings from buffalo who knew lol
  2. I remember we had a home football game on Friday night the bleacher were normally fully when I looked up in stands haft the people had left. I asked someone he said the finally was tonight I had no clue lol
  3. I assure you there are knowledgeable experts on every subject on here just ask them lol
  4. Your parents were right. Buy American from Americans Support your local community
  5. RIP. I liked his music how could you not love a line Whisky for my men Beer for may horses and the Solo cup song
  6. I do care about where products are made and I would pay up to 25% more for quality products But they have to be better not junk But America doesn’t produce a lot of products like we use to. China has a hold on the US market for about every item and most people seem fine with it When I need something And have a choice I buy American from Americans. When I have the option support your own buy local if Americans would demand this we could return to a self sufficient country
  7. RIP Great actor will never forget Apollo Creed
  8. January 2025 can’t get here soon enough. Vote
  9. Great Sig do you know where I can find a set of grip’s like this one I have looked everywhere I know Houge makes the grip but they’re out of production. Great shooting gun GLWS
  10. I wish PO Folks. Restaurant. would return. Had great Blackberry Cobbler. I miss it
  11. Welcome. In this area ORSA. In Oakridge is the best. Or find a land owner in the County in this area it’s can be tough to find a good place outside Wish they were more maybe others know of more
  12. Greg have a couple of these I still use every year handy
  13. Captain Kangaroo. And White store. green stamps
  14. God forbid a Socialist Government in America ever fully occurs. Pray. Vote and prepare.
  15. 66 B 88 B and one Billion how. does a nation that’s 36 Trillion in debt and is having to borrow money afford this They can’t. We should not even remotely consider this. Money would be better used for helping Americans. Roads. Hospitals. Housing for Americans Veterans Military and Law Enforcement. EMS.
  16. Sleep profit


    Snow is just now starting to melt down Now I heard on news 3-4 inches of rain plus melt off from snow What’s next Frogs. Locust. This is no way to run a new year lol well at least the ponds will be good to go for Spring when cattle arrive
  17. Sleep profit


    I bought something like you are taking about with little screw heads insert in them they definitely helped
  18. Sleep profit


    I am ready for spring I got driveway cleared but walkways solid ice roadways near me is treacherous until you get to main roads. 40 degrees will feel good 13 degrees now
  19. Sleep profit


    Claim you have hearing loss Then just do what needs doing.
  20. The writer is correct hesitating can get you killed but most people aren’t mentally prepared to take another’s life I have seen plain clothes detective whom shot on range miss all 5 rounds with a snub 38.when it came time with a prep I have seen Officers whom talked very Macho. Thought they were Dirty Harry. Cry. And throw up. When a shooting happened others acted like it was just another day but couldn’t sleep and we’re out of the profession in a couple of years One needs to be mentally prepared if they carry a gun. But I don’t think you can judge how someone will respond. Train and pray it never happens. My 2 cents But I fully support any training or Books Jeff Copper wrote great books


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