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Sleep profit

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Everything posted by Sleep profit

  1. It was no surprise Georgia is number 1 in the nation for a reason Georgia and BAMA will fight it out in the SEC Championship Game it’s a done deal that will be the the best game of the season
  2. Vols and Georgia Saturday at 3:30 on CBS I think our best chance against Georgia is to pray their bus breaks down on way to game lol. Thinking Georgia 53. Vols 10 what’s your prediction
  3. Bet he gets told he’s special and gets a perception trophy lol
  4. Is this the same elite squad that couldn’t find DNA on a bag of Coke found in the White House
  5. That’s a bad day on the range. Glad you’re okay. Interested in Norma response
  6. Smith or Anderson but I would wait to Black Friday to see what’s for sale
  7. Well Missouri came prepared to play We didn’t. We deserved to get beat Missouri wanted a win more. Milton was terrible Georgia will be a blood bath. Disgusted tonight
  8. Vols and Missouri play at 3:30 I anticipate a hard fought game could go either way. Go Vols.
  9. Sorry can’t help with weight loss. However I am an expert in how to gain five pounds just by smelling cookies it seems lol
  10. It will go longer than some of the vehicles they are making nowadays. Better mileage to
  11. I hope she is gorgeous for her and Bobs sake
  12. Missouri will be a tough game. Georgia will be a loss I love the Vols but I am a realist lol
  13. I have Tyler on my model 19 made it more accurate for me big fan of them
  14. Glad you had such a great experience really good to hear gun looks great also love what looks to be Tyler T Grips. Good shooting to on target.
  15. Homecoming on the Hill Vols and UConn today at 12 pm
  16. Lighting fast I clearly need more practice.
  17. Now that’s good marketing. I am putting a new roof on in 2025. I hope someone offers a deal like this then a shingle roof now costs for my home is between 20;000 and 26;000 so they can afford a few giveaways.
  18. No trick or treaters here either Candy is now mine lol
  19. Big win for the Vols on the road Joe Milton looking good. Next Saturday U Conn. expect a big win Go Vols.
  20. When I first got a job at a sheriffs department I started in the jail I was told not to mess with the women I said ok I had not seen any of them at that point. When I got my first look I thought to myself no problem with that order lol


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