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Everything posted by krunchnik

  1. Nice wood-looks like a collector's grade- That's way too nice to knock around in the woods-
  2. Before people should need to pass a phycological review to own a firearm I think it would be far more important to need one to run for any kind of Public Office-
  3. I agree 100%- I used to carry a Kimber Ultra II in .45 ACP daily-which I really like- But about a year ago or more I talked to a friend that carried a Sig P365- He talked me into a Sig P365X with an RDS-This is all I carry now- If my Ultra's were dot capable, I probably would still be carrying them-
  4. Nice 1911- I have a few myself from RIA to Kimbers- All run great and normally if they don't it's usually an extractor out of adjustment- When it comes to owning 1911's it pays to learn a few different minor adjustments-
  5. For the most part Eric Adams and Hag Hochul have said that the Supreme Court ruling has no bearing to them-and pretty much daring the courts to come and make them change New York laws- I can't say that their attitudes surprise me-they are only acting like the complete Progressives they are- But oh boy if you subvert their Highnesses-heads will roll-
  6. I have seen old guns also turned into art-say behind a shadowbox or hung on a wall-
  7. This is a very good thing- I can already hear the anti's tears falling on the pavement and the utter screams of terror- Why the blood will flow in the streets- It will be like the Wild Wild West- Actually, all this is already happening in Chicago-
  8. I picked this one up from a member on TGO over a year ago-was fired very minimally- Right now, they are a little over $1000 MSRP-
  9. 4 inch I think is the best all around-easiest in a holster anyways-
  10. I was at Range USA picking a AR15 lower up and had extra time to browse- They had the Springfield XDM Elite in the 4 inch barrel that looked like it needed a home- I left before the urge overtook my better sense- I have 2 other 10mm's-one in a RIS Ultra 1911and the other in a S&W 610-3 revolver- I wasn't sure how much I would like the 10mm when I bought the Smith-now I reload for the caliber-
  11. Yup-let's make it hard for the normal citizen to have these but it won't impede a criminal in the least- There just are people that do not get it-willing to let their rights go bye bye- I wonder how much of these bills are going to be unconstitutional-I think the Supreme Court already ruled on AR15 saying that banning did not pass Constitutional muster- This is what happens when idiots vote-you get idiots in office-
  12. 98°here in Lakeland and humidity is No Bueno
  13. As for their amplified background checks-I think not- I went to pick up a AR15 lower I ordered from Shoot Point Blank 0n Friday- The employee told me it could take awhile to approve the NICS check that for some reason they weren't getting their approvals back- So I was the 4th person in line- I applied at 3:30 and didn't get approved till nearly 5:30-normally takes 10 minutes for mine- So much for instant background check- All they ever do is make things worse and never better- New laws will stop nothing until Law Enforcement decides to actually enforce the laws-
  14. It surely does prove a point-it's not the gun's- It's content of evil personalities'-
  15. I also sent e-mails to both Senators-good on you-I don't think enough people actually get involved-
  16. If they really cared about children dying needlessly they would outlaw all abortions excluding due to health needs- But they really don't give a bat guano - They just want total control of you and me-simply put-
  17. When I worked at Range USA in Memphis I was their Armorer- And can say first hand that they never sold any of their rentals- We kept them until they quite literally were worn out- I can attest to what firearms at that time held up and which didn't- Most of the handguns and rifles had 1000's of rounds expended with out much down time- I can also lay to rest the idea that AR15's are not reliable- We also had a Taurus G2 that had never but once broke-extractor issue-1000's of rounds later- We had a Bersa Thunder 9 that couldn't be killed- So until a person actually works in the industry and see's first hand what works and doesn't-it's false to make claims of brands that are No Good- I would imagine that the reason most Range's don't sell their old stock would be to take responsibility for a wore out gun that could become a liability-
  18. I also had to have an automatic watch for reasons unknown to myself-I just always wanted one- I also ended up buying an Invicta Pro Diver Automatic that's been very time worthy- At first it was running about 2 minutes a week slow-now it's been accurate for quite awhile- At less than $100.00 a person can wear it as a daily-
  19. Being the President and going against the Constitution that you have sworn to uphold sounds a lot like treason to me- How about all the unconstitutional stuff they pull with Executive orders and say let it stand until the courts strike it down-also sounds like treason- Either way it is the very President wanting to change our Country by allowing unconstitutional acts stand instead of the real laws- By allowing Communism to take root sounds like treason to me- Don't try to defend this idiot it doesn't look good to me-
  20. These words of deceit come straight out of the mouth of our President who has spoken an oath to our Constitution! Sounds like treason to me- Him and his cronies are now openly trying to destroy the 2ND Amendment-
  21. I agree-if it's extracting and feeding like it's supposed to leave it be- Just be fine with the idea your AR doesn't know how to tell time-
  22. If it helps, I have an Athlon Neos 6x18 on a .22 mag and it has been a very good scope for the money- Same reason for purchase was the features to money- As far as clearness and useability I would rate it as good as the Vortex scopes I own-maybe even a bit better than them-


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