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Everything posted by krunchnik

  1. A couple of other grip makers call that the big scoop- Original hey-
  2. Looks a lot like the Dan Wesson Model 15 lockwork- Nice-
  3. I have watched Dans podcast for several years-and have decided on one thing- He is definitely not full of crap like so many- He calls it like it is and doesn't put any lipstick on the pig- I think that there are a lot of Politicians that should be very nervous about now-
  4. Here-hold my beer-it's not a quest-
  5. Maybe he should worry more about real criminals instead of regular people- These putzes's are continually finding things to blame us with while completely ignoring the real criminals out there- These idiots really get under my skin-they must just sit home and think of stupid things to make illegal- If my car is locked it is now a secure container-unless it's broken into which now makes it a crime-against the person doing the breaking-not the vehicle owner-
  6. Generally speaking, we do not operate on a bid or offer system on TGO-list a price-
  7. I have a 610 and a model 686-6 + with locks- I have had zero problems with either revolver and think I probably never will- I haven't actually talked to anyone that's had a problem so I kind of wonder if the whole lock thing is because of some butt hurt over the S&W caving into the feds a couple of decades ago-
  8. I really don't know why this is still here- If you were near the Memphis area I would take it- This is an absolute great price-
  9. I had a chance to shoot the older Prodigy I believe with the 4.25 inch barrel- I liked it- I also would like to shoot one of these-
  10. Pictures help a great deal-
  11. Do you mean Lyman?
  12. Then there was a commenter at the bottom of the article- Primarily blaming all the carry laws and us nut cases that are allowed to bear arms- We just always want to whip out our gun and shoot at someone- How about putting the blame exactly where it belongs-squarely on the shoulders of the shooter and leave the rest of us out of it-
  13. Man the mailman is gonna be mad-
  14. Not my Wife- Says she doesn't want to stay home with me all day- She went to work and made it fairly quick- She said there was hardly anyone on the roads and the snow is actually melting off-
  15. Your watching it thru a widow-clairvoyance??
  16. We have 2 Bass Pro's in Memphis of which I usually frequent the one closest- Last time I was trying to purchase an ambi safety for an AR15-under lock and key behind glass- Time consumed trying to wrangle an employee with a key and then was told that item has to go behind gun counter until ready to check out- So now I am at gun counter waiting while a couple of chuckle heads try to figure out how the bolt in a Savage 110 goes back in that customer removed to inspect-more time consumed- Now am told to go down to far cash register and the employee down there would check you out-more time consumed- I stood at said cash register for 10 minutes listening to employee hash over breakfast with whom I assume is a relative or friend-more time consumed-I got so pissed off I had to leave-without the safety- I e-mailed customer service and explained my ire to only get a we are sorry you had a bad experience- My daughter is a co-manager at Bass Pro Pyramid and I suppose I could have pulled rank and explained why I will no longer spend any money at Bass Pro-but I don't feel like I should ambush her- PS-I order or buy all my firearms lately at Range USA-easy order system-
  17. Inch and a half groups at 100 yards-CMMG barrel on a S&W upper-16.5 inch
  18. 110gr-Hornady Zombie Max-.300AAC
  19. I think they call this 308Micro- Looks like fun-
  20. Higher than Hunter Biden??
  21. I will second that-


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