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Everything posted by BBdown

  1. My favorite .22. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk https://vimeo.com/176821287
  2. I went with the strike eagle. I didn't care for the PA reticle, a little too busy for my likes. You can not beat vortex's warranty. Without stepping way up in price those two are pretty much it. I have been happy with the strike eagle. I use it on a SBR 300blk and it's more than adequate for punching paper. I've also hunted with it and it's done the job well on two deer and a coyote. I made a card with the reticle yardage for super and subs. The glass is decent in low light but mine has some very slight distortion around the periphery @6X. Good luck.
  3. I was hoping someone could give me some advice on what to do with these. I don't know how old they are. They belonged to my Dad who died 24 years ago. I realize that what's bottled is bottled and it's not getting any better or worse. Anyone know anything about them? Are these worth anything? Or should I just open and enjoy? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Thank you for taking the time to write this up.  Nicely done.
  5.   Nope.  Print out the electronic copy.  I kept waiting to see it in the mail too.  LOL
  6. While the Specwar is not the smallest and lightest from everything I've read it is the quietest.  I've been researching for a while now and just bought one a couple hours ago.  I have a Saker 7.62 that I really like as well.   I would go with a more lightweight can if not using on full auto.  Check out silencer shop they have lots of videos.  Some even compare different cans.
  7. Federal heavyweight 2 3/4 #7
  8. M16 lower would be what I would get. Lots of options on uppers. Yes 9mm will run I'd recommend ramping the carrier for sure. Kns pins are a good idea too. I only have 2 F/A and I would not sell my M16 for anything. I have a CMMG .22 upper and that with a BDM 50 round drum is guaranteed to put a smile on anyone's face. Like 1gewehr says how many lowers have you seen destroyed beyond repair from normal use. I can promise you'll be craving a belt fed before long. When I can afford it that will be my next purchase.
  9. Welcome.  I'm another S. FL transplant.  Been here 18 years ain't never moving back.  I hardly even visit anymore. LOL
  10. I agree 100%.  But some of us don't have time to waste on the interwebs or sitting on the couch watching TV.  
  11. Youtube is your friend.  I watched a couple of vids and easily installed everything myself.
  12. Cost of components is one thing.  Time is another.  How much is a couple hours of your time worth to you?  I just started reloading.  I got into it to get the most accuracy and consistency from my rifles.  I have pistols in several cals but right now ammo can be found fairly inexpensive and in bulk.  To me pistols cals are not worth my time.  YMMV
  13. They are 1.406 in length. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I used the case comparator when seating them and went .05 off the 2.277 measurement I got. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Here are the pics. I sat the bullet long. Pushed the bolt a little at a time until I felt resistance. I did this probably 10 times. It looked similar to this every time. Just a ring at that same spot. I NEVER saw anything that resembles rifling. The bullet will not go any deeper without it getting stuck and having to use a cleaning rod to get it out. The 2 or 3 times it did get stuck I still saw nothing that resembled rifling. Maybe the throat is narrow? Maybe rifling isn't right? Maybe I'm an ignoramous? I've spent hours watching old timers YouTube video doing this and hours doing it. I'm not doing it again. Not one more time!! LOL. :-) I've loaded some up. They fit in the mag, feed, and chamber fine. I'm starting with the recommend minimum charge. Wish me luck. I really do appreciate all the help and suggestions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Thanks for the replies and helpful info. UPDATE: I went today and got the Hornady OAL gauge and the bullet comparator. Just starting out I wanted to be absolutely sure I was doing it the best and safest I could. I measured with 6 different bullets from the same box 5x each. The average case bottom to ogive is 2.277. That puts my OAL at 2.953 on the lands. Which, by the way, is only a couple thousands off what I got last night without $70 in fancy gadgets. LOL. I'm going to seat .05 from the lands which is what Barnes recommends. This puts my coal at 2.895. They still fit in the mag and feed fine. I tried both marker and smoke last night and neither was helpful. When I first got it I did a barrel break in (don't ask me why) and did in fact clean it after every range session. Being disappointed I read on the inter webs they often shoot better with a dirty barrel. So I neglected it for a hundred or so rounds. Still not impressed. Shot it both suppressed and un-suppressed and still only the Hornady American Whitetails shoot well. 20" barrel 1/10 twist. I should have some loaded for this weekend. I'm just trying to figure out how to sneak a chronograph purchase in without the Mrs. knowing. Haha
  17. I thought about it getting stuck. But I didn't think I'd get basically the same measurement 5 or 6 times if it was getting stuck. I'll resize and reseat the bullet progressively deeper until the bolt closes to confirm. Thank you for that.
  18. I'll add that I've been fairly disappointed with this rifle so far. I've tried countless boxes of factory ammo and the ONLY ammo it shoots well is the Hornady American Whitetail 150 grain interlock.
  19. I'm very much a novice at reloading and am needing some expert advice. I have a Savage FCP-SR in .308 Win. I put a Barnes 168 TTSX into an empty case with a loose neck. I placed it in the chamber and slowly closed the bolt several times(pulling bullet back each time)then measured the OAL. It measured between 2.949 and 2.952 every time. I'm guessing this is where the ogive is contacting the lands? Barnes recommends seating the 168 at .05 off the lands. That puts my COAL at 2.900ish. That is .09 longer than what the manual says is a maximum at 2.810. The 2.900 will load into and feed from the magazine. Since it's not right on the lands I think this would be safe and not increase pressure. Let me know if I'm on the wrong path. I've read that historically savages have had shorter throats. I was kinda surprised that mine seems longer. Thanks in advance for any and all help.
  20. Sounds like the several hundred thousands of us NFA owners are a real mischievous bunch:  "A review of trace data and criminal records from 2006 to 2014 disclosed twelve incidents in which owners of NFA firearms were convicted of crimes; however, there is no evidence that these crimes were committed with NFA firearms."  Pretty sure Fast and Furious guns are responsible for more crime. Just sayin'
  21. So out of 9,500 comments 13 were in support.  F*&%ing BS!!  For the people by the people.   IV. Analysis of Comments and Department Responses for Proposed Rule ATF 41P In response to the proposed rule, ATF received over 9,500 comments.  Several commenters supported the entire proposed rule, while the majority opposed the entireproposedrule.  A. Comments Supporting the Rule 1. General Support for the Entire Rule Comments Received More than a dozen commenters stated that they supported the proposed rule in its entirety. 
  22. Merry Christmas
  23. Anyone running meprolight red dots?
  24. That's kinda the way I'm leaning.  The only thing I don't really like with the aimpoints is it's just a dot.  I wish they offered a different reticle.
  25. I have two Eotechs I'm thinking about sending back.  My question is what do I get to replace them?  I like the circle dot reticle of the eotechs and the ability to co-witness irons.  I haven't had problems with mine.  I would really like something lighter but don't know what would be a comparable replacement.  Any suggestions??


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