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Everything posted by krunchnik

  1. The nuts are all running the nuthouse
  2. I have had 3 mini's starting with the 180 series,and still own a 580 series to date,this one shoots real well and 100 yards it does the job.Then recently I picked up a DPMS Sportical,I really like the AR,seems a little more accurate at the same yardage,but its addicting to shoot.But in the end I will keep them both.Just a lot more goodies a person can find for the AR.
  3. Done and Done,everyone needs to sign this regardless if you own any magazines of this type or not.They use this as just another stepping stone to more regulations.
  4. Full size 1911's in 9mm are really fun to shoot,probably one of the funnest in my opinion.
  5. I would really like to have a Redhawk in .357 to match my .41,they are sure well made revolvers.I would bet they could fit 8 rounds in that huge cylinder,I think it would be interesting for sure. Also to answer part of the question,the frame on the Redhawk is much larger than the S&W 686
  6. Isn't smoking pot against the law But some people still do it.No different than gun laws I guess
  7. I dont have any of the high end optics to compare,but I do like the view on the Bushnell.I originally sighted the rifle with a Red Head 1X44,but it didn't seem very sturdy,so I purchased the Bushnell,which seems very much so,almost overbuilt.The rifle was shooting a 2 inch group at 100 yards,so I figured that was pretty decent with a dot sight.I will have to see how the Bushnell does.
  8. Yeh,this way I can leave the irons on it and if needed take the red dot off.
  9. I think this will work a lot better
  10. Yup,thats what I am gonna do,and try her that way.I didn't really like that mounting spot,I like to see the mount right above the action,already changed it.
  11. trying to get it forward away from the iron sight,I may have to just use the dot and just mount the sights when I need them,if ever.The dot sight has nothing else attached.
  12. Thanks for all the quick replies,its a 22lr conversion by CMMG,but it is a 556 NATO upper.I do only plan on shooting distances of 100 yards and under-even with the 556.Mostly around the 50 mark would be my guess.And yes the biggest half of the mount is locked onto the receiver,I wanted my BUIS to work with the dot sight without removing and reinstalling when needed.I dont know if this is the answer but I guess I will find out or not.
  13. I have a Bushnell red dot sight mounted on my DPMS,just a question-will this mount present any problems.What I am wondering about is the rail being on part of the receiver and also partly mounted on the guard, dont know if this will affect accuracy or not,what say the experts(considering I am not)
  14. Had one of those with the barrel kit,stupidest thing I ever did was trade it.
  15. Yeh,I am kinda puzzled at the low ball price also,even another $100.00 might have swayed my decision.I was wanting to trade for a Ruger Single Six in 22lr stainless.He asked how much I would like to get for my RO,I told him even up for the Ruger would be good,he simply said that there was no way,$400.00 is the best they can do-kinda rudely I might add.
  16. Into a local gun shop to find out how much dinero it would bring on a trade for something different,I shouldn't even have wasted my time.A brand new in the case Springfield priced at nearly $900.00 was worth over double of what they offered me,yes-thats right,my gently used RO would only fetch me $400.00,not even enough of a trade for a quality 22 LR,I realize that they have overhead and have to make money ,but less than half of new,and to boot was willing to trade for a pistol that they had in stock.Oh well I guess they didn't really need my business,its probably been so busy they dont need mine.And whats truly surprising is the fact that right now Sprinfields are supposed to be hard to find.Must be because the model I have is just junk or something like that.
  17. Yup,had one exactly like that,excellent shooting pistol.Congrats on a fine pistola
  18. I used to buy a new Zippo evertime we went somewhere new on vacation.I have around 10 of them now,HMMMM-maybe time for another trip.
  19. Galco Combat Master,I have 4 of these guys and for the money I think the leather is top notch,holds the pistol close and the cant is right for me.there are no tightening provisions but the holsters are formed so they hold(retention)very well.I like to wear OWB concealed in the winter months,easier to cart the pistol around.
  20. Man,I sure wish I had me a man cave and not a man corner.Nice setup
  21. Yup,I have noticed these changes also.I also think its a conspiracy,why would anyone move the floor farther away from my hands,I must be getting taller.i know this cant be because I know my arms are still the same length-too short.
  22. Yup,I thought a little on the idea of adding a few little upgrades.
  23. Has anyone ever had a pistol that you like but not love,but hate the thought of getting rid of it.I have this with my Springer RO,I cant sell it for enough to make it worth while,and trading at a LGS is just ludicrous,they might give $400.00 which is a real loss.Its a great shooting pistol,but there are a few things I don't really cherish,parkerized finish being one.Whats a person to do?Alas whoa is me I probably will just have to keep it.Its accurate and totally reliable,will feed anything,but there is just something stopping me from really loving it.
  24. All good points,I was looking back several days and it just seems to not be a lot of SPF going on,much less Sold


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