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Everything posted by BBdown

  1. BBdown

    Whale Wars

    Minke whale populations are suggested to be around 760,000 by both whaling and nonwhaling countries. Hardly endangered. NOAA and the MMPA only pertains to U.S. waters and it's citizens. Taken from the link you provided: The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) [pdf] was enacted on October 21, 1972. All marine mammals are protected under the MMPA. The MMPA prohibits, with certain exceptions, the "take" of marine mammals in U.S. waters and by U.S. citizens on the high seas, and the importation of marine mammals and marine mammal products into the U.S. IWC like someone has already stated is basically a volunteer organization several other countries opted out and have set reasonalbe quotas for themselves. Whales are also harvested by several native tribes around the globe for their meat.
  2. BBdown

    Whale Wars

    I hope all of these Sea Shepherd idiots get what they deserve and sink to the bottom of the ocean. Who made them the mall cops of the oceans? Trying to disable/sink vessels in the middle of the ocean with PEOPLE on board. Seriously. I hope the Japanese blow them out of the water. These idiots have zero authority to do anything. How would you Sea Shepherd lovers like it when a group of concerned citizens pepper your windsheild with paintballs then lay spike strips in front of you because you were breaking the law doing 76 mph in a 70. "Oh well, um all the cops were busy and unalbe to enforce the speed limit so we thought we would help out with enforcement." Seriously???? You would cheer for them???? Vigilante law and order. Sounds great. And realize also that most of the people that donate funds to support these idiots are anti 2A and anti hunting. Congratulations and thanks for supporting the very people that oppose what most of us so strongly believe in.
  3. Fanny pack or buy a North American Arms .22 revolver and tuck it in your bra or velcro it around one of those tiny running belts that hold gu packets. Hey, a .22 is better than throwing rocks. When I run I wear a fanny pack with a Kahr pm9. But I've been thinking about getting one of those naa 22s.
  4. Hey Spur!! Good to see ya on here!!
  5. Let's keep our fingers crossed. Hopefully they only looked at other ranges around town and not how the other gun dealers operate their business. His "marketing" guy should make a trip to Winchester to see how a good gun shop earns good customers.
  6. Caddyshack!!! FREEZE GOPHER!!!!!!!
  7. Hey cheez!! Thanks for the report. Let me know next time you go shoot, would like to meet up with you.
  8. I've never broke down and spent the money for a high dollar gun belt so I can't really comment on how great they are. I buy cheap belts when they start to sag or get a little flimsy in the trash. But this past weekend I picked up a belt at Hammer's in South Pittsburg. It's a Carhartt belt leather on the inside and nylon webbing on the outside 1.5" wide. I carry a DW CBOB in a m-tac and this belt works great. Doesn't look bad either. Best part less than $10.
  9. You won't need much guidance just lots of cash. Transferable macs start around $2,800.
  10. I have my 870 under the bed chamber empty. It lives there 24/7. I keep the chamber empty because I have 3 kids all under 10. While they all know gun safety and respect firearms we always have their friends over. Lots of em. But when no kids other than my own are here the Dan Wesson CBOB is in the nightstand.
  11. Learn something new everyday!! Thanks for this post and info.
  12. BBdown

    1911 .45

    I just bought my first 1911 a few months ago a Dan Wesson bobtail. After some research I felt that it had the most features that I was looking for in my price range. I've been very satisfied and carry it often.
  13. Great gun especially for the money. Picked one up a couple weeks ago and have 150rnds down range and it is one smooth operator. Nice clean trigger and very accurate. I've been a Glock fan for a long time but am starting to come around. Much easier for me to cc also.
  14. I live in Ooltewah about 10 minutes from Carters and will not shop there ever again. That guys attitude is piss poor at best. I went in with the intention of buying 2 glock mags. I guess it was a huge undertaking for him to be bothered getting up off his a$$ for a measly $60 sale. Then his remark "Is that all you want?". As a new resident to the area and potential new customer I was disguested and walked out. For some reason the gun shops around here feel that we as customers owe them something or we're all idiots. On a brighter note after reading on here about other gun shops (Hero-Gear) I decided to go for a little drive to Winchester (Hero-Gear). I walked in everybody in the store (Hero-Gear) said hello. They were super helpful but not in a pushy way. I walked outta there with my first 1911 a Dan Wesson CBOB and several other goodies. Went back for their pre inventory sale and left with 2 SBR uppers. I will GLADLY drive an hour to spend my money where it is appreciated and where customers are dealt with respect. Oh, the name of the shop is Hero-Gear. Not a bad drive from Chattanooga.
  15. Was hoping someone here knows so I don't have to call NFA branch and eat up more of their valuable time. I recently moved to TN from Ga were my form 4's were originally signed off. I have the form 5320.20 for permanant change of address to my house here in TN. My question is do I have to fill out another 5320.20 to take them back into GA say to go to a range or friends farm. Thanks in Advance Shawn
  16. Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I have shot at PC a long time ago but have heard that sometimes it can be quite crowded and sometimes some of the crowd is.....careless. Have any of you guys had that expirence? If I remember correctly I don't think they are fullauto friendly.
  17. Shawn here. Found TGO several weeks ago and decided to join in. Actually live in Ooltewah. Moved here last summer from just across the state line in the booming metropolis of Ringgold, GA. I have mostly shot at the old rock pit in Lafayette (Shinebone Ridge Rd) but will be putting in an app. for CRC. As far as guns I've got a little of everything as I enjoy shooting and hunting. Looking foward to meeting and shooting with some other members. HCP holder.


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