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Everything posted by OldIronFan

  1. I just hope the hipsters don't learn about lengua and do to it what they have done to pork belly. If I have to pay a premium for my tacos de lengua I am going to be one unhappy white boy.
  2. It does take some serious CFM and it takes dry, dry, dry air. If you do not have dry air you will eventually have issues with media flow. The media gets damp and tried to clump up on you. A typical 60 gallon 5 to 6hp 220v compressor should handle house hold project blasting. If you were talking commercial or doing lots of continuous blasting it would take a lot more. I do all mine at work where we have a nice industrial screw compressor and a refrigerant dryer. It saves me the floor space at home that would be taken up by a cabinet.
  3. https://mg34.com/product/home-parkerizing-kit-manganese/ It is a fairly simple process. Just make sure your metal finish is even and clean. When you blast make sure you do not have texture differences across the surface (too little or too much blasting in one concentrated area). Handle the part with nitrile gloves out of the blast cabinet and get a good wash in acetone or denatured alcohol to make sure all media and oil are off the parts. Dip in oil after you pull it and rinse it from the mag phos solution. If it is non stainless / ferrous steel you should be able to get a nice fairly deep matte black. I have done a few barrels and some old steel scope rings with good results.
  4. For gas I have had a Charm Glo stainless for close to 20 years. I bought new grates, heat shields, and burners for it 5 years ago. That essentially "rebuilt it" after the first 14 or 15 years. Still going strong. For Charcoal / Wood I have the steel version of an Egg / Komodo grill. Specifically an Akorn. I grew up on clay and ceramic Komodo style grills/smokers from Japan. I will probably splurge on a Big Green Egg or Primo when my Akorn Komodo gives up the ghost. They are just about impossible to beat. Efficient and you can run them from 180 up to about 700 with ease. From low and slow to pizza oven with the same grill.
  5. We sit at just about 900 ft of elevation so no risk of flooding at home. The yard is a sponge though, just at 5 inches Saturday and over 7 inches total last week. The previous round of storms had brought a confirmed F2 less than a mile away but thankfully is left us without damage, just relocated a few pieces of outdoor furniture around the yard.
  6. Sounds like one of the many people who think they can justify their paycheck simply with their physical presence in a building. Personally I have a low opinion of VP's in general. In my experience they are mostly good for taking credit for the work done by the directors, senior managers, managers, and engineers below them while having none of the responsibility and potential blowback of the President/CEO/Owner above them. If I am not physically operating a piece of equipment or physically inspecting a machine/part/component I can do my job from anywhere with an internet connection. I don't need a desk in a plant to look at a CAD model, drawing, or pile of data.
  7. Well we actually did have tornado warnings in effect last evening and some damage close to the house. Less than a mile away there was golf ball sized hail that would cover a good bit of the palm of your hand. two streets over there were trees down and windows blown out of houses. We had some significant straight line winds and nearly 2 inches of rain yesterday. Nothing that seemed to develop into a tornado but the straight lines were in excess of 40mph.
  8. My wife has worked from home for about 6 years now. She will not even consider a position that is not remote work. She will go into an office once a quarter or so for some sort of meeting but that is the extent of it. If she wants to head out of state and visit a friend for a week she can. She just works from their kitchen table during the day and visits with them in the afternoon/evening. Most of her coworkers are scattered around the country and all work from home as well. I worked from home, supplier conference rooms, and hotel rooms for several years when I was traveling 42+ weeks a year. The travel got old fast but I loved working remotely. I was far more efficient without coworkers to bother me and the distractions of an office/plant. The 70 - 90 hour weeks (including travel time) was awful. I got caught in a round of lay offs last February but managed to shift that into a bit of a dream job. I get to do what I have amassed more than a decade of expertise at with products I love and I do not have to travel very often at all. I took a $8k a year pay cut but could not be happier. My stress level is low, I have great coworkers, and the perks of the job are hard to ignore. Money is important but quality of life is worth more than material possessions to me.
  9. Speaking of price gouging.... $95 before shipping and hazmat fees for some CCI benchrest from Midway. Even at that cost they were only in stock for a few moments before they were all sold.
  10. There was a large flock crossing the road near the house this weekend. Probably 20+ birds. It was the largest flock I have personally seen in at least three years. We used to get 30+ birds through the soybean field behind the house after harvest in the fall. They have not planted that field the last two years and it got overgrown with tall grass/weeds so I have not seen a single bird in the field in those two years. I have come across 5 to 10 from time to time so this last weekends large flock was a surprise.
  11. I bought Berry's 9mm at Reloader's Bench a few weeks ago. They had a decent qty on the shelf but not pre 2020 quantities. They had Berry's 30 caliber rifle as well the day I bought the 9mm but I don't remember the weight.
  12. Reloader's Bench has had powder off and on. Bought both BLC-2 and H110 there recently. They had 8lb jugs in limited quantity as well as 1lb. I have purchased small and large pistol at Sportsman's Warehouse for regular retail prices. Missed out on the small rifle they had by a hour or less. They also had some magnum (small pistol) but no match/benchrest rifle. Projectiles are getting easier to find but still hit or miss.
  13. Rifle with desiccant packs sealed in VCI bags. placed into PCV pipe with glued caps. I would likely add an extra layer of some type of marine grade sealant around the cap joint as a extra precaution. I would either put multiples of the above configuration in a plastic or stainless steel sealed barrel weighted to sink. If I was doing a single rifle with some ammo I would likely place the above PVC "Vault" in a larger PVC tube and cap that, again second layer of protection. Drive an anchor rod into the pond bottom with a eye or ring that I could chain the above to.
  14. Did you watch the video clips on this? There is just about zero doubt what services were being offered at these locations. The only men not getting offered said "services" were likely uniformed officers rolling up in black and whites.
  15. I am a civilian middle aged white guy with no LEO experience and I felt the exact same way. I watched the video and kept thinking it was a prime example of how not to conduct a traffic and potential felony stop. I expected him to be far more in control of the situation especially as she got out of the vehicle. He also did not seem to truly block the vehicle in. Letting her keep going in and out of the car and just milling around beside seemed like a big red flag to me. I would have expected him to want her standing or sitting on the curb away from the vehicle doors, likely at the front of the car. The only thing I saw positive was his calm non escalating demeanor up to the point things went sideways. I did not see anything that could have been misconstrued as aggressive behavior or tone from the officer during the initial portion of the stop. It was almost as if he was going out of his way to not agitate her any further. Obviously that failed. I have been stopped for speeding and had troopers/officers approach my car with more caution, address me more firmly, follow (what I assume is) protocol, and maintain more control of the situation. Granted it has been a close to a decade since my last traffic stop but I find it hard to believe good practices for stops have changed that drastically in >10 years.
  16. Go deep my man. There are people filling coolers full of crappie in deep pockets in Jan, Feb, and March. More or less drop fishing/jigging at these temps. I just go to the coast and get offshore.
  17. Yes it would be new old stock or used. They have not been produced by Barrett in well over a year, closer to two years honestly. They are still out there in distributor warehouses and some retailers.
  18. Yeah but try finding one these days that is not jacked up to the moon in price. I have been looking for a plain jane 18" ~ 22" for some time but refuse to pay $600+ for one. Missed out on one @$250 a few months ago and am still kicking myself. I have a bunch of parts to set one up just collecting dust. There were some various 870 clones out there. Quality ranged from questionable to near equal to a factory Remington.
  19. There was one in the rack at Sportsman's Warehouse in the Boro a week or so ago. I did not recall the caliber but I want to say either 6.5 or 308. Do not get one in 7mm-08. function and feeding were fine but accuracy was not on par with the 6.5, 308, and 270. You should pay under $2000 for one like new to lightly used. Over that and I personally feel like you are getting gouged a bit, but it is 2021 I guess.
  20. To be fair if they are covered in grease they just end up as "Garage Jeans" or "Mowing Jeans". I just stop wearing them out to dinner with my wife. She gets upset if I look like I have been under a car all day.
  21. They have a couple different styles. I do have one pair that has a bit of stretch, softer feel, and is a bit thinner than what I normally buy. The ones I typically buy are as thick if not thicker than the Levi offerings I had been wearing before. I have only had the thinner pair 6 months or so and they are holding up just fine but I could not give a long term assessment at this point. The thicker ones are a 5+ year jean for me if I don't get them covered in grease.
  22. I switched to LL Bean jeans a number of years ago and have yet to find anything better. They have about 3 or 4 styles and each style is available in at least two or three different cuts (slim, natural, relaxed). They tend to run around $60 but I never pay more than $50 as they frequently run 10% and 20% off sales. I was going through Levi jeans so fast it was not economical. They were not made nearly as well as the LL Bean stuff. I have some I wear now that are at least 6 or 7 years old. They hold up much better than pretty much everything I have tried before.
  23. ^^^^This^^^^ Hoarders, panic buyers, opportunists resellers make a run on ammo. Ammo manufacturers can't fill orders fast enough. The primers they can make at max capacity are going directly to their highest volume, highest margin products. The small overages or primer order fulfilment they can get out the door are snapped up instantly by more hoarders, panic buyers, and opportunist resellers. Those of us that only bought one box (1000 pcs) at a time for the type we needed are left in the lurch. Primers, Powder, Cases, and Projectiles are still being made by manufacturers. It is just going to ammo production first. Some of that is going to DPAS rated contract sales (military contracted orders take rated priority over commercial orders). Some of that is going to existing big commercial contract holders. What is left is trickling out to the common folk and small retailers.


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