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Everything posted by OldIronFan

  1. Like new Maxpedition Prepared Citizen Deluxe CCW Backpack. Removed the tag and used it for one trip. It did not really fit me or my needs as I had hoped. Full description here. https://www.maxpedition.com/products/prepared-citizen-deluxe It is $79.99, plus shipping, plus tax on closeout at Maxpedition.com. Sold Pickup Fri thru Sunday in Nolensville. Pickup in Christiana Mon thru Thu. Trade options, 6mm projectiles, 7mm projectiles. 44 Mag or 45 LC ammo. 44 Mag or 45 LC reloading dies. 284 Winchester ammo. 284 Winchester Brass and reloading dies. Ruger M77 Tang Safety short action stock. Pistol Scopes This is their "grey man" bag with a rear CCW panel. Lots of internal storage. Well built bag. This is the Deluxe with the expandable water bottle sleeves on both sides. If you are M, L, or maybe Xl this will work well for you. If you are very tall and/or broad chested you may find it a bit small like I did.
  2. 8 out of 10 days it is probably my Kahr P380 on my belt or in a pocket. 1 out of 10 days it is is a Performance Center Shield Plus. and the last day out of the 10 is probably a H&K VP9 varietal (Tactical or sk) I got the Shield Plus planning on it being my primary daily carry but the Kahr is just so easy to carry and conceal. The more comfortable and easy to carry the more I do, so the Kahr gets picked up more than anything else.
  3. All shops have turn over and replace or add staff over time. Nature of the world. I can think of at least 8 employees at the Murfreesboro location, including management, that were at the old location off Epps Mill for several years and are still working at the new Beasie Lane location. There are certainly new faces on the floor but I seldom deal with them since several of the long term staff know me by name and take care of me.
  4. Arken is worth consideration. I have a cheaper Athlon on an AR platform rifle. The Argos BTR 6-24×50 and it is great at sub 500 yards. Up near the end of full magnification it does lose clarity especially at the outer edges. Sort of what you get on the budget stuff. Clarity and field of view at full magnification is what sets the top tier stuff apart. I also have 3 different lines of Vortex products from a Diamond Back to a Strike Eagle. The Strike Eagle has a very slight edge over the Venom I have and both beat the Diamond Back. Actually I have a 4th that is a Crossfire (their lowest price point) but it is an LPVO and hard to compare. It is not significantly worse but certainly no better than the Diamond Back. I would say the Argos BTR slots in right between the Diamond Back and the Venom in my stock. All of them fall short of the Arken EP5 5-25X56 I have had the opportunity to shoot on a friends rifle numerous times. I have used some Leupold and Nightforce products but do not have enough personal real world time behind them to make any claims of value or quality. I have used Nightforce stuff at work a lot but that was indoors, only 100 meters and in controlled lighting so not fair to make judgements on that experience other than to say they take a beating and lots of recoil with ease.
  5. Still have this. Going to drop the price once and if it is still around in a week or so I will just hold on to it for truck camping.
  6. Bumping this back up. I have now acquired my Super 14 44 Mag barrel and the 45LC barrel Shaun had above. I was also able to pickup an original T/C Contender frame. Still looking for a few other barrels and accessories
  7. Yup, had it again (for the third time) two weeks ago. Thought I was fighting off allergy sinus related stuff for a few days then popped a mild fever. Sure enough it was Covid 19 again. Fortunately each successive case has been milder than the last. Good thing since the first one damn near killed me. If it had not been for the mild fever I would never suspected Covid. Allergy, sinus, or summer cold seemed much more likely this time around.
  8. New unused Therm-a-Rest MondoKing 3D Self-Inflating Camping Sleeping Pad, Large 77" x 25". Tags still on it. I bought this because I wanted a big thick sleeping pad for my old bones. Turns out it is to big for my needs. I mostly camp from my motorcycle and this is just to long when rolled to fit in my cases. Would be great for car camping, winter camping, hunt camp, or atv/SxS camping. This is one of the plushest, thickest, and highest R value pads on the market at over 4 inches thick. *****SOLD****** Meet in Nolensville, Lavergne, Smyrna, or Murfreesboro. https://www.thermarest.com/sleeping-pads/camp-and-comfort/mondoking-3d-sleeping-pad/14020.html?source=shoppingads&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5ea1BhC6ARIsAEOG5py9qhher4fSMlBY_vl8oZ-kgBH-kSEM35pchVmLcru_GSByNrh6tGQaAqf0EALw_wcB https://www.amazon.com/Therm-Rest-MondoKing-Self-Inflating-Mattress/dp/B07YFXYF9W/ref=asc_df_B07YG1D57Q/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=692875362841&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14248514981174139362&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013129&hvtargid=pla-2281435180938&psc=1&mcid=f141ff8c5f9d3cbf8101202652ce25b9&hvocijid=14248514981174139362-B07YG1D57Q-&hvexpln=73&gad_source=1&th=1
  9. I got these in a lot of reloading supplies (many unused) and do not need them. 280 Ackley Improved Full-Length 2 Die Set. Does not appear to be used or was used lightly. They run $80 to $90 new save $30 or $40 here and buy mine for $50 now $40. https://www.rcbs.com/dies-%26-shell-holders/.280-ackley-improved-(nosler)-reloading-essentials/.280-ackley-improved-full-length-die-set---group-d---bottleneck-rifle-cartridges/1617001.html 204 Ruger Full-Length 2 Die Set Custom Grade Item #56201. New in box. Still sealed from Hornady. Looks like they run about $49 (plus tax and shipping) so how about $30 for mine. https://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/item/00005546201/204-ruger-full-length-series-i-2-die-set-with-zip-spindle Trade options, 6mm projectiles, 7mm projectiles. 44 Mag or 45 LC ammo. 44 Mag or 45 LC reloading dies. 284 Winchester ammo. 284 Winchester Brass and reloading dies. Ruger M77 Tang Safety short action stock. Pistol Scopes Meet in Nolensville, Smyrna, Lavergne, or Murfreesboro. Will ship for a few extra dollars.
  10. Near new MagnetoSpeed Sporter Chronograph. Only been on two guns for one range trip each. As delivered and in perfect working order. I would like $200 Now $175, meet in Nolensville, Smyrna, Lavergne, or Murfreesboro. Will ship for $10 extra. These run $250+tax+shipping when new so save $70+ here. Trade options, 6mm projectiles, 7mm projectiles. 44 Mag or 45 LC ammo. 44 Mag or 45 LC reloading dies. 284 Winchester ammo. 284 Winchester Brass and reloading dies. Ruger M77 Tang Safety short action stock. Pistol Scopes https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1016429780?pid=896627 https://www.amazon.com/MagnetoSpeed-Barrel-Mounted-Ballistics-Chronograph-Ultra-Compact/dp/B00VTZXF8Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=163415577247&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.B6UeRewQt_53blgte6gH5z1LqXv1asZzy39I2_MMQ_bHp9M3mwG0YRbAK5HRMQD-6c7RUkZd_D6QUy92B-GqZV0CGNmkA-SIiO6U7mbP3bo.757s31KGcflF9DD1tnsr1YcdFlN9DegnNGwYoRajaBY&dib_tag=se&gad_source=1&hvadid=693082942963&hvdev=m&hvexpln=68&hvlocphy=9013129&hvnetw=g&hvocijid=6154398079479976445--&hvqmt=e&hvrand=6154398079479976445&hvtargid=kwd-301934794709&hydadcr=9851_13604455&keywords=magnetospeed+sporter&qid=1723509815&sr=8-1
  11. Which is about $177 more than I would be interested in. If they they can be had for $550~$625 out in the real world maybe... $700+ is getting into proven reliable tried and true name brand territory so the question will become why try the Diamond Back.
  12. A friend and coworker carried one of their micro 9mm pistols for years. Snappy but a solid shooter. It was nothing special on the fit and finish level but nothing glaringly bad. A far step ahead of an SCCY and a step behind a Shield Plus or P365. Based on his experience and mine shooting it I would give this a look. Not much of a revolver fellow but if the price was right...
  13. Recently acquired a SSK-50 receiver so I need to find some barrels and other related parts. Looking for a few specific things but I may be open to other things that might not be on my immediate radar. 22 LR Match barrel. 14" preferred but will consider other options, 45-70 Rifle length barrel 16"-21" 30-30 Barrel any length. Open to barrels with or without rings, mounts, or mounted scopes. Target or Pachmayr style rubber grip (G1 style) Target or Pachmayr style black pistol fore end for above pistol barrels. (G1compatible) Rifle stock and fore end. (G1compatible) I am not planning on buying all of this at once, well my wife is not planning on me buying this all at once anyway. I am just getting my wish list out there so I can start building back up the T/C Contender collection I had years ago (and never should have sold). Let me know what you have available. In Middle TN but will travel a little for the right parts or a good deal.
  14. I live down McFarlin off Kidd. It would not be the same neighbors as I can hazard a guess and say I am 2~4 miles from you but there is fairly frequent weekend gunfire at a property over the hill from me and I have never heard a complaint or noticed any law enforcement visits. No posts on the neighborhood Facebook groups for the nearby subdivisions that I have seen either. I did see a post pop up on that stupid Next-door App my wife signed up for once and the general replies to the post from other users were, "this is the country, not the city", "mind your own business", and "they can do what they want on their property so leave them be". Build it safe and be respectful of the time of day you shoot. If you can shoot suppressed, it is wonderful. If all else fails make friends with some of the neighbors that might also shoot and invite them to use it on occasion. Make allies incase the enemies come knocking.
  15. Forgot to update mine when they came in. Despite different submission dates the approvals came on the same day. Submitted Jul 28, 2023, approved June 24th so 333 days or 10 months and 28 days on my 30 cal can. Submitted Nov 22, 2023, approved June 24th so 216 days or 7 months and 3 days on my .338 can. Shot the .338 can last Friday, sure is sweet.
  16. I have never run into that and I have gone to South Carolina, Louisville Kentucky, and Cincinnati Ohio to buy vehicles. I rarely have a vehicle serviced at the dealer I bought it from. Always found some good deals looking 100 or more miles from home. Dealerships make money off the manufacturers warranty no mater where the vehicle was purchased. The book hours and rates don't change based on where the car was sold. Since most dealer service departments operate fairly independently from the sales side, including financially, they could care less where a car was originally sold. Dealerships make more money selling used inventory than new inventory. They also make more off the financing, supplemental warranties, and dealer add on services than they do off the sale of new inventory. Bottom line is the actual sale of a new vehicle independent of all of the above is probably the lowest income generator and thus the lowest priority of the dealer. What they really want is to sell you undercoating, extended warranties, fabric protection, and finance plans. Those are their real products, they just happen to be attached to a big chunk of metal and plastic you have to buy first. You can negotiate a good deal locally but I have found better luck shopping online, negotiating a sale via phone one I found what I wanted, and driving or flying to go finalize and pick it up. Saved thousands doing that and it is easier to back them off of all the "extra" crap when you are well outside their region with your own financing. I once had an engine replaced under warranty at 32,000 miles, just inside the factory warranty. Did not purchase it at the local dealer but I did have it serviced there. I bought it new on the other side of the state, cash deal no financing and no supplemental warranties. Local dealer had done the oil changes since I drove it home from point of purchase and they had zero issues replacing the motor when it spun a bearing. it was not really their decision anyway. They had to run it through the regional warranty manager for the manufacturer to approve the warranty claim. They got paid the same by the manufacturer for the work and the OEM sent them the engine to install. Dealer service is the important part of that equation and why I have my work done at the dealer or dealer approved service location while it is still under warranty. When they have the records of regular maintenance and it was performed inhouse it is harder for them to deny a warranty claim for poor maintenance or owner neglect. Once it is out of warranty and I am footing the bill it is either in my garage or at trusted local independent shop.
  17. I use a credit card exclusively and have for a number of years. As a result I have not paid for a hotel room, flight, or rental car in about 5 years. I have a card with travel focused points/benefits and use those to take (basically) free vacations. I even got them to foot the bill for my TSA Precheck and Global Entry ID. I say basically free because my points don't cover food, fuel, souvenirs, and tickets/entry fees. I spent 16 days on the road last spring traveling 7200 miles. Cost me about $2000 in food, fuel, gifts, and national park entry fees. The $2000 got me a few points towards the next vacation . I have never carried a balance past 30 days on that card and have paid no interest to the CC company. I do pay a small annual fee for that card but many years I manage to get that either waived or offset by some promotion/benefit. It has also had the bonus of being a shield against identity theft. I once had my ATM card hacked back when I still used one. It was a nightmare to get charges reversed with my bank. It was costly because I had a number of overdrafts or returned auto payments that occurred before the hack was discovered. I have had my CC number hacked or stolen a few times since then and every time the CC company caught it before I did. They locked the card number, contacted me about the potential theft, and reversed the charges within hours of the first fraudulent charge. I did not loose a penny on any of those occurrences because the CC company was so diligent about fraud. One of those occurrences was hours before a flight for a trip with my wife. The CC company overnighted new cards to the hotel we were staying at so we would not have an interruption or inconvenience on our vacation. 0.00% interest, or even a promo rate like 1.9~2.9%, on a new car can be a screamin' deal. As long as the 30k or 40k you would have spent on the car is sitting in the bank earning 5%~6% or more in interest. I had a hell of a time paying cash for my last new car. The dealer did not want to play ball at all on a cash deal. He was happy to offer all sorts of incentives on financing though thanks to all the backend money they get on those that pay lots of interest on a crazy 72 month loan. Property Tax Assessments are a buzz word the media can use in a headline to scare you. My property tax assessment went up some crazy percentage a little while back but the actual increase to my property tax burden went up less than $100 annually. Less than inflation honestly. Honestly one of the biggest issues I see is a complete and utter lack of saving/investing. That is not just the young folks that are struggling to get ahead, or just get on their feet, but the middle age folks rapidly approaching retirement age. I started my first IRA at age 18. I did that mostly for a tax break at the time because I was making too much money with few deductions available to me. I kept that trend going for many years and only failed to save a few very lean years where under/un employment issues occurred in the family. Even with over 3 decades of IRA, 401K, cash, and general investment savings under my belt I fear I will not have enough saved to live comfortably in retirement. I know I am in significantly better shape than probably 90% of my peers though. I have friends and coworkers that feel like they can't afford to participate in their company 401k plans because they need every penny from their paycheck to cover the house, cars, and credit card bills. Credit can be a tool. It is not in and of itself "evil". Using it as a crutch is a choice, a poor one. Now predatory lending practices are a different matter entirely. That topic could support it's own multipage thread.
  18. What makes fish bite? If you can truly answer that question you will be one of the most popular people on the planet. I agree with Alleycat though, the cicadas are driving lots of critters wild right now. The snakes are really out in force right now since several species love to gorge on them.
  19. I am not a Harley fan at all so hack and spray away! There is a reason those original parts sell for such good money though. People want to restore wrecked or previously hacked up versions of the bike back to "original" Seldom do modified bikes bring original bike money.
  20. Current trends and many serious hikers including thru hikers on the AT and PCT are going exactly the opposite direction. Over the ankle and heavy hiking boots are not favored by many hikers. Lots of really good options in low light weight shoes that look more like cross trainers than traditional hikers. They utilize similar base and sole construction to old school boots but the uppers are more tennis shoe like. Much lighter, less fatigue when putting on the miles or long trail days. I still have a pair of Keen hiking "boots" but have gone to low top hikers almost exclusively. Wore out a set of Merrells and am currently on a set of Keen Headout's.
  21. Joaquin Castro and Veronica Escobar out of Texas and Maxwell Frost out of Florida. Texas and Florida should do better. The majority of the 50 cals in the Cartels possession came from US State and Dept. of Commerce approved purchases by Mexican or Central American military and law enforcement agencies. The straw purchases trafficked across the border do happen but they only one small portion of the guns that make it into the hands of the cartels and gangs.


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