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Sleep profit

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Everything posted by Sleep profit

  1. On a serious note my prediction for Hunter. Is probation and a small fine No jail time
  2. Two officers responded to a domestic dispute and were fired on both struck in leg Non life threatening Thank goodness Prayers for officers and their families. This is happening way to often in our small communities Suspect is in custody.
  3. I would like to see him locked up with the January 6 protesters it won’t happen but that’s what I would like. I’m a dreamer lol
  4. Have tarps large enough to cover a hay wagon 65.00 a piece pick up Lenior city Also wire tomato cages. 6 foot tall. 10.00 each
  5. What is considered personal quantities is their a number or is it purposely vague
  6. What I was assured these people just come for a better life and are happy picking fruit and vegetables I guess taking your stuff leads to a better lifestyle for them however Deportation or Prison
  7. This is shaping up to be a very interesting meet lol
  8. Like it excellent choice pair it with a cowboy Stetson. With feathers of course lol
  9. I’m in see you guys at Texas Roadhouse on Saturday High Noon Sounds like fun Now. what gun to bring
  10. While you’re there Greens Military outlet is with in a mile Clothes Boots Knives Tee shirts. Good place though it might be of interest to you
  11. If you were close to east Tn I would take it Have one like it with fiber optic sights. Love it. So accurate free bump
  12. Ruger mark 4 is a lot of fun
  13. Are you sure you want to identify some of these guys Think about it. LOL
  14. Welcome from Loudon you had me at Hank lol you’re do well here in East Tennessee
  15. I don’t remember fizzies but I remember pop rocks put a packet of them and some Coke a Cola in your mouth it would change your life and sinuses forever lol
  16. I know a lot of guys using spinning rods And using circadas and June bugs as bait and doing quite well you can pick up the bait in my yard as I am blessed with both lol
  17. I would like to know more about gunny’s do you buy a membership How much. Do you like it any thing I need to be aware of
  18. Sig makes great guns But some guns run better on certain ammo the trick is finding which one runs 100% reliable in your gun


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