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Sleep profit

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Everything posted by Sleep profit

  1. At farm today tomatoes and carrots cucumbers doing well after. all the rain we have had Had corn but Crows pulled it out of the ground twice so no corn lol
  2. Very unusual for this small city I expect he will be in custody very quickly. Sad this happened I guess it’s a sign of the times we live Seems the whole world has gone to @#$##
  3. In my little town of Lenior City Tuesday night. News report saying shots were fired inside the Walmart Law Enforcement found shell casings No one was injured they think someone shot into the air hitting the roof Subject was not in custody at this time but a 5000 dollar reward for information. So hopefully a arrest will be soon
  4. I thought it was a good show I went Saturday lots of people I was able to sell 4 guns so I was satisfied. I always get to see old acquaintances And got to see a lot of great gun and gear
  5. Thanks it’s one of those things that doesn’t get checked very often we used to can every year and I am bad not to rotate thanks again for the info
  6. I agree with John Wayne. Life is hard. It’s harder if you’re stupid. John Wayne
  7. Not yet guy at gun show was a not there this weekend. Going to call a smith Monday morning
  8. Great dad there
  9. Bill bixby The Incredible Hulk used to watch every night good memories
  10. Thanks all All of my seals intact and look good from outside and have been in a climate controlled environment but date is 2008 thinking toss out to old taste and nutrients to old Cows will enjoy they eat most everything lol
  11. I have lots of canned tomatoes and green beans some jams that has been canned at home in mason jars all have dates my question is how long should I keep them 5 years 10 years what would be a good guide line thanks
  12. Sorry this happened to you
  13. Welcome to east TN and TGO
  14. Chis is great does good work just a hour to get there and a hour to get back
  15. I will try to get them replaced by a guy whom had set up last gun show when I didn’t have the sights taking them with me Saturday and hopefully he will be there
  16. TN has no brandishing Law on the books it’s a term that means The unnecessary display of a firearm in a threatening manner to cause fear of deadly force ever situation will be different and will be the officers decision when he has gathered all the statements.The district attorney can admin charges if not correct Can include aggravated assault. Assault with a deadly weapon or reckless endangerment depending on circumstances All felony offenses you can use your weapon to defend yourself and others but not to just threaten or scare
  17. Tn has great hurting and fishing State makes it very easy to obtain licenses or permits we have a. Black powder mussel loading season a. Bow season and regular firearms season So whatever you’re interested in We also Bear hunt in eastern TN Better waterfowl hunting in west TN
  18. Then you will be in good company then
  19. Welcome to TGO and yes TN is still a free state except in the larger cities. But it will be a change from Maricopa county I used to live in Navajo county you will like TN
  20. I hope it’s the green Orion Girls like in Star Trek they were hot. If being invaded might as well make the best out of it lol
  21. Didn’t see that option but can’t fault your logic
  22. The answer is C
  23. Great looking 22s I was looking forward to hearing about ATF. and a raid maybe a u tube video lol


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