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Sleep profit

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Everything posted by Sleep profit

  1. But I can’t leave Jack she exclaimed
  2. Jill ponders on selling the glowing box. And starting her dream to be a hairstylist in Key West
  3. Did you have a favorite song. I really liked Sundown
  4. Jack knew from working at Y12 in. Oak ridge the initials meant Aerospace Engineering
  5. The woman I met husband had followed her. I knew she was trouble
  6. She walked into my life I knew it meant trouble
  7. I was thinking of Ray Stevens song Shriner Convention when I read this telling his friend not to tell people at the bar about the secret handshake and he was out when they got back home
  8. Sounds like you have inside information lol
  9. Some gangster will be all over it Needs a Glock switch tho LOL
  10. Yes Gordon Lightfoot passed away. He was all over the radio in the 70 s songs like sundown. and the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald He was 84 years old. RIP
  11. Agreed But the. Skull and bones conspiracy was too good not to include. Like the lizard people whom live under Mount LeConte
  12. The Illuminati are definitely a thing just like skull and bones.fraternity
  13. So happy Hendon Hooker got drafted by the Detroit Lions in 2 round. Great to see Vol players doing well I think he will do great things for their program
  14. Taxes are up and the stock market down going to get mugged if go downtown. But a country boy can survive. Thanks. Hank lol
  15. Q anon was born online in 2017 it’s a lot of conspiracy theorists mostly online no one knew anything about them to January 6 th when they showed up at at capital movement has to do with a child sex trafficking. ring. by Hollywood elites very anti Jewish they hate George Soros and elites for the most part To far out there for most.
  16. I’m in a very rural and conservative part of Tn Q is not mentioned. Most people could not tell you anything about it. And not associated with it. Other groups much more prevalent not a major topic
  17. Take it to Chris Veiatoe 865-237-2547 I have used him and so have many of my friends. does very good work He’s a full time gun smith. he is in Knoxville
  18. Can’t help with non toxic but I go to local Co. op. And buy glyphosate and mix in a two gallon sprayer. I mix it heavy it kills all types of weeds spray. a. couple of times a year But it is very difficult toxic. But works I have used non toxic substances but they didn’t work. or didn’t last long. Also I found at co.op Demon Max it is the only thing I use for pest control great for carpentry bees wasps.
  19. The local news reported a record 147 pound paddle fish was caught on Cherokee Lake a state record Cherokee is a huge lake covering 4 counties and 57 miles news stated
  20. Now From a cat that’s funny
  21. All great options I am eating breakfast at Lamppost tomorrow then over to Volunteer. Firearm’s. Got a new to me Walther PPQ at the Athens gun show last weekend. Can’t wait to get to range


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