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Sleep profit

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Everything posted by Sleep profit

  1. I will be glad to pray for Sarah will mention her at Church Sunday as well praying
  2. Just thought Knoxville speed and diesel works on them to in west knoxville
  3. The. article said they were dangerous maybe that what they meant lol
  4. Mercedes has a dealership in Knoxville that does service. Ask for Mitch Boyle in service I was just there the other day. Great snacks in waiting area
  5. That’s what I was referring to on page one of this thread I knew I had heard about it before but you had more details
  6. No it didn’t. I thought it sounded good after church one Sunday then I remembered Closed on Sunday. Getting old senior moment Note I have not done any of the other things on the list. Thank GOODNESS. LOL
  7. I agree with everything you said except Chick fli. Lay I admit I have done that lol
  8. Loved a lot of her songs like Nutbush city limits and of course Proud Mary RIP
  9. Seems like I remember another Law suit. McDonald’s had involving a Hot pickle on a hamburger burning the roof of someone’s mouth forgot how it turned out At my local McDonald’s your lucky to get even a lukewarm burger Cheese is not even melted there not taking any chances lol
  10. Seems very few people these days want to take responsibility for their deeds and actions always someone else fault
  11. Welcome to TGO
  12. Thank you both I never knew it was called a tab trigger.
  13. I have read the article but I am unclear what a Tab trigger is Does anyone know what it is
  14. I have an Sig p 320 it stays loaded in a nightstand every night. For years it has never fired by itself. A lot of people like to blame a weapon for their inability to handle a gun correctly Sig had a voluntary recall for the drop problem. And newer models don’t have that issue I happen to be at a range where a person shot himself in the leg. he of course blamed the gun and range. Range had cameras when reviewing it was clear he had attempted to holster the weapon with his finger on the trigger
  15. Thanks. I am not very mechanical inclined. I will wait for a more experienced person
  16. I agree with you about the F series I like the grip much better Love Walther and CZ
  17. Marlin model 25 M/N. 22 WMR bolt action checkered walnut 22 inch micro groove barrel new 7 round magazine has a Simmons 4x32 by 40 mm has swivels for sling. In great shape. 450.00 meet FTF near Lenior city or near me
  18. That’s a nice looking holster it’s hard to beat SIG
  19. Does anyone know a person who can install Dawson fiber optic sights on a Walther PPQ. have the sights just need installed in the West Knoxville Maryville Monroe or Loudon County area thanks
  20. She said come on over to my RV we can watch my favorite TV show My Favorite Martian What do you watch she asked
  21. Exactly what nations have done in past. And people never learn and will vote for it. SHEEP


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