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Sleep profit

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Everything posted by Sleep profit

  1. Why does pulling the mag tab down to load make it have problems.? And are saying oil affects it thanks for info
  2. I had a friend whom ordered one from Kentucky Gun Company. brand new he was excited to go shot it and he noticed his target didn’t look right when we looked at it closer. gun was Key holing every round he sent it back to them to their credit they sent him a new gun and a free cleaning kit So things can happen
  3. Love my TX series I am pleased you have got so my rounds thru it with so little problems I look forward to shooting more rounds with mine As far as ammo mine likes Blazer or CCI I use federal or Remington I start having more issues. I would like to try the extended mags also Any problem with your steel guide rod digging into your aluminum frame I saw a video of guide rod putting a hole in the slide he didn’t say how many rounds were fired to achieve that I have not had any problems so far
  4. RIP Loved the Eagle’s. Growing up they were very popular. Lot of great songs. Like Hotel California and. Desperato
  5. Erwin is a quiet small town good fishing and White water rafting is fun I would do Boone NC or Blowing rock NC. If I were that close much better food options
  6. If you went over Bald river your skills are amazing wish I could do it
  7. Topless well I’m disappointed lol but I willing to ride in the blazer topless to
  8. Wife and I go to tellico a lot take a picnic lunch and watch kayaking. If looks awesome
  9. I spray for ant’s bugs and spiders 4 times a year with a product at. CO OP called Demon Max it’s is very toxic I only spray outside and we have no pets But it does a great job even got rid of carpenter bees.
  10. Great Shotgun I have one in 16 and 20 gauge shot a lot of crows with it
  11. I agree Rock gives very good advice here. But he needs to learn how to block a punch on stage lol
  12. Agree with you But I hate to see any criminal get a dime he put himself in that situation
  13. There’s a really nice Smith 44 mag performance center in classifieds on here for sale NOT mine but I think it and a chest rig would be great
  14. This must be a rough week for a lot of us. I just finished washing and waxing 2 vehicles really hot and humid not fun but glad it’s over Sorry for your fall take advantage of that Lazy Boy and the AC a that’s my plan for the rest of the day
  15. I really enjoyed the Chosen watched all 3 seasons.
  16. Walther PPQ are great guns wish you were closer to East Tn I would like to have the 5 inch slide
  17. California. Washington, Baltimore. police chiefs you know how this conference will go. Very one sided. And not representative of the country Another gun grab planning meeting
  18. Our church rented a movie theater out So we took a large group I thought the movie was very good and the left hate it so that’s a plus I hope it helps people awareness of human trafficking
  19. Women come and go But guns stay Guns are man’s best friend
  20. This guy should be the poster child for condoms lol


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