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Sleep profit

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Everything posted by Sleep profit

  1. No I wasn’t I asked wife they are coated in ceramic not expensive were ok until they dulled down Going to try the acc sharp. Mentioned above. Thanks
  2. They have them I have a 226 legion in SAO do you ever get to Knoxville
  3. I have some ceramic pairing knives some straight some serrated that need sharping looked at chef choice automatic at Walmart but not sure it’s good quality or do I. need something else thanks
  4. Did anyone go I didn’t get to. Any deals or treasures found. Turnout
  5. For me I would be interested in F N FNX tactical comes with threaded barrel and 15 round capacity. Sights need a upgrade it not using red dot and double action is at. 10 pounds a little heavier than I like but single action is good But you can screw it in and go no gunsmith or tinkering needed Good drop in barrel are expensive and can be a pain to get to run reliably have friends whom do more fixing than shooting But it also what you will enjoy the most in regards to fit and feel
  6. Glock sights and triggers need replaced. I have apex and pyramid triggers in all my Glocks. I would give this a try if reviews are good
  7. Good. Video I grew. up using a Ithaca single shot carbine lever action it and a brick of 22 and some tin can’s filled a lot of weekend’s
  8. At Expo Center. January 14-15 Knoxville
  9. Sleep profit

    RIA 5.0 9MM

    My CZ shadow 2 weighs 46.5. That’s with aluminum grips with I took off and replaced with Lok grips now it weighs more but it’s a range gun. Have a sig 365 xl to carry better for the back
  10. Sleep profit

    RIA 5.0 9MM

    Has any gun. Manufacturers done a square barrel design before ?
  11. That’s great shooting with a 2 inch. at any age. My complement’s snub are hard to shoot well unless you’re well practiced
  12. Sleep profit

    RIA 5.0 9MM

    Sounds promising American made. Steel. Hammer. fired. Average looks. But a square barrel. that’s new. I would be interested if at a good price point. Seems RIA is stepping it up.
  13. Chapter 4 Likely places to find springs that have flown out of your gun.in your garage should be included in gunsmith course. LOL
  14. Like this idea. How much bleach per 4 gallons.do you use then do you boil. 10 minutes
  15. Thanks I normally don’t watch you tube. May have to start thanks again
  16. What does it cost to subscribe


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