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  1. @DeepSouth, are you still looking for an inexpensive. 410? Maybe a day trip to Chattanooga would be in order? Good luck w/your sale @Dirtroadhound!
  2. Frog4aday


    @Defender Thank God you are in remission and moving fwd w/your life. Cancer is scary and nothing is guaranteed. I like to hear of people who are successful in their cancer fights. It proves there is always hope. As for the fatigue, that seems to be a recurrent complaint about the cancer & treatment. Which is most responsible? I don't know but it seems to reaffirm what a tough battle one is fighting and it takes strength and determination to keep going. Keep living your life @DeepSouth - I admire your stamina and determination. I hope you find your cancer in remission soon, too.
  3. Yes, that's true @gregintenn! I think that's an aftermarket touring windscreen on that DL-650, too, and those run $75 to $175, depending on who made it. More "bonuses" on the blk/ylw bike, ha!
  4. Frog4aday


    That's great you were able to eat without trouble. I'm glad you are going to the gastrointerologist (GI) doc to evaluate your swallowing issues. Ya gotta be able to eat! You sure stay busy for a guy battling cancer and I admire that. I hope your infusions continue to go well and you can be cancer-free soon.
  5. Crash bars and luggage already on it is nice! Plus I think I see reflective tape on the rims which really helps w/making you more visible in dim/dark conditions. Plus the yellow/black is my favorite paint scheme on these DL-650s. Hopefully it is mechanically sound and you have found your 'new-to-you' motorcycle.
  6. I'll second the Suzuki DL-650 recommendation (i.e., the V-Strom, often referred to as the Wee-Strom to differentiate it from its 1000cc 'sibling'). These have plenty of get up & go, get 50mpg or more, have a great passenger seat, along w/a flat spot on the back for mounting a Givi top-box. Best of all, you might actually find one in your price range. This is considered a dual-sport but it is really a "standard" style motorcycle. V-twin engine, chain drive, EFI, tubeless tires...all the good stuff you want on a modern bike. Some models even have ABS, which is a major plus as a safety feature.
  7. Ask yourself: "Self, would you be perfectly comfortable carrying a loaded (cartridge in the chamber, hammer cocked) model 1911 if it had no thumb safety and no grip safety?" If the answer is "Yes", then the no-thumb-safety Sig P320 is the modern striker fired pistol for you! I do not believe P320s are 'just going off' by themselves. I believe the trigger pull is light enough, and short enough, and that the trigger is wide enough with a squarish profile that it is getting pressed/moved enough to fire by holsters distorting in odd ways (especially ones big enough to accommodate a weapon mounted light or laser), strings or shirt tails getting into the trigger area, or any number of situations that allow pressure or drag to occur on the trigger tip, edge, or face. Sig made a Glock...but with a lighter trigger pull and no tab (drop safety) in the center of the trigger. Subtle changes but problematic changes as time and accidental discharges are showing. Glock had its share of accidental discharges, too, when it first came out. There is a learning curve w/new designs. I don't think the 320 is a learning curve issue. It's an issue w/a company pushing the striker fire design too close to being a cocked 1911 with no thumb safety ('lock') to engage or grip safety present to prevent an accidental discharge. The military versions of the P320 (M17/M18) all come with a manual thumb safety. There is a reason for that. I think Sig can save their gun by either installing a heavier trigger pull and adding a drop safety tab in the trigger face OR only selling the P320 model with a manual thumb safety. (Perhaps there is a third option? Installing a grip safety like that on the Springfield Armory XD pistols so pressure on the trigger alone will not allow the gun to fire.) But doing anything now looks like an admission of a problem and I can't see them doing that. So the uncommanded discharges will continue until they either get sued to bankruptcy or they drop the P320 model number, make the needed changes, and then announce their new and improved "plastic fantastic", the Sig P3200!
  8. Carrying a loaded Sig P320 with no thumb safety is the equivalent of carrying a loaded 1911 with the hammer cocked...and no thumb safety to engage. And that's crazy to me. You have a gun ready to fire as soon as 4.5lbs of pressure finds its way to that trigger, regardless if it was intentional or not. I don't think the gun (P320) is defective. I think the concept of selling a gun with no safety, no trigger 'doohickey, (a la Glock), and a trigger pull that light (4.5lbs) is defective. It is just too easy for that trigger to get pushed/pulled/bumped/nudged/tugged and fire the gun unintentionally. I like Sigs. I have Sigs. But a non-thumb safety 320 is a no-go for me. If all you used it for was competition/target shooting, maybe it would be okay. But as a "duty gun" in a holster? Nope. As a concealed carry gun, stashed on my person somewhere? Heck no! As a gun stashed in a drawer for home defense? Uh...maybe? Sig can say whatever they want, but it's not going to change the public's perception of the product at this point. Perception isn't reality but that doesn't matter if no one wants to buy your product because of fear it may 'accidentally' go off.
  9. Frog4aday


    Trying to put a Cheddite 209 primer (yellow box) in a Win AA case tells me they are definitely 'tighter' (bigger) than USA primers. I don't know anything about 16mm vs 18mm sizes. Importing supplies helps when there are shortages but then these peculiar oddities crop up, like non-uniform primer sizes. It can get frustrating. I found this explanation in a review of Cheddite primers (I do not know if this is true or not, but it does match w/what I experienced): "Federal primers are made in inches. Cheddite are metric. Use USA primers in USA shells & use Metric in European shells. USA primers are 0.241 Metric is .0242 - Len Steyer, OH" I'm happy to hear your brain tumor is responding well to the chemo. That is encouraging! I'm hopeful your esophageal cancer starts to shrink more so you can detect improvement in your ability to swallow. Not being able to enjoy bread and other things you like is aggravating. Interesting about your sensation of taste/smell being affected. Back to homemade .410 shells - making your own cardboard over-wads for use in metallic cases seems like a good way to save some money & kill time. Gluing two wads together sounds like it should work to provide a thicker, stiffer wad, provided the glue holds up over time. Only way to know is to try. As for the cost of shot, over $50 a bag for 25lbs is painful when I remember getting it for $18 a bag @ Gene Sears in El Reno, OK. Such is the march of time and effects of inflation. I just need to recalibrate my brain for the new 'normal'.
  10. Frog4aday


    @DeepSouth It's interesting seeing the cost break down between a plastic .410 hull vs. using a metallic cartridge case. Primers (209) being nearly double the cost of a large rifle primer surprised me. But then I saw a bag (25lbs) of lead shot going for $70 and thought it had to be a misprint. Inflation and time have made even reloading a costly enterprise. As for automobile (new battery) and medical expenses bumping 'gun stuff' to sometime farther down the road, that's depressing. Batteries are over $200 now. And medical co-pays & bills are depressingly high. Leaves no money left for the fun things that make life worth living. I hope you don't have to wait too long to get your .410 project moving again.
  11. Frog4aday


    I love when you get the experienced, done it a million times, medical professional (usually a nurse) and the shots or IV just seem simple and nearly painless. Sounds like it was 'your day' at the infusion. That's always a good. Hopefully the bloodwork and CT scan show you are getting better. Anemia isn't great but treatable, so if that's your big issue at this point, I think you are progressing alright. It sounds like your plan is to load .410 "shells" using metallic cartridge cases of one sort or another. That's interesting. Is there a reason you are avoiding a standard .410 shell casing (plastic-type)? Not picking @ you or criticizing; I'm just curious. I just checked the cost to get a .410 reloader (MEC 600 Jr Mark V) and it made my eyes pop out a bit ($338!) Wow. I swear you could have gotten get them for a hundred bucks 'used' pretty easily at one time. I'm getting old! Stuff is crazy expensive now. Besides costing way more than expected, you can't even get a new one right away. They had this notice: "NOTE: DUE TO HIGH DEMAND THIS RELOADER HAS A 3 TO 5 WEEK PROCESSING TIME." I even checked ebay & you could probably get a 12 ga press for $100 or so if you were patient, persistent and lucky. But the .410 presses were all in the $300 range. I wish you luck in your reloading endeavors @DeepSouth
  12. Frog4aday


    410s are so easy on the shoulder they are like the. 22LR of the shotgun world, and with TSS shot, there is no stopping a person from using a .410 to hunt duck, geese, or turkey! (Well, cost. TSS shells are expensive. That can put a damper on things.) But other than that, the .410 is more versatile than ever. @DeepSouth, I hope your infusion goes well & you don't feel too bad after.
  13. Frog4aday


    I hope your wound from the missing feeding tube heals fine and does so quickly. I'm glad you didn't have to go anywhere in the snow. Safer to stay home and let the sun work on it for a day or two. We got 2 inches but the sun today melted a good bit of it. Just gotta get thru these very cold temps next couple of days. I hope the chemo is working for you. Gotta beat the cancer so you can keep on enjoying your family and hobbies. Good to hear you are still eating, too.
  14. The camo pattern of your gun is a bonus since a lot of people are using the .410 as a turkey gun due to the amazing performance of TSS (tungsten super shot) shells. Hopefully someone sees the great opportunity to pick up a new-in-box gun for not much money that they can use to get a youngster started on hunting.
  15. Frog4aday


    Wow...your feeding tube fell out?! Dang, that's kind of scary but it sounds like the doctors feel you'll be okay without it. I hope so. If you can keep up your appetite and find foods you like, it should work out. I hope the infusion went well. Is this a chemo treatment? You mentioned chili and danged if that doesn't sound good! Perfect cold weather meal. That, and stew. I haven't had stew in a while. Since it's snowing outside right now, seems like tomorrow should be a chili or stew lunch day. Hang in there @DeepSouth - you are a fighter and it shows.


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