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Everything posted by krunchnik

  1. A person always appreciates fine looking 1911's,a couple of nice ones there.
  2. What type of grips are you looking for,I may have a set of Wicked Grips that I would sell.If interested give me a PM,I could send you a picture.I also have purchaeed some nice Dymonwood grips from Raasco,they are very reasonable and shipping times are about a week.It all depends on the kind of grips your interested in,there are a big bunch of manufacturers.From rubber,metal,wood,ebony,you name it they make them.I also have G10 grips on my EMP that are pretty aggressive in the palm,stick real nice they do. G10 Dymondwood Raasco Kimber Laminate Cocobolo Cross Canon by Springfield More Dymondwood on a Taurus PT1911 And last but not least Pachmeyer Signatures in an officers size grip
  3. krunchnik

    New 1911

    Rule #1.If new ownership is taken of a 1911 a picture must be included:DCongrats on the new Colt.
  4. Quite correct the EMP is only available in .40S&W or 9mm.This is the .40S&W And one to consider would be a RIA CS-Tactical in officers size 3.5 inch barrel,pretty reasonable for around $500.00 and in .45ACP
  5. Yeh,not only is the knife useless but so is the EMP,whats the bid idea of trying to stick a 5 inch 1911 into 3 inches.:D:D
  6. Just received my next carry knife-CRKT MINI MY TIGHE-what a nicely made and smallish knife,super sharp and what they call Outburst assisted opener,very fast.I think I will stay with my EDC setup.I think I found the right combination.
  7. Oh Man,just when news was starting to make sense.My delusions are shattered.
  8. Yeh,I am gonna have to do something also,they never told me that my belt would get smaller when I quit smoking,guess I will have to try and warranty it.
  9. The Ruger GP100 stainless is on my long list(as long as I want one its on my list).I had a blued GP100 and it was a great pistol.Very sturdy and a great shooter.
  10. I have been finding .40S&W in the Wal Mart on Hwy 64,the Federal Champion for a decent price also.The last time I was there they had plenty of 9mm and .40S&W but no .45ACP.
  11. Picked up a Ruger 221lr today and the system was working fine.Background came back in under 5 minutes.
  13. This With all that other stuff.
  14. My Columbia River ,great knife but hard to resharpen,almost like the carbon steel is too hard.Once its sharp it stays that way though.
  15. krunchnik

    New .45

    I chose Springfield Loaded simply because I have one and I think that the options a person gets from a factory pistol is pretty decent.not to mention I am a little biased.Mine is reliable,accurate and fun to shoot,not to mention all stainless steel.
  16. Crossbreed also makes a good quality hybrid holster also,very comfortable in my opinion.
  17. I have Crossbreeds in both type leathers.I like the cowhide more because it seems to be a little more flexible which makes it more comfortable.I have no doubt though that the horsehide will hold up better in the humid climate.The horsehide has been a bugger to break in,its a lot stiffer.
  18. Your Sig P238 is a mini 1911,a 1911ette if you will.
  19. I carry a Springfield EMP 40 daily and to tell the truth I wouldnt at this point carry anything but the Springer.So far it has outperformed a lot of other pistols I have owned.It has been 100% reliable and is also accurate enough in my hands for a defense pistol.As far as the cocked and locked train of thought-all of your double action pistols are also cocked,its just that you cant see the hammer.Safety is not any less on a 1911 than a Glock or a Taurus or any other pistol thats carried with 1 in the chamber.
  20. I believe there is a point to this,I wonder what the real statistics are in the use of alcohol and traffic deaths related to drunk driving.I would be willing to bet my Springer that there are more traffic fatalities a year caused by impaired operation of autos than there are cases of deaths by impaired gun play.
  21. I have sold a few handguns as well,I have always made sure that the person is a Tennessee resident and is 21 years old.And the cash is not funny money.
  22. Very nice Springer,but its not gonna fit in your pocket,unless you have really big jeans.
  23. Thanks for the great write up on the Tucker holster.I was looking at these a while back.They look like they are a well made product.Might have to give one a try down the road a bit.
  24. You all know that youth is wasted on the young.If I knew then what I know now,I had to walk to school 6 miles up hill both ways-in the rain,wearing army boots,Oh what were we talking about again.


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