That storm kicked my butt. I will be dealing with it for a few more months too.
The first Satruday I managed to fall. I hit hard enough to render myself unconsious and scare my wife bad enough she called 911. I did not take them up on their generous offer to take me to the hospital but I spent the next few days inside.
Then the following saturday when the thaw began some ice damed gutters caused water to run down the inside of an exterior wall until hit hit something horizontal. That horizontal suface was my subfloor so it ran along my subfloor under my oak hardwood floors. I never saw a drop of water and did not know there was a problem until the hardwood started cupping and lifting. Now I get to deal with having the floor replaced, sanded, stained, and sealed while the dog, wife and I spend a week in a hotel somewhere.
So far 2021 is sucking worse than 2020